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TG Battle Event: The Hunger Games

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I will try to organise small Battle server event called "The Hunger Games".


In this event you have too fight + you need to defend your key points + you should attack enemys key points.   Max 30 vs 30. Maybe 40 vs 40.


All event maps will be looking like this examples:









In this upper map you have to fight + you need to defend your side winch  (which moves your floor down)

You can also try to use enemy winch to remove his floor and kill all at once.




In this case your winch will move the back wall forward  and will cut your space 

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    High Admin Emeritius

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Seems interesting. :D




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Nice idea! It's interested :)

. : | Posted Image | : .



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good idea. one word tho: ddos

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    TG's BannerLady

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I saw a server like this when i first got my warband key. It had plently of funny games, mostly players would be in the same team, compete together or against each other. When a type of game would be finished, every player was teleported to a room with kind of small stages where you could sit on to choose the type of game you want next.If more players would sit on a type of game, regardless other chosing something elese, in 5 sec it would teleport everyone to the next game.


Maybe we can inspire from there, i havent seen the server any longer but it had more than 9 games like:

  • Pack Man (you would be teleported in a labyrinth with apples on the floor, some players where the ghost, the packman players had no weapons, they had to eat a certain number of apples to get a weapon and to defeat the ghost like players)
  • Trap Man (there would be water on which there would some buildings going one after another foward, buildings on left side and on the right side. each side couldn't meet other until you would pass a certain distance.On a side there would be a player having switches along the distance which will activate some kind of traps from the other side. The players had to pass the traps to reach the trap man and to kill him.
  • Boat race( there would be some boats made out of buckets, kinda like the one from the baloon on a river with different directions to . Depending on your position in the bucket, you would go fast foward, slow foward, left and right. If the boat would hit the ground it would sink and player would die. First to reach the finish like wins the round.
  • Smashing wall( you would be teleported in a side of the map where you have a bumpy road, you would have to reach the finish line without the wall reaching you. If the wall reaches you , you die. the wall would begin 3 or 5 sec after you would start, and would move enough fast to reach you if you climb the bumps.
  • Tower cimbing ( Players would be teleported at the bottom of a high tower, along the way of the tower there are some stairs, some missing some steps, you would have to climb to the top of the tower without falling , players would kick others of the stairs to reach first)

In most of these games, players wouldn't have any armour or weapons, simply naked or farmer like armour.


Aw ye, i remeber there were some fighting games too


  • Red pool( there would be a pool with demaging water each side had stairs to go back, to reach the side you would have to fight enemy team on 3 planks across the pool, last one standing is the winner)

There were more games which i dont recall, i played in that server like 3 times.

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I know that server, but it was pretty buggy. The best game was "The Flying dutchmen" you are on a flying boat wich you can control and attack the other boat :D



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@Elary,   nice examples but it will be pretty hard to do without coding.  


I will stay with creating maps like this in examples  (battle + some games, important points to defend/attack  +  shieldwall designed maps).

You can try to create something on your own. Maybe someone here will be able to help you.

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    TG's BannerLady

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I will try the last example, The red pool, as i dont think it need scripts. I think it would be a fun game









  • Demaging water, if u fall in it from the half of the pool you can make it out with like 4-5 % of life left
  • 2 chest each side
  • on the sides of the pool is a way blocked by food barells and boxes, you can jump over or destroy them

Edited by Elary, 01 July 2016 - 03:26 PM.

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nice potato :) this might be what we need to bring tgb back from the dead

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Rotating fence xD


killing flor placed below to avoid long flight if u will fall.  i will add longest pike spawns.


will be hilarious with CTF flags placed somewhere in the middle



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Elary, maybe add to your map: lifts over the water like we used at "The Wall", and maybe a little tunneling system.


Though, this probably aint going to work, sadly enoegh. As when people are playing siege they wont change to the battle server, I think the only option is to change the siege server for 1 map to TDM or CTF, sry mate but this is what i think will happen.

Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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 As when people are playing siege they wont change to the battle server

Re-read the thread

I will try to organise small Battle server event

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    Ancient Member

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Re-read the thread

As you know battle server is almost always empty, I meant if you are going to advertise on MS.

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Seems interesting. Maybe do a few trials on the siege server when it's full and people seem more tired than usual of playing the same maps over and over.




    TG's BannerLady

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We should keep in mind that battle mode is not suited for many players, it gets too confusing. I think the perfect number of players in a battle mode is around 20-40, if is more than this, people won't have patience to wait for all the trolls running or hiding the finish the match, unless time is set for around 3-5 min/round. Even so there are things that have to be taken in consideration, map size, hidden spots, obstacles.

Is just an opinion but i don't think battle it's a mode fit for too many players.

  • Skull Of Plums, DaRedViper and Horatius like this





    Elite Member

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Wish you both luck in making this. Would be fun to play with tg fags once more!

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    Ancient Member

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We should keep in mind that battle mode is not suited for many players, it gets too confusing. I think the perfect number of players in a battle mode is around 20-40, if is more than this, people won't have patience to wait for all the trolls running or hiding the finish the match, unless time is set for around 3-5 min/round. Even so there are things that have to be taken in consideration, map size, hidden spots, obstacles.
Is just an opinion but i don't think battle it's a mode fit for too many players.

As the Amount of Noobs is enourmous nowadays, I think battle wont work as you probably won't get players or the players don't want to want until the round ends, as they don't like lifes too.



    The Mongol

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Seems interesting. Maybe do a few trials on the siege server when it's full and people seem more tired than usual of playing the same maps over and over.

sorry but no, answered the because here (posts #5 / #14) :)



    Elite Member

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sorry but no, answered the because here (posts #5 / #14) :)

BlackDeath: we cannot see the link (we have not permission).

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    The Mongol

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BlackDeath: we cannot see the link (we have not permission).

sorry, I forgot that is admin's group topic :D no problem, I can paste it here for you and others:


Posted 19 June 2016 - 02:46 AM

(IP: *.*.*.*)

Advanced Member

so today I remebered the old and legendary used to do some kind of battle event back on their server. What I am thinking is thta it might be fun to play battle with 150 people every now and then.
I only wonder if that is possible and what you guys think.


Posted 19 June 2016 - 11:10 AM

(IP: Private )

The Mongol

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+150 players for/in battle?...

waiting without complaining, insulting admins, annoying, running to escape or hidding to waste time to annoy or cowardly playing?...

sorry but I think it doesn't works, at least with +half of players being no serious players, like always we have :D


But, what about to play sometimes (few times, randomly and only 1-2 maps, like with normal events we have now) in siege server the CTF game mode (capture the flag) like in old saturday events?, this was fun for most of players that we had :) ,

and only needs to include some of our already CTF's maps that we had, and one high/senior admin online to run it.


Other question is: we have a empty server (battle) almost all time so, why don't use this to make this weekly/randomly/short-timed events? ofc, we need members/admins that dedicate a time work in advance/order to this.


Posted 20 June 2016 - 01:32 PM
(IP: Private )

The Mongol

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GermanyBestBeer, on 19 Jun 2016 - 11:33 PM, said:snapback.png

so we tried the battles just 10 minutes ago. It didnt work out well :D
Never again haha

Now you understand what I said :D

Siege server is for siege. A player looking for/joining to a siege server, don't want play battles, its so simple as this,

and this is why you saw yesterday how much the players complained about our battle-test.

Its true that siege yesterday had ~150 players, and this is why we decide make a test-battle with this number of players, thinking that will be funny, but not... even only 2 rounds was too much for siege-players, it doesn't matter if the map has buildings or just a plain.


Battle events must be done in battle server. End.


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