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game crashes somethimes (solved)


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if i play on tg arena, sometimes game not responding. it is not only my problem, im and my friend crashes game the same time, but other plaeyers stay in. help me pls. its terrible condition to play mountiblade warbund. =(



    Elite Member

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Well, it works on my machine!



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How do you want us even to start troubleshooting with this amount of information?



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if i play on tg arena, sometimes game not responding. it is not only my problem, im and my friend crashes game the same time, but other plaeyers stay in. help me pls. its terrible condition to play mountiblade warbund. =(

U have installed NeoGK patch? I know when ur playing without NeoGK game will sometimes crash.

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if i play on tg arena, sometimes game not responding. it is not only my problem, im and my friend crashes game the same time, but other plaeyers stay in. help me pls. its terrible condition to play mountiblade warbund. =(


Hi, by writing "sometimes game not responding" you mean the "Mount&Blade: Warband has stopped working" error? Or some persistent lag that throws you out of the game eventually? You can generally increase the likelihood of your problem being solved by sharing more information about the error itself, your specifications, etc. By doing so, you also help those who may try to help you. If it is the "Mount&Blade: Warband has stopped working" error, then this error is quite common, and it can be caused by basically anything. If you haven't already, you should go through a process of troubleshooting, maybe you will fix the problem by yourself. You can try some of these basic steps and sub-steps (in order of your choice):


  1. There were most likely dozens of people who dealt with similar issue. Did you check opened/closed topics on Steam forum, on TaleWorlds forum or on this forum? Did you try some of the methods that were mentioned in those topics? Did some of them help?
  2. Is that solely a **TG_Arena** error? Do you experience the same type of error on other TG servers? Do you experience the same type of error on non-TG servers? Is there a difference in when the error is induced?
  3. Can you install/un-install/update the last version (1.2.2) of --> NeoGK mod? Did it help? <<< BD's edit
  4. What are your system specifications? Can you post the entire content of the rgl_log.txt file (in your Warband game folder), preferably right after you experience the error/crash, so we can see how the game utilizes your hardware?
  5. Errors of this kind are usually connected with system resources; like not enough RAM, VRAM, etc. Depending on your PC, you should try to save as much system resources as possible. Can your close your browser while playing? Do you use OBS, ReLive, ShadowPlay, Afterburner, Steam Overlay? Can you turn them off while playing? Did it help?
  6. Errors of this kind are usually connected with system resources; like how your system utilizes RAM, VRAM, etc. Can you restart your graphics options by deleting the rgl_config.txt or un-installing Warband completely? Can you lower the graphics options as much as possible (including switching from DX9 to DX7)? Did it help? Can you max-out the graphics settings? Is there a difference in when the error is induced while playing on lowest/highest settings?
  7. Did you try to turn on/off the "Load Textures on Demand" graphic option? Did it help? 
  8. Do you have rather older hardware? Try to turn on the "Force Single Threading" option. Did it help?
  9. Depending on your Windows installation, try to run Warband as an administrator. Did it help? 
  10. Restart your PC, update your Windows installation (incl. libraries and packages), update your GPU drivers, reinstall Warband (be sure you delete the rgl_config.txt), verify integrity of game files if you use Steam, etc. Did it help? 
  11. Do you have another PC? Does this error occur on that PC as well? Is there a difference between those two PCs? Do you establish your Internet connection using wired or wireless connection? Can you switch between those connections? Is there a difference? 
  12. Etc.


I hope some of it helps. Good luck with the troubleshooting.

Edited by BlackDeath, 15 April 2018 - 08:16 PM.
few words added + link to meogk mod

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U have installed NeoGK patch? I know when ur playing without NeoGK game will sometimes crash.


  1. Can you install/un-install/update the last version (1.2.2) of --> NeoGK mod? Did it help? <<< BD's edit

thx you, it is solved my problem because before I played with non-TG community NEOGK version (from taleworlds forum), sorry if I disturbed you on such a simple problem
good luck and have an a good day!



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    Night's Guardian

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thx you, it is solved my problem because before I played with non-TG community NEOGK version (from taleworlds forum), sorry if I disturbed you on such a simple problem
good luck and have an a good day!



Disturbed no one. :) That's what this community is for, to help and be helped as well. Others may benefit from this, you see? :D 

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    The Mongol

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thx you, it is solved my problem because before I played with non-TG community NEOGK version (from taleworlds forum)

For info (you and others having same trouble):

The main difference between our patch (our version of NeoGK) vs NeoGK's standard/other versions that you could find out there, is that ours is "adapted" to our servers, simply.


Have fun! :)

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