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Tutorial: How to create maps with NeoGK

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    High Admin Emeritius

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Tutorial for create new NeoGK maps

This is a guide to make new maps for multiplayer with NeoGK mod.

Step 1: Configurations

  • Start game and wait it loads.
  • Go to Multiplayer and then go to Host a game.
  • Select Game type -> Siege.
  • Now start to scroll maps until you see map with a strange name (strange because isn't a map you usually see in game).
  • Try to start a game with these maps and see if there's one with a terrain you like. (however this isn't important)
  • Write name of the map you like and close game.

Step 2: Modify game files

  • Go in your warband folder (usually C:->Programs->Mount&Blade Warband) then go to Modules->Native.
  • Find the .txt file named "strings" and open it.
  • Press CTRL+T, write the name of map and press Find next. NB. When write name of map replace spaces with "_". For example if map is "Kunholm Castle by RomaniiAuTalent" write "Kunholm_Castle_by_RomaniiAuTalent".
  • Now on left you should see something like "str_multi_kunholm", copy last word "kunholm" and close file.
  • Now find and open the .txt file called "scenes".
  • CTRL+T, paste word and press on Find.
  • Now you should see this: scn_multi_kunholm multi_kunholm 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x00000002300015e300063d8800002757000055df00001b08 0 0 sea_outer_terrain_1 This code describe the terrain. It can be splitted so:
    • scn_multi_kunholm multi_kunholm -> scene ID
    • 0x00000002300015e300063d8800002757000055df00001b08 -> terrain features (size, vegetation, rivers, ecc.)
    • sea_outer_terrain_1 -> terrain type (sea, snow, desert, beach, ecc.)
    (Optional)-If you can't find a terrain you like you can create yours. Start game like in step 3. Start a new single player game. When you're in global map press on "Terrain" at bottom left. Now you should see a panel on right. At top there's a code like yours, this is the code of terrain. Create your terrain and press "Copy" on top to copy it. Then replace your code in scenes.txt with the new one.
  • Once you modified the scene code, close the file and the folder.

Step 3: Start game

  • Start game (on Windows Vista/7/8 open as administrator) but not press on "Play".
  • Go to "Configure" then to "Advance" and check "Enable edit mode".
  • Start game.

Step 4: Start Editing

  • Go to Multiplayer->Host a game, choose "Siege", select your map (in our example Kunholm Castle by RomaniiAuTalent) and play.
  • Now you should see a blank terrain. Press ALT+Enter and then CTRL+E. The editor should appear on left.
  • Now you can start to build your map. Navigate with arrow keys in the place you want start build.
  • The editor panel can be splitted from top to bottom into: -commands to modify terrain -section where you can select objects in map and change their orientation and code (important for neogk features -section where you can add new objects.
  • All actions can be done with right of mouse not left.
  • To rotate an element press and hold Z - X - Y keys on keyboard and move mouse.
  • To move the element up and down press and hold T and move mouse.
  • To delete an element select it and press DEL.

Step 5: Objects There're different kind of objects :

  • Scene Props : all necessary to build your castles .
  • Items : decorative items (armours , weapons , clothes ecc.)
  • Plant : all vegetation (trees , bushes ecc.)
  • Entry points : used to make work the scripts like siege tower movement , raise ladder , flag movement , spawn points.

Catapult types:

With ramp : 9p4p.png




3x belfry_wheel

Classic : yxbq.png



3x belfry_wheel

Step 6: Entry Points These are avaibles entry points (Entry points var_no1=)

  • Team#1/Defenders spawn : 0 - 31
  • Team#2/Attackers spawn : 32-63
  • CTF Flag of team#1 : 64
  • CTF Flag of team#2 : 65
  • Siege Flag : 66
  • Master of The Field : 67,68,69 (flags on end of round in battle mode)
  • Ladders : 100-109
  • Siege tower movement 1 : 110 - 119
  • Siege tower movement 2 : 120 - 129
  • Siege tower movement 3 : 130 - 139

NB.To make raisable ladders and moveble siege towers you must put them as they would be at the end of path (directly on walls) . Then you can put entry points.

For siege towers you must put the first entry (example 110) at the start of path and last (example 119 or less) at end of path under.


fr8.png fbyp.png Save, go back to Main Menu and restrart map xt2.png


Same for ladders but they need only one entry point.

Example : axyi.png save , exit and restrart map e6n2.png

To build flag you need just put entry point 66 at the siege base. Example: g5dg.png
NB.When you put entry points for spawn remember you can't put them too far from flag,
or attackers will spawn in your castle in place of defenders spawn points.
To add NeoGK mod features i suggest you to read the "NeoGK Readme.txt" file inside NeoGK mod or TrollPatch Archive
Suggestion. Save map often because editor crashes often and you'll invoke your God many times. ;)
Step 6: The End When you finish and tested map with bots, you can submit it in Workshop Maps and if is good it'll be added to server rotation. You need to send your scene code, the .sco file of your map (you can find it in Modules->Native->SceneObj, it should be something like scn_multi_kunholm.sco), name of your map.


Edited by Aeneu, 03 February 2015 - 08:29 PM.

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    The Mongol

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more help to edition in maps (taken from other topic):
by LizardWizard
1) To place teleport doors you need find the destructible_door prop. Each prop has Var no1: and Var no2: as I'm sure you noticed. To link the two doors and enable the teleportation you need to set the same vars (up to your choice which values, it doesn't really matter) for the two doors.


I'm not sure what you mean by tunnels though.
2) Watch this tutorial for ladders / siege towershttps://youtu.be/VtMbkdH4cJQ?t=13m47s
3) Blank Map Tutorial:
You can actually choose or make any map, no need to use an already made one, unless you want so..

So here is how you make a blank map:
1. Make a copy of warband module and rename it to Map Making for example
2. Delete a map in SceneObj files in the Map Module(For example: scn_multi_scene_2.sco, that is Village)
3. In single player(With edit mode on) while in world map, click on Terrain
4. Make the ground and details of your map to your taste and copy the code
5. In Map Making Module open scenes.txt go to the deleted map before and replace the code you copied

In scenes.txt, the last code of each map is for example: outer_terrain_plain
That is what players see after the map's borders, for example in this example will be some little mounts with some green trees.
So far this are the codes that I've found that you can change the outer terrain:

For example if I want to change the village map outer terrain to a desert one, it will look like this:

6. Host a game, with map in this case village

7. Then Click Ctrl + E and edit your map
4) Spawn Points are hardcoded into the game and you cannot change their order.
This is how it works:


Deathmatch & Duel

Capture the Flag

more by KingArthur:
Place all ladders as they'll be once raised, save and enter map again. Not touch an already positioned ladder in editor mode or it gets bugged.
more by BlackDeath:
Most important editing ladders is: don't touch ladders when all these are good positioned, and before save, click F8 key, to check that all ladders are working without bugs (what this key do is change from initial position --> to final position for all ladders, then you can now see if all these are ok/working), after this, if all is ok, you can save map.
more by Aeneu:
Be sure you put all 0-63 entrypoints. You need to put all of them, if you miss one, player can spawn randomly everywhere.


* Try not to place defenders spawns on destructible walls, because when the walls are down, players will spawn there on the terrain bellow - in the most vulnerable spot & ready to be backstabbed by attackers.


Problem you noticing - that you always spawn from one entry point is just in your game currently. When you put map on dedicated server, it will be ok.

Restart map (Esc->Admin Panel->Start Map) only if you want apply new added ladders and other warband stuffs (bug with going thru props).
Go to main menu (Esc->Quit->Back->Multiplayer->Host A Game->Start Game) if you want apply neogk features (siege engines and so).

Edited by LizardWizard, 18 September 2018 - 06:56 AM.
* -added

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    The Mongol

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Siege Weapons edition with NeoGK (resume)

You have this info included in readme.txt into mod, but for easy job, I've pasted here most important about it.



Siege weapons in NeoGK
There weapons need some parts. There parts should put in out of map.
you don't have to care about how to put parts. There must not be a shortage parts.
Next, set Scale and VarNo value.  Scale and VarNo must be exact.
zz_active_point(barrier_sphere) put to starting position of weapon. And set the VarNo.(read "as to active_point")
In case it put on the battlement, you may attach "destroyed involve flag" to "zz_active_point VarNo2".
The involve fiag is need not to a siege weapon. It should set to active_point.
These siege weapons are fun, but it makes a server processing be heavy to put too many siege weapons.
It is necessary to think a balance with amount and system load.

You should keep decided weapon size for it works correctly.
Catapult: Max 30
[spr_spr_weapon_rack] scale: [x=1.2 y=4.5 z=1.2]  VarNo:1
[spr_banner_pole] scale: [x=6.0 y=4.0 z=0.75]  VarNo:1
[spr_bowl_wood] scale: [x=2.5 y=2.5 z=3.5]  VarNo:1
[spr_winch] scale: [x=1.1 y=0.5 z=0.5]  VarNo:1 (you may change winch x_scale)
[spr_belfry_wheel_old: 2piece] scale: [x=0.4 y=1.0 z=1.0]  VarNo:1
[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:1
*[spr_stone_ball] VarNo:1=add fire (but this is not must thing to use catapult)

[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:2

trebuchet: Max 10
[spr_counter_tavern] scale: [x=1.2 y=4.0 z=6.0] VarNo:5
[spr_brewery_big_bucket] scale: [x=1.7 y=1.7 z=1.0] VarNo:5
[spr_winch] scale: [x=1.1 y=0.8 z=0.8] VarNo:5
[spr_ramp_small_a] scale: [x=0.4 y=3.5 z=4.0] VarNo:5
[spr_net_b] scale: [x=0.5 y=1.0 z=3.0] VarNo:5
[spr_weapon_rack] scale: [x=0.75 y=2.5 z=1.0] VarNo:5
[spr_destroy_heap] scale: [x=0.32 y=0.5 z=0.4] VarNo:5
[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:5
*[spr_stone_ball] VarNo:1=add fire (but this is not must thing to use trebuchet)

Oil cauldron:
[spr_cauldron_a] varno=4 varno2=2 / 3-3-4 (x-y-z)
[spr_counter_tavern] varno=0 varno2=2 / 1.5-1-3 (x-y-z)
[spr_wood_heap_b] varno=4 varno2=0 / 0.5-0.5-0.5 (x-y-z)
[spr_bowl] varno=4 varno2=0 / 5.5-5.5-0.5 (x-y-z)
[spr_zz_active_point] varno=4 varno2=2

[spr_dish_metal] varno=1 varno2=0

Torre-Bridge: (110-119)
[spr_belfry_wheel_old] 1 in all (x-y-z)
[spr_belfry_a] 1 in all (x-y-z)
[spr_belfry_platform_a] 1-0.970054-1 (x-y-z)
[spr_belfry_platform_b] 1 in all (x-y-z)

Gate: (varno=type - varno2=total objects)
[spr_winch_b] varno=0 varno2=2
[spr_portculis] varno=0 varno2=2

Gate-doors: (varno=type - varno2=total objects)
[spr_gate_house_doors_right] varno=6 varno2=2
[spr_gate_house_doors_left] varno=6 varno2=2
[spr_winch_b] varno=6 varno2=2

Drawbridge: (varno=type - varno2=total objects)
[spr_drawbridge] varno=1 varno2=1
[spr_winch_b] varno=1 varno2=1

Ballista: Max 30
[spr_spr_weapon_rack] scale: [x=0.3 y=0.8 z=0.7]  VarNo:3
[spr_table_round_a] scale: [x=0.4 y=0.4 z=1.0]  VarNo:3
[spr_winch] scale: [x=0.1 y=0.2 z=0.2]  VarNo:3
[siege_crossbow (itm_sniper_crossbow)] scale: [x=2.0 y=1.5 z=3.0]  VarNo:3 (you may change crossbow z_scale)
[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:3

Boiling Oil: Max 10
[spr_cauldron_a] scale: [x=3.0 y=3.0 z=4.0]  VarNo:4
[spr_bowl] scale: [x=5.5 y=5.5 z=0.5]  VarNo:4
[spr_wood_heap_b] scale: [x=0.5 y=0.5 z=0.5]  VarNo:4
[spr_counter_tabern] scale: [x=1.5 y=1.0 z=3.0]  VarNo:4
[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:4

Launcher: Max 10
[spr_spr_weapon_rack] scale: [x=0.65 y=0.8 z=0.7]  VarNo:6
[spr_table_round_a] scale: [x=0.6 y=0.6 z=1.0]  VarNo:6
[spr_winch] scale: [x=0.2 y=0.5 z=0.5]  VarNo:6
[siege_crossbow (itm_sniper_crossbow)] scale: [x=4.0 y=1.5 z=5.0(gun:z=2.7)]  VarNo:6  Varno2:ammo type
[spr_portcullis] scale: [x=0.4 y=5.0 z=0.2]  VarNo:6
[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:6  Varno2:ammo type

*about Launcher Varno: active_point Varno2 and crossbow Varno2 must set at same value, other Varno2 is ok at 0.
*about Launcher Varno2:ammo type (also this includes the destoyed involve flag)
0-9: single shot - stone
10-19: single shot - arrow
20-29: single shot - bolt
30-39: single shot - darts
40-49: single shot - bullet
50-59: barrage shot - stone
60-69: barrage shot - arrow
70-79: barrage shot - bolt
80-89: barrage shot - darts
90-99: barrage shot - bullet
100-109: barrage shot - flaming arrow
110-119: barrage shot - flaming bolt
120-127: barrage shot - jarid

Baloon: Max 10
[spr_brewery_big_bucket] scale: [x=0.8 y==0.8 z=0.8] VarNo:7
[spr_marrow_a] scale: [x=15.0 y=15.0 z=20.0] VarNo:7
[spr_brazier_with_fire] scale: [x=3.5 y=3.5 z=4.0] VarNo:7
[spr_windmill_fan_turning] scale: [x=0.1 y=0.25 z=0.1] VarNo:7
*[spr_stone_ball] VarNo:1=add fire (but this is not must thing to use baloon)
[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:7

[spr_zz_active_point] VarNo:2(same with catapult)

Siege Tower
1. Place Siege Tower, Tower platform and the wheels in final position (close to the wall with the platform down).
2. Place Entry Points 110-119 from were you want it to start, to the wall.
3. Restart the scene.
4. Watch the result

Move ladders
Select ladder, place it in its final position. Insert Entry Point at the bottom of that ladder and number it 100 or up ( 100, 101, etc ), one for each ladder.
Then orientate the Entry Point ( arrow ) to the direction and position you wish it to be when laying on the ground



Have good edition!!! :bienvenido:

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    The Mongol

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Checkpoints, here is what you need (in purple):


spr_barrier_8m var_no1=1-8: This is a multiuse object. It will run the following event at every 1 second.

var_no1=1 killing floor: agent on the floor is killed
var_no1=2 damage floor var_no2=damage value 1-100(%): agent on the floor given damage
var_no1=3 damage floor for horse var_no2=damage value 1-100(%): horse on the floor given damage
var_no1=4 healing floor var_no2=healing value 1-100(%): agent on the floor recover health
var_no1=5 healing floor for horse var_no2=healing value 1-100(%): horse on the floor recover health
var_no1=6 killing height: If agents position is a lower than that, they will killed. This object number must be one. (instance: on the sea)
var_no1=7 damage height: If agents position is a lower than that, they given damage. This object number must be one. (instance: in the water)
*notice: damage value is percent. is not a absolute value.

var_no1=8 teleport floor

var_no2=channel: agent on the floor will carried to "spr_zz_active_point var_no=8 var_no2=the same channel".
(example: spr_barrier_8m var_no1=8 var_no2=2 ---agent go to active_point---> spr_zz_active_point var_no1=8 var_no2=2)

var_no1=10 check point floor1: attacker team treads on the floor, then attacker team spawns from Entry_point 70-79.(siege mode only)
var_no1=11 check point floor2: attacker team treads on the floor, then attacker team spawns from Entry_point 80-89.(siege mode only)
var_no1=12 check point floor3: attacker team treads on the floor, then attacker team spawns from Entry_point 90-99.(siege mode only)
*check point has advantage as 1<2<3, therefore check point1 is not ineffective at after trod on check point2.
 also, a passed person the check point gets some bonus gold.


ps: if you add this checkpoints, please be sure you check/fix all mistakes/bugs that can have before end map, because is not a good idea having troubles with this spawns online :rolleyes:

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    The Mongol

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Hint/warn for mappers: because there are entry points to place until 64 players maximum (32 for each faction), beware where you put spawns entry points numbers 0 (defenders) and 32 (attackers).

When there are more than 64 players, all players over this number they spawns from this point towards right side from where these points are placed (looking the map towards flag's direction),



if you put over terrain...


       [ FLAG ]





    10   12    20

 15    24   28   32   >>>  and here, at this right side of point 32, there is water (or maybe a wall, build, etc... whatever object obstructing spawn), well, to this side is where go to spawn all other players in team over 32 players (for each team) causing a stuck, or die under kill-water, etc...    a bug for player,


so, let enough free space open at right from these entry points numbers, as for ~30 players more at least, ok?


Good mapping!

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hello...i got a problem after latest update 1.170

i had many maps with working siege equipment (catapults , oil ecc...) but now when i host a game with my maps, i see the pieces where i placed them, and not builded up as siege machines.
any idea of what can be ?
thanks !



    Ancient Member

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hello...i got a problem after latest update 1.170

i had many maps with working siege equipment (catapults , oil ecc...) but now when i host a game with my maps, i see the pieces where i placed them, and not builded up as siege machines.
any idea of what can be ?
thanks !

You use mapper neo gk version?



    High Admin Emeritius

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hello...i got a problem after latest update 1.170

i had many maps with working siege equipment (catapults , oil ecc...) but now when i host a game with my maps, i see the pieces where i placed them, and not builded up as siege machines.
any idea of what can be ?
thanks !


Our public version can't be used to host a server.





Aeneu edit: in other words, use Ne☺GK Deluxe Version



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so many things to read and so many colors


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ahhhh thats why !!

thanks guys ! ...i used delux version with 1.158 ! didnt knew it has difference for client / server !
so...i already tried, but my 3 friends all have steam versions, so they cant get back to 1.158...
any idea how can i play with them with my maps with siege machines?

huge thanks guys! you're great!



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ahhhh thats why !!

thanks guys ! ...i used delux version with 1.158 ! didnt knew it has difference for client / server !
so...i already tried, but my 3 friends all have steam versions, so they cant get back to 1.158...
any idea how can i play with them with my maps with siege machines?

huge thanks guys! you're great!

If you search around on google you will find a topic that gives you the key to all warband versions. Or look at the download link of 1.170 and change it to 1.5....... the links are created the same so that would work. And for your friends, if they run that setup they can play mbw without steam.




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thanks man , i hoped for some kind of version compatible with current version,but its still a good idea! 
i'll try! thanks !



    The Mongol

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thanks man , i hoped for some kind of version compatible with current version,but its still a good idea! 
i'll try! thanks !

Can try this too...

In your system/PC (hint for your friends too...) you can have 2 warband-games installed:

  • one using steam (through platform),
  • and other without it [use your key (from steam or from other you got it) and install this in a different partition or folder for better]

...now make a shortcut for each of both "installations" in desktop, so you can play each of they both separately as you wish ;)



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Does anyone have any information about Module System on this forum? It seems the latest version is too old. Importing new props needs Module System which there is no new update for it to be found.



    High Admin Emeritius

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Importing new props ? Adding new scene props to module system will make it not compatible with native. If you need the lastest module system go here: https://www.taleworl...arband/Download



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Thanks, couldn't find it. But wait... not compatible with native?? Then... the animated trebuchets and catapults are not imported props? I thought they were not in the native module, rather added by NeoGK, so how do they work?



    High Admin Emeritius

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They're composed by several other props which the server merges together at start of map.

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This makes that our siege equipment is not really high-detailed as we get props from castles too :D (siege ram top)

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Thanks for clarifying this.



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Umbuz is very smart. He will create the best map ever. You'll see :rolleyes:

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