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Want make a suggestion for a map/server? post here (thanks allowed too)

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    The Mongol

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Hi, if you are frecuently playing in our servers and have ideas to improve, feel free to post whatever suggestion that you want, we will add if possible and when possible too.


How make your suggestion?

  1. server - put name of server
  2. map - put name of map
  3. post your suggestion for improve map
  4. you can post troubles (bugs to fix, etc.) if you saw any also

Later we will check map about suggestions and update it if deserve really.


Thanks in advance for suggestions/help fixing bugs.

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    The Mongol

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pasted and edited here for you Falcon :)

Posted Today, 04:07 PM

  1. siege server
  2. Reclamation map
  3. add ram if possible


About maps that could do with a ram, Reclamation could really use it. Right now, the map has only two (three if you include gate when opened) entrances, the siege tower and a ladder at the back,

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    High Admin Emeritius

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I've to add a balista to allow defenders to destroy the ram otherwise the attackers will destroy the gate easly, and we know the gate is all on that map.

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I've to add a balista to allow defenders to destroy the ram otherwise the attackers will destroy the gate easly, and we know the gate is all on that map.

If you do, don't place it somewhere where it can target the siege tower ramp easily or it will be quite OP.



    Ancient Member

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If you do, don't place it somewhere where it can target the siege tower ramp easily or it will be quite OP.

At Hailes Castle it is very easy to destroy the cata (and maybe the ram now, didnt test yet), but it isnt OP as many people dont know how to use it properly and you can always easy be shot.



    High Admin Emeritius

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Adding a siege ram without a balista to destroy it, means gate destroyed at 100%. I want players to do a bit of teamwork. A squad goes to destroy the balista, another push the ram. In a siege should win the faction which does the better teamwork, without considering the unbalance problem of factions. :)

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@ Motte Bailey


Very cool to add more Hp to the door. I love to shieldwall infront of it or simply shoot as an archer through the litle gaps, nicely done!

Edited by BlackDeath, 20 February 2017 - 01:41 PM.
moved here for better ;)

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Can we spawn a weapon each minut or so for arena server?? Would bring some more variation and use to the feature.

Edited by BlackDeath, 06 March 2017 - 09:00 PM.
moved (was off-topic) and edited for better




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@Horatius: i cant, but maybe someone who understand module system can. Its feature of basic warband, not neogk, so anyone can try to do it ;) Your idea is nice, but 10min limit could be enough by my opinion.



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@Horatius: i cant, but maybe someone who understand module system can. Its feature of basic warband, not neogk, so anyone can try to do it ;) Your idea is nice, but 10min limit could be enough by my opinion.

A map is around 20 minuts long on arena and if 2 weapons spawn each map that doesn't give something to the map extra, especially if it are mostly shit weapons.



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Hey guys,

I think we could really benefit from a "Team Deathmatch" server on TG. Considering how people constantly team up in TG-Arena, I think a new server like this would attract people's attention.



    Ancient Member

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Hey guys,
I think we could really benefit from a "Team Deathmatch" server on TG. Considering how people constantly team up in TG-Arena, I think a new server like this would attract people's attention.

Thought of the same a while ago, but I was too lazy to post it and thought of some arguments that I'm not going to counter.
1. Who is going to edit the maps for it
2. With more team damage TDM is way more fun but needs more admins, and I personally don't like to play a lot on TDM.



    Ancient Member

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Thought of the same a while ago, but I was too lazy to post it and thought of some arguments that I'm not going to counter.
1. Who is going to edit the maps for it
2. With more team damage TDM is way more fun but needs more admins, and I personally don't like to play a lot on TDM.

I have no idea what it is like to maintain a server, so I can't really deal with these issues.



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Hi. There have been a few things/issues about some maps that have come across my mind in the previous weeks of playing on the siege server so I though I could post at least some of them in this topic (or in this—not sure about it, feel free to change it if necessary). I'll try to keep this post as much constructive and illustrative as possible so any potential feedback or discussion would be more then welcome. Some of the things written below are rather niche, some of them are rather structural but all of them constantly pop out every time the particular map is being played. This post will be long—I apologize for that in advance.
(1) Server: Siege
Map: Hadrian's Wall
Description of the problem:
In the Hadrian's Wall map, the gatehouse under the defenders' trebuchet has a very low HP so it only takes 5 stones exactly to take it down (and the trebuchet as well); this can be done literally in about 90 seconds or even less since there are two attackers' trebuchets.


The problem is that, as the time goes, some players start to abuse it—some on purpose, some accidentally while trying to hit the defenders' trebuchet (the last time it was three days or so ago). The logic is straightforward: „Defenders just destroyed one of our trebuchets using their own trebuchet… what should we do now? Should we destroy their trebuchet temporarily or permanently?“ The act of destroying the whole gatehouse so the defenders' trebuchet will be gone forever is an obvious choice. Since the whole map is basically about how fast the attackers destroy the wall, this is an issue, I would like to believe. As you can see, this is a niche problem since it mostly occurs in situations when the defenders use their trebuchet in particular way that directly threatens the attackers.
Proposed solution and expected effect on balance: I really do think that there is no reason to put the trebuchet on the gatehouse that can be destroyed that fast. So, the proposed solution is either increase the Var No: value of the spr_castle_h_gatehouse_a object from the current 10 to at least 45 or to make the object spr_castle_h_gatehouse_a indestructible at all. The attackers will still able to destroy the defenders's trebuchet by weapons or by using their own trebuchets but the defenders' trebuchet won't be destroyed permanently. The thing is that the attackers' trebuchets can't be destroyed permanently unlike the defenders' trebuchet—which is the thing being discussed. The attackers' ability to destroy the wooden door in the discussed gatehouse would be unaffected at all. This thing would be probably the most urgent one. Please, consider to fix it. At least this one. Please.
(2) Server: Siege
Map: Howlstone
Description of the problem: The roof, or, more precisely, the mesh of the object that is used as the roof which is spr_square_tower_roof_a, has basically no collider so everyone can pass directly through it:
The problem is straightforward as well. Both the attacking or defending archers or crossbowmen are often hiding directly under that roof (like Lenna is in the previous picture). The behavior is obvious: Load the weapon, fire or launch an arrow and hide and wait until you are sure no one has seen you. Moreover, this behavior isn't very physically accurate at all.
Proposed solution and expected effect on balance: Based on my limited experience, the spr_square_tower_roof_a objects is rather problematic. It has no collider, the pivot is little bit off and so on. So, the proposed solution would be (1) either to add some barriers underneath that original roof in order to create the collider manually or (2) delete the spr_square_tower_roof and keep the object underneath, which is spr_arabian_castle_house_b, as the main roof object (an eventuality would be either to cover the spr_arabian_castle_house_b with some assets to make it look appealing or to replace the spr_arabian_castle_house_b with some more theme-matching object like spr_arena_wall_a which is used as a floor in the most part of the castle). The (2) option is illustrated below in the following picture:

The (2) option would also require to create some artificial ceiling underneath the spr_arabian_castle_house_b since this is a single-side object so the backface culling is turned on (as with any mesh in the game, of course) and you can see through it. As far as the celling, some transformed wooden object might be used like spr_brewery_bucket_platform_b or so:

The impact on overall balance would be rather minimal. The attackers would stop hiding under that roof when shooting the defenders at their spawn and the defenders would stop hiding under that roof when shooting at the attackers' siege tower.
(3) Server: Siege
Map: Steppe Siege
Description of the problem: This one should be rather an eventuality or a potential future issue with the map. As far as I know, the map is relatively new on the rotation in the current time frame. The problem is that the ballista illustrated below (see the pics) is extremely powerful when it comes to destroying the attackers' trebuchet and the ballista itself is also located in the center of the map so it is quite hard to take down the operator. Since using the attackers' trebuchet is basically the only way how to destroy the wall, the wall might not be destroyed at all eventually. Since the whole map is basically about how fast the wall is being taken down, this might be a potential issue in the future since it is extremely hard to win the map with the wall standing. So far, the knowledge about the usage of the ballista in order to take down the trebuchet hasn't been spread that much, I think. But, in the future, it might be.
Proposed solution and expected effect on balance: The potential solution could be to replace the ballista with some launcher—like the one shooting bullets which is pretty powerful, doesn't shoot parabolically but rather straightly and can take down the operator of the trebuchet quite easily. In return, the HP of the wall, which is spr_castle_g_battlement_a, could be increased slightly in order to compensate the lack of ability to destroy the attackers' trebuchet with ballista.

(4) Server: Siege
Map: Jameyyed / The Castle by Kafka
Description of the problem: This one particular problem is rather structural and isn't very revealing. The problem is the warm welcome from the attackers with their axe/sword/arrow after you've just spawned. The second source for this particular suggestion is the tutorial section on this website where is stated: "Try not to place defenders spawns on destructible walls, because when the walls are down, players will spawn there on the terrain bellow - in the most vulnerable spot & ready to be backstabbed by attackers."—which is exactly the problem being discussed. These two particular maps are listed namely here because, I think, this problem occurs especially on these two maps since both of them have a specific/similar map design.

Proposed solution and expected effect on balance: Solution isn't very revealing as well—move the spawn points from those two particular walls or delete all the spawn points and place them on preferred locations again if you are worried about the potential bug that might occur. I understand, this might be a tedious work but the result would be a really nice edit.
(5) Server: Siege
Map: Mud Gate
Description of the problem: In the previous days/weeks, I was playing mostly at night (I'm from Central Europe so UTC+1). The problem is that in these hours there are not many players on the server and quite often no one from the attackers has the NeoGK mod installed so the attackers remain stuck on the boats without the option to reach the coast in any way; the whole game, then, is basically about starting and accepting a poll in order to change the map.

Proposed solution and expected effect on balance: I can't provide a quick solution for this since this behavior is a fundamental part of the map design but the described situation occurs pretty often in the night hours.
Hadrian's Wall: Fixing the gatehouse.
Howlstone: Fixing the roof.
Steppe Siege: Beware of the ballista.
Jameyyed / The Castle by Kafka: Fixing the spawn points.
Mud Gate: Map may be unplayable. 
As I said, any potential feedback would be welcome.
Cheers and thanks, Lenna.

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    The Mongol

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@Lenna, as I see:

Hadrian's Wall: map is balanced (or almost)

- in all maps, walls are weakest proportionally when they are getting far from front gate/castle to both sides, example: frontal gate= 30 HP / sides from frontal-gate= 27 HP / sides from sides= 25-20 HP and so... understand? the meaning is that attackers work intelligently by choose better/strategic places to destroy firstly, instead only try to destroy frontal gate.

So... the trebuchet over that gate for defenders, well, I saw it destroying both trebuchets of attackers before they can get down any wall, so it depends of players... clever players ;)


Mud Gate: map is ok

- the solution is that you have given above: change map by poll if/when there are few players (this will be easy since most of you will think same :) ) Maybe in future we can found a script to choose/start little maps for when there are few players, and only start biggest maps for when server is almost full, but we haven't by now :dunno:


Jammeyed/Kafka's Castle: maps will remain same by now

- explained above with Hadrian's map, it's same, is about strategic attacks, so if attackers destroy walls to get enemy go down is ok, and after this, enemy appearing between ruins... well, shit happens, try better defence for next, GO OUT for enemy!!! ;) :D


Steppe Siege: true, map is so new, and balance may not be at 100% (maybe at 99,9% :D ), but...

- I saw many times walls destroyed or the ballista destroyed too, so the final situation for these weapons changes in time depending the factions/players you have/get when play...

Map is ok by now, but maybe it changes in future.


Howlstone: We will fix as soon as we can


Thanks for all job/suggestions :)


ps: we are always trying to balance maps all the best that we can, but sometimes is dificult found the balance, since we don't manage ammount of players in server at diferent hours daily and so, understand?

If you think that your team work badly, try to show them better strategic things to do, maybe for actual map can't get or can't make it happens at all, but for next maybe they learn to do better teamwork ;)


MOVE your troops!!!... :riding:          :medieval-soldier-spear: :archer: :stab:      ...and stop crying :viking2:

:P  ...joking  :lol:

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    High Admin Emeritius

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Also a thing to consider, a lot of maps were made some years ago (Hadrian's for example) when few players had neogk and were able to use siege engines smartly. These days a lot of players have neogk and use siege engines. When i added hadrian's wall nobody was used to destroy that gatehouse. :)

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Thank you for the comprehensive feedback, I appreciate it. If I may, I would add a few follow-up notes.
(5) Mud Gate: Agreed, the map is kinda unique and if you want to have it on the list this is probably the price for it.


(3) Steppe Siege: Agreed, time will tell us.


(2) Howlstone: Thanks, it's a small change but a reasonable one, I believe.


(4) Jameyyed / The Castle by Kafka: I still think moving the spawn points would be reasonable edit. Moving them few meters away wouldn't affect the balance that much. So, why not make such edit? Defenders would be pleased. And as you probably know, the original vanilla version of the Jameyyed map comprised only a placeholder version of the trebuchet so that wall was never meant to be destroyed.


(1) Hadrian's Wall: I still think that increasing the HP of the gatehouse would be reasonable. The background for that proposed change was rather logical and practical. For example: (1) main gatehouse having the HP set to 55 and the secondary gatehouse only to 10 (the principle to set the health of the objects according to their size or distance is known to me), (2) trebuchet being put on top of the gatehouse which can be destroyed really fast, (3) a fact that the attackers' trebuchets can't be destroyed permanently but the defenders' one can be, (4) map being won by attackers quite often in recent days (based on my experience) or (5) a situation when the trebuchet operator spawns on the other side of the map so when he finally loads the trebuchet, the gatehouse is almost destroyed already…

So… bearing the KingArthur's words in mind, as the time passed by with this map, the defenders could make some enhancement in statics of their gatehouse in that time—like additional stones or some struts. So… the HP could be increased from 10 to at least 15 so it wouldn't take 5 stones to take it down but rather 7–8 stones or so…? Huh? In other words:



Well, I actually did not like the movie that much (the animated version from 2007 was better)…  and the only thing I can probably offer in return is that my future potential post in this topic won't be twice as long is the firs one... :)

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I'll edit hadrian's. ;)
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    The Mongol

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:lol: Ok, I will move some spawns in Kafka's and Jameyyed


ps: I haven't troubles with "brick-posts" :D "I have all time in the world"...

(hmm, who from Marvel's could say this? :rolleyes: :crazy: :D

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I had an idea for a mobile ballista (modeled after the mobile catapult)  to be created and added to some maps for the DEFENDING team's defence:
1)   This could add another dimension for the DEFENDING team's strategy utilizing the mobility of this    
       antiseige weapon.
1A) This could add another dimension for the ATTACKING team if the ballista becomes a threat by adding
       another objective of either having to destroy or occupy (using it to destroy stationary antiseige   
       weapons or a balloon occupied by the defending team ).
2)    It could also allow any non infantry classes to have an opportunity to operate a mobile seige machine
       like the stationary ballista allows.
3)    Maybe the mobile ballista could be placed in a house, structure or ruined structure that's not used
       that's around the outside of a castle or stronghold and maybe could only be accessed initially from
       within the castle or stronghold by way of a passageway, tunnel or something else (there are many
       maps that have these structures in them).   
It would just be a unique addition to the "something different" effect on the maps than what everyone's used to already. I know some players complain about the different and maybe historically inaccurate items in this server, but to me, those things contribute to the uniqueness and the "ahh,that's cool!" appreciation of this server.
KingArthur,maybe you would be interested in implementing this idea. I suggested the idea of a mobile ballista to BlackDeath and he said you would be the one to make it happen. I really appreciate this server and thank you for welcoming and considering our ideas. Ciao!

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