OBS-studio is a professional free video recording program that can be set up to capture video and sounds from any of your displays/software/game and microphones you have installed on your computer.
- You can download it from here: https://obsproject.c...om/fi/downloadÂ
- Select the version that fits your computer specs and install it by the similar way as you install other programs or games.
- Open the program
- Now you need to create a new scene to be able to capture something. Clicke the ( + ) button under the "Scenes" and write some name for it.
- Now you need to select a source for your video. That can be done by clicking the similar ( + ) icon under the "sources" title.
- I would recommend you to select "Display Capture", since it's the easiest one here, but you can also select a software or a web camera that you are capturing.
- After you selected the display capture, you will get new prompt that is asking you to name your capture. Add some good name for it and click "OK"
- Now the program asks you to select the display that you are capturing. If you have only one display connected to your computer, it's selected automatically correct. Otherwise, you select the display where your game is going to be displayed. Click "OK"
- If you want to, you can now create another video source for your capture. For example, the program that is displaying your web camera if you have one.
- You need to add now the audio source. It happens from the same ( + ) button under "Sources" title.
Select from the list "audio input capture" and write some name to your audio input.
- You can select "default" or some specific microphone that is attached to your computer. However "default" works just nicely since it always selects the microphone you currently have on your computer. Click "OK".
- Test Desktop audio by going to for example youtube.com and playing some video. The desktop audio should indicated the audio volume changes with the green bar that is moving in the audio level meter under the title "Desktop audio".
- Test that microphone is working. Speak something to your microphone and the program should indicate the audio volume changes with the green bar that is moving in the audio level meter. You can change the microphone volume by adjusting that setting.
- Now go to settings by clicking the "settings" -button. I will show you the settings that I am using and are working correctly on my system without doing any lag.
Go to the "Output" tab and select "recording" -settings. Now you can copy my settings to your program:
- Go to "Audio" tab and you can copy my settings if anything is different in your settings:
- go to "Video" tab and also copy my settings.
-Here are my advanced settings also:
- Now go to "Hotkeys" settings and you can select a button that will start or stop recording in your computer whenever you want to and OBS studio is working in the background. Just select the text field with mouse and press the button that you would like to use. For example, F11 to start recording and F10 to stop it. You need to keep OBS studio running in background if you think that you are going to record something during next session.
After all, settings are done, click "OK" and you can test recording something. The video files are being saved to the folder which you selected in "Output" settings.
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Posted 17 September 2018 - 01:01 AM

- BlackDeath, Aratar, The_Knight_Who_Says_NI and 1 other like this
Posted 17 September 2018 - 07:23 AM

Also you can use your graphics card's provided software, Shadowplay for NVIDIA, ReLive for AMD.
- HeiHo likes this
Posted 17 September 2018 - 12:12 PM

Also you can use your graphics card's provided software, Shadowplay for NVIDIA, ReLive for AMD.
I like OBS studio because it's open source and updated frequently.
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