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Last updated in Servers

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TrollPatch 1.29 has been released with plenty of updates in equipment, maps, sounds and much more.

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  • High Admin
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Latest updates:

A number of scripts have been added to the servers:
- First Blood, get a kill first and get 500 gold plus a announcement.
- Kill Streaks, starts at 10 kills with a announcement (Arena only).
- Kill Highscore, reach a number of kills first (10, 25, 50 and 100). Some gold will be given also after taxes to the butterlord.
- Castle Capture Announcement, everyone will know who the real hero was! (Siege only).

Various serverside additions:
- Admin additions
- Fixed stats display
- Added wse2 (testing)
- Other stuff

A number of maps have been added, among them:
- Warbone (Arena)
- Sahil (Arena)
- Earnside Castle (Siege)
- Mairakka Castle (Siege)
- Slezkh Castle (Siege)
- Rachdale Fortress (Siege)
- Mordant Castle (C.Battle)
- Warsan Desert (C.Battle)
- Battle of Calradar (C.Battle)
- Arena of Champions (Duel)

Maps updated:
- Visiting the Dwarves (Arena)
- City of Scholars (Arena)
- Barossa (Arena)
- Songs of Steel (C.Battle)
- Old Shrine (C.Battle)
- Ambean Castle (Siege)
- Kelredan Castle (Siege)

Plus some other things i can't remember. Also, work on TP 1.30 has begun with some cool stuff added.

  • (300)Zawisza, Dacket and npc17 like this




  • High Admin
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Latest updates:


TrollPatch 1.30 and 1.31 has been released.


- New armors for Swadia and Rhodok

- More treasure with the chance to get unique weapons

- More equipment

- More maps (Arena, Cpt Battle)

- Updated rotation lists on Arena, Invasion, Siege, Cpt Battle

- Some fixes

- Local chat for players besides the open chat and the team chat.

- Online players is back for each server, look at server stats.


Also, all but one server is now running with WSE2 (v1.114).




  • High Admin
  • 341 posts

Latest updates:


TrollPatch 1.32 has been released.




- Added new maps and map info (Siege, Arena)

- Updated maps and rotations

- More treasure in chests

- Added some more sounds and music

- Fixed so that Monty Pythons Holy Grail song is played more often

- Some other fixes

- Admin addition options


Other changes has been a switch from Windows back to Linux again. :hey:

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