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How to play siege? - best faction?


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Or maybe im just narrow minded.



    Night's Guardian

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I don't remember a castle the khergits were able to take. They're weak, except against sarranids.

Maybe there can be a few things to adjust rather than just one or two things that can be done in neogk that can make Khergits better? The addition of the Javelin Arrows was exciting for me, but I find them not to be better than I expected. I most always play the Archer class, but Khergit Archer , I play more horrible than any other class, I'm not exactly sure why this is, but I won't play Kherghits because of this unless a map has a siege weapon I know I can work effectively; then I will play Kherghit, but will only play as infantry because the shield option to have is available. Maybe the Javelin Arrow can be provided with a more quantity and better damage than what they incur now or even changed to a Fire Javelin, meaning they can have the same effect as fire ammo and incur a bit more hit damage too? And maybe for the Archer class, at least, the cost of armor can be decreased. As far as Infantry class, maybe higher speed ratings can be adjusted for some weapons and armor cost can be reduced too? So, I guess what I'm saying is, to maybe improve two things for each class or two things for the Archer and Infantry class, and one thing for the Cavalry class...anyway  something like that. ;) :hmm:

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    Furor Anatolicus

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i dont know...... i mean, i just dont see what makes them bad at attacking. They have shields and sabres. Thats about all u need + a few horse archers here and there. Sorted. Can it really be so hard?

and maybe dismount the horsies and u have urself some attackers. EZ.

Then it is hammerzeit and you get a great hammer in yer face. Also khergit shields are small sized compared to pavise shields, you can get shot from your knee pretty easily.

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