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Maps needing balance/fix

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    The Mongol

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Waiting for fix/edit/update:

  • Tartstone <<< edited need test
  • Warwick Siege <<< edited need to test
  • OverSeers Post <<< edited need to test




ps: add here other maps that you think need it, and say faction where apply balance too, thanks

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Map: Wine Castle.


This map is one of my favourite old maps, small and a lot of action. However there is 1 thing that annoyed me while playing it some days ago.


After some time attackers got control of the "outside walls". Basically they attacked the tower where you destroy can destroy the door. As a defender you mostly fight at the place where the gate whinch is. I do really like this scenario. My problem is just that the magic fountain is nearly senseless as the defenders can not reach the fountain at all. The way down is 99% of the times blocked by attackers. Only in the early stages of the map the fountain is available for the defenders . While I played the map, I realised that a lot of attackers never used the fountain, because they climbed up the walls with the 2 outside ladders and the siege tower. In this scenario the fountain is too hidden and far away.




I know this is just a very small detail, however it was a bit annoying for me to not be able to heal myself as a defender while I were stuck at the top.

Maybe there is a good alternative for other locations?


-LockheaD <3

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ps: Wine's fountain moved

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Thank you LockheaD for your proposition.

Atlough you said "just a very small detail", its always about catching all those small details to get one great result!

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    Furor Anatolicus

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           A little long but would be glad if you share your thoughts, thx


Map: Arabian Heat


It has several major problems imho, I will try to adress them all. 


Many players complain about the fps drops on this map in particular (me included and some friends), I am not sure what causes this but it is slightly annoying. 


Another issue is that majority of the high ground archer positions are occupied by the defender archers, and it is nearly impossible to reach these positions as attacker since you would get crossfired from other defender archers, also it is not on the way to the flag which is the objective, furthermore there are defender spawns on these high ground archer positions (this is a problem because since these high buildings in this case are overlooking the surrounding area therefore an attacker archer can't have a clear shot to anyone on top of them). 


And the Launcher positions are totally in favor off defenders (this is acceptable but there should be a chance to destroy this launcher but sadly there is not since the way is blocked by defender infantry) and on top of this there is an only defender oriented healing fountain which gets dominated by the defender archers on the high ground so no attacker can effectively use them and this gives a big bonus to defender infantry. For example the healing fountain in Jameyyed is highly balanced since both teams most of the time can use it equally but mostly defenders and it is a small map. 


In Arabian Heat it takes a big amount of time to reach the flag since it is a huge map (possibly a little under a minute if you don't get attacked somehow). 


If you take the way to the right which is supposed to be a less protected longcut(!) lel, you can capture the flag if the defenders get too carried away and leave the flag undefended (a ninja cap simply). But that is not the case most of the time, even a single player from 40-70 defenders can alarm the team chat and you lose your chance to ninja cap the castle and suffer for the rest of the 12 minutes left. And if you want to try this longcut again, it is seldom used by more than 10 players and it takes a long time to use the same way, since the defenders are already alarmed and prepared and you lack the numbers so that you simply can't achieve even a little bit of progress.


These were my insights from the map, I felt obliged to share it because this map is played too often and I believe it has some imbalances and an fps issue.


Thx again and bye.

Edited by Aratar, 14 May 2017 - 12:06 AM.



    The Mongol

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Hi Aratar, I play always as attacker, and many times we got flag in this map, so I don't think that it is impossible.

Only thing is that attackers must use brain to organize and attack by flanks, instead attack by front as usually they do in almost all maps :D


All maps have more that one way to go flag, and some are more easy than other so... explore and check, and you will get how easy can be a map that you think is difficult.

Same hint is for defenders too, most of time I see defenders loosing rounds, and this happens because I think that they don't know "his castle/map" fully around in order to organize better the defence.


About fps, well I suffer too in some maps (is like a "tax" that we must pay to have all new stuff and more), but really never suffered in this map, so dunno why happens. :dunno:

Same maps, depending of data time when they are played and ammount of players at that moment, can have different "feeling" about lag and so.

About healing places, maybe change position, we will check for any better if it can be done.

Thanks for info/report, this always help us to improve maps.



    High Admin Emeritius

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@Black, maybe this map should be added to the list of maps needing defenders lifes.



    Furor Anatolicus

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About the fps I tried to say that I saw many players complain on this map in particular. Sentences like "I only have low fps only in this map" so I don't know. And pls I mentioned the way to the right and yes attackers don't use it very much, since it is far away from the spawn, but when they do at the start of the round they can ofcourse win I mentioned that too. Other than this tactic, to ninja capture the flag, it takes time to reach even the launcher by the gate for attackers, while being harassed. I think removal of the healing fountain is more appropriate than defender lifes since no defender dies 7 times anyways.



    The Mongol

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@Black, maybe this map should be added to the list of maps needing defenders lifes.

add it :)

I think removal of the healing fountain is more appropriate than defender lifes since no defender dies 7 times anyways.

we will see after some rounds played with lifes



    Furor Anatolicus

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Thanks for your interest misters, much love :*



    High Admin Emeritius

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The healing point can be removed (maybe not the one for horses), not all maps need the healing point and this isn't a rpg.



    The Mongol

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The healing point can be removed (maybe not the one for horses), not all maps need the healing point and this isn't a rpg.

Ok, and this maybe better to balance other maps without change/edit any other so,

wish remove healing's from some other map (to update all at same time)?

I ask you because you are defender +95% times and know it better. I'm attacker 99'9% and never (almost) use healing's (our respawns are faster :D)



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The healing point can be removed (maybe not the one for horses), not all maps need the healing point and this isn't a rpg.

Mount & Blade: Warband is the stand-alone expansion pack to the action role-playing video game Mount & Blade.

Source ~Wikipedia



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The healing point can be removed (maybe not the one for horses), not all maps need the healing point and this isn't a rpg.


Ok, and this maybe better to balance other maps without change/edit any other so,
wish remove healing's from some other map (to update all at same time)?
I ask you because you are defender +95% times and know it better. I'm attacker 99'9% and never (almost) use healing's (our respawns are faster :D)

Instead of removing them, relocating more close to the center of the map might be a better option overall. As a result, both sides would be able to use the healing spots. This kind of edit was done on the Hill Village map before and it works well since then, I think.
I always thought the only two candidates for complete removal of the healing spots would be the Wine Castle map and the Tartstone map (within the current rotation). In case of Wine Castle map, the healing spot near to the portcullis has been removed already. In case of Tartstone map, the reasons for this would be that it is too close the flag and the fact that map seems to be rather OP for the defenders when more players are connected (although I like the map personally).


As far as the discussed performance, the above-mentioned Tartstone map seems to be more heavy processing then the Arabian Heat map—at least in my case since there are 4 trebuchets and lots of assets on the map and because of my PC of course—so it looks like it might be rather individual.


My opinion.



    High Admin Emeritius

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@Black, try to move it. No, i don't have other maps in mind now.

@Horatius, that is the single player.

@Lenna, i lag too on tartstone. Mope should remove 2 trebuchets, some items and lower walls hp.



    The Mongol

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@KA ok I will

@Lenna, Hill Village is a closest map, so the use of waterwell is diferent than in Arabian, where attackers must run for long time before reach castle, and defenders have more time for full-heal to resist next attack, which unbalance a bit more


About Tartstone, agree, players complain about hard lags with this map, so maybe need change/delete some more objects




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on map Hadrian's Wall


right trebushet power 25 - if shot to trebushet at tower - it destruction, but next shot does no harm tower. If enemy trebushet load/reload to my shot - it does no harm. Man at enemy trebushet does no harm, but his shot destruction ours trebushet all time



    High Admin Emeritius

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on map Hadrian's Wall


right trebushet power 25 - if shot to trebushet at tower - it destruction, but next shot does no harm tower. If enemy trebushet load/reload to my shot - it does no harm. Man at enemy trebushet does no harm, but his shot destruction ours trebushet all time


I didn't understand very well. Do you mean the trebuchet isn't destroyed when you hit it ? It depends where you hit it.




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The stone flies into the articulation of the trebuchet. If it charges or starts the projectile and the rollback of the mahanism is going on and at that moment a stone hits, then only the smoke from the penetration is visible and everything - trebuchet quietly fires further. If the trebuchet is broken, then the stone does not damage the tower and only smoke from shot.

Situation: at the beginning of the round, 1 shot was destroyed enemy trebushet. I do 5-6 more shots - the result is 0 (because I have a high ping and sometimes line of damage is not always displayed). Trebushet is return, next to him appeared man and he charges trebuchet, at this time in trebuchet shots a stone - the effect 0. my trebuchet is charged, a stone shots it - it is destroyed. And then just the whole round is destroyed 2 "attackers" trebushet


Камень прилетает в сочленение вражеского требушета. Если его не взяли под контроль и не начали заряжать - он разрушится, если взяли и заряжают, тогда при попадании в него будет лишь дым от попадания и все. (понятно, что тогда нужно сдвинуть требушет через B, но тогда требушет не будет разрушен, а будет разрушаться лишь башня - в этом и преимущество защиты - т.к. это баг). Ситуация: в начале раунда первым выстрелом разрушил требушет, выстрелил еще 5-6 раз, но никакого эффекта (по-видимому игра считает там требушет и якобы его ломает). Около восстановившегося требушета появляется наводчик, который его заряжает. В требушет вновь прилетает камень, но виден лишь дым от попадания, а требушет смело уничтожает мой требушет и далее весь раунд уничтожает 2 требушета атаки



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Hi, I'm not sure I understand correctly, but if I do, I don't think there is a problem. To be more specific (assuming I got the description of problem correctly), there are basically two states of the defender's trebuchet: unloaded (with the arm up—picture 1) and loaded (with the arm down—picture 2). 



On both pictures, the trebuchet is rotated to the correct position for destroying the attacker's trebuchets. Now, as an attacker, I did some tests and I was able to destroy the defender's trebuchet with both left and right attacker's trebuchet, no matter if the defender's trebuchet was loaded or unloaded. For the left trebuchet, the power is 25, and for the right trebuchet, the power is 24. From my own experience, you can also destroy the defender's trebuchet while it's being loaded—that means while the arm is moving.
The reason why the attackers usually fail to destroy the trebuchet is because the power is being set too low/high and because they do not rotate the trebuchet correctly. As a result, the attackers do not aim the trebuchet on the top of the tower but rather the wooden floor on the top of the tower or the tower itself if the setting is too off—picture 3. So, in most of the cases, the reason to fail isn't some bug that causes the thrown stone/barrels to fly through the trebuchet and do nothing, it's more likely the rotation or power being set incorrectly.


Yes, setting up the trebuchet can be tedious sometimes but if you intend to destroy the defender's trebuchet, you just have to use the "b" key and set the rotation more precisely. It really does work.

As far as the tower itself, if you intend to destroy it, it's way better to aim the outer walls instead of the top of the tower—picture 4. It does work as well. Remember that the HP of the tower has been increased slightly so 5–6 stones are no longer a sufficient amount to destroy it.


As a side note, since the attackers spawn near their trebuchet at the beginning of the round, it is usually not that hard to destroy the defender's trebuchet before their operator even manages to load it; even more so if they have two trebuchets.
Feel free to ask further questions if I misinterpreted the original post. 
Cheers, Lenna.

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