Hi all.
I want to bring to attention the current situation of servers.
We're receiving complains about administration and the quality of the servers.
- We host the game servers for free and to make players have fun. Personally i founded mount and siege because i didn't have fun on other siege servers and i wanted to make one with my view of things. I didn't make it to get money, like some other did with paid addons and asking money for unban.
- We don't get paid for our job of administration or for making content. I made some maps because i wanted to play on such type of maps.
- The admins moderate the servers for free. So they work in their spare time and are not bonded to any contract that forces them to stay online.
- We've the permission for each map in our servers. Many maps were made by us, some are from https://www.mbrepository.com/ , some made by players. The chinese servers are using our maps without our permission. Reported to taleworlds and they said they can't do nothing. Just to highlight the level of protection server admnistrators have.
- The game is getting very old and and we're getting bored. I know you get bored to see the same maps every day.
We don't force you to play on our servers. There're many servers on the list, use the filters and wait all the list gets rendered.
We did what was within our skills to make the servers enjoyble for us and for you.
We accept contructive complains and feedbacks but not free insults because this is a free service and we owe you nothing.