Talking about the tower that is connected to the keep, you can get behind there. There is an invisible wall there so you cannot get behind the keep but people are behind that wall.
Post some screenshot then for easy please
Talking about the tower that is connected to the keep, you can get behind there. There is an invisible wall there so you cannot get behind the keep but people are behind that wall.
Post some screenshot then for easy please
Event Map "Deathrow" desperately needs some fixing. It always (really i mean it :always ) lasts 1 or 2 minutes : the time for the all-mounted attackers to rush the flag.
I remember the first times i played this map, a few years ago, and i can't recall such a problem. So what has changed since then?
Maybe a majority of new players are too slow to spawn as defenders (still looking at their equipment panel whereas theydon't need to) ?
Anyways, It seems that the major issue is that defenders don't have enough time to face the rush, and map is pretty useless at this point.
Thanks for info. You are right and I know since some time. Btw in this map never (or almost, I've seen it just a few times) defenders won, whether it was played as an event or normal mode.
DeathRow... fixed
Will be active after next restart of server
Applied >>> post #123
Hey BlackDeath, today we were playing the Siege Tonbridge Castle map; there is a spawn choke point for defenders that happens. The following screen shot shows where I spawned just a few moments ago. I'm not sure if this is a spawn point that is ok, but to my left under the ladder is where many of the players, including myself spawned earlier. There were 100+ players playing when the spawns were happening there. Now, at that spawn point, you can only get out one way, if when you can; with many players spawning there at once, it's extremely difficult to get out of there. The only way a player can, is to jump on the ledge where my SS shows. And, you need a running jump at that, and a good jump. I think that spawn point should be fixed in some way. Thanks.
Edited by Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight, 19 December 2018 - 08:20 PM.
On map wheatwudd tower a player used a glitch near the Flag place and apparently capture it. Pêche told me about this.
Player Niggiasm was the one who exploited that glitch. he kindly reponded to Pêche and myslef and tried to show us his technic, with a horse (see pic) but it failed.
I trust him anyway so maybe correct the map?
Edited by The_Knight_Who_Says_NI, 30 November 2018 - 04:37 PM.
Unsure where I should put this: Nomar's Castle map started and 1 minute into the map, a mass death toll :la_muerte:all at the same time occurs. This happened 14/5/19 00:24. Can anyone give info about what happened?
mb_warband 2019-05-13 19-24-13-926.jpg 30.02KB
Did they die or lost connection ?
We all died. We didn't lose connection; we respawned (at least I know I did) and continued playing the round and I had a -1 Kill (probably all the others did too) on my stats.
Edited by Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight, 14 May 2019 - 09:32 PM.
Then it must have been a nuclear explosion.
We all died.
We didn't lose connection; we respawned (at least I know I did) and continued playing the round and I had a -1 Kill (probably all the others did too) on my stats.
2 possible causes:
Then it must have been a nuclear explosion.
It felt and looked like this was so! Very ominous!
2 possible causes:
Apocalyptic to the hilt!!
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