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About: The Cossacks series are a bestseller of the real-time strategy game genre that sold over 4 million copies worldwide. Winners of the PC Zone - Award for Excellence, and they are an unquestionable gem in the genre.


It is an almost perfect, and quite realistic, strategy game in which you can write your own version of post-Renaissance European history. What makes Cossacks shine among other RTS games is its depth and lasting appeal. With 20 unique nations (each with its own set of perks), 200 missions, sophisticated economic and political systems, and a polished multiplayer mode, it offers countless hours of top-notch strategy gaming. There are only a few games like it and none of them match the perfect balance between realism and simplicity that made the Cossacks series so great.




Useful Links

Many great tips: http://users.telenet...sacks/tips.html

Artillery guide: http://cossacks.heav...artillery.shtml

Accademy Upgrades: http://cossacks.heav...s/academy.shtml

Differences between nations: http://users.telenet...ks/nations.html

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King BoBo

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AC is better but still





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AC is better but still

In what way does Assassins's Creed even slightly compare to Cossacks?
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In what way does Assassins's Creed even slightly compare to Cossacks?


Just in case you're not joking, he's reffering to American Conquest - developed by the same team as Cossacks, and very similar to it.

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Skull Of Plums

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This is one great game,but it is quite hard to get into,mostly because the economy is very different that the one in most of the other RTS-es. In most games,when you run out of food,you will probably "only" be unable to build any units. Here,when you run out of food,starvation strikes in and your peasants and units start to die. Walls and Towers will consume stone because of their "maintenance". Gunners need iron to shoot,cannons too,and if your shooters stop shooting even for a short time,you are fucked...

Mercenaries are very useful,but they are gonna start eating away on your gold reserves very fast if you have many of them,and when the counter reaches 0,the mercenaries will rebel and turn on you...

Research is also much diffirent that in most of the other games. The order in which you do research actually has a huge impact on the final result.

I would explain that,but I am not sure if my dear Popo would like me giving away his secrets...


Cossacks is a very rewarding game,and it deserves much moar popularity.

(I still think the game needs some fine tuning,tough,like fixing that FUCKING RETARTED cold steel system,or making Naval combat less gay)...


Here is a very useful link,where all of the faction's advantages and disadvantages are listed and described,if anyone cares:


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Very nice, Skull :D


A few small completions: not only mercs require gold upkeep, but other units as well - such as large ships. They will also revolt if you run out of gold. Wooden palisades also require upkeep (wood). You can select any unit and press 'U' and it will show you if it requires upkeep, and how much.


About annoying bugs - for me, the most annoying is when peasants become retarded after farming for a while. Instead of harvesting wheat, they just walk continuously between two points. You have to select each individual retard, and point him to a specific wheat patch. Fortunatelly only a few peasants become retarded at a time, not all of them.


Most of the required knowledge is here: http://users.telenet...sacks/tips.html. But knowing isn't enough. The hardest thing in Cossacks is multi-tasking - you have to keep an eye on resources, manage peasants, build stuff, sell and buy resources on the market (keeping in mind that prices vary depending on supply and demand), watch out for cossack raids, scout, and plan your own offensive. Also, I wish Cossacks showed somewhere the number of maximum people along with the resources, because sometimes the red house icon can take you by surprise (it means you need more housing). That's something no guide can teach, and comes with practice.


In that regard it's similar to Warband, in that it's a very skill-based game - and that's why it's so rewarding. A good player can beat even 7 not-so-good players allied together.

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Just in case you're not joking, he's reffering to American Conquest - developed by the same team as Cossacks, and very similar to it.


I actually played American Conquest some years ago, although I think I have never played more of original Cossacks than the first steps of singeplayer.

By the way, I think you mistyped the topic caption on the forum main page.



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I actually played American Conquest some years ago, although I think I have never played more of original Cossacks than the first steps of singeplayer.

By the way, I think you mistyped the topic caption on the forum main page.


Well, Cossacks is similar to AC, but I think they have a very different feel to them. AC was somewhat simplified, many of the tasks you have to manage in Cossacks are not present in AC. It (AC) was made because Cossacks didn't appeal to americans - even though the game did very well in Europe. So, they tried to re-make Cossacks  more to their taste.




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Really cool looking game. I grow up on the AoE when i was little fellow, so this kind of games is in my blood. ^_^

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Really cool looking game. I grow up on the AoE when i was little fellow, so this kind of games is in my blood. ^_^

Great! We would like to welcome a non-alcoholic caring father into our little Cossacks player group. Feel free to join us for Sunday events on Gameranger.
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King BoBo

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In what way does Assassins's Creed even slightly compare to Cossacks?

fak not assasins creed its American Conquest!



King BoBo

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Well, Cossacks is similar to AC, but I think they have a very different feel to them. AC was somewhat simplified, many of the tasks you have to manage in Cossacks are not present in AC. It (AC) was made because Cossacks didn't appeal to americans - even though the game did very well in Europe. So, they tried to re-make Cossacks  more to their taste.

AC looks a bit more realistic and have better recruiting and artillery sistem but i love that game cuz (i dont know why ) i love to see yankies getting raped in video games 

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fak not assasins creed its American Conquest!



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Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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Really cool looking game. I grow up on the AoE when i was little fellow, so this kind of games is in my blood. ^_^

Everyone is welcome on the Saturday event,even the biggest noobs.

Join us!


However,as I said,this game is far more difficult that Age of Empires. But in my personal opinion,more fun too.

preparing for Oldfag charge in 3...2...1...

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Everyone is welcome on the Saturday event



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