I also like running around collecting arrows. It's kind of fun additional puzzle to the game play xD
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Can we do something with Sarranids?
Posted 08 March 2019 - 04:26 PM

Posted 08 March 2019 - 04:30 PM

I also like running around collecting arrows. It's kind of fun additional puzzle to the game play xD
When we do this I think that we must be seen by others like "crazy goats looking for grass in a desert" running in all directions
- Helgisa, Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and HeiHo like this
Posted 08 March 2019 - 06:16 PM

When we do this I think that we must be seen by others like "crazy goats looking for grass in a desert" running in all directions
And even, in the experiences of me, archers have poor melee weapons, so I'm always searching for a dropped Heavy Bastard Sword, Elite Scimitar or Sarranid Battle Axe; anything really than the plastic Sarranid sword their archers have.
- HeiHo likes this
Posted 08 March 2019 - 06:22 PM

Also, I have experienced this: If when your Fire Arrows or Fire Bolts have expended to 0; when you find any other arrows or bolts to pick up they sometimes are just like you have picked up Fire Arrows or Fire Bolts (maybe, it depends on which type of bolts or arrows you find, I'm still not sure on this).
Posted 08 March 2019 - 07:45 PM

it depends on which type of bolts or arrows you find
- Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight likes this
Posted 08 March 2019 - 09:02 PM

Posted 09 March 2019 - 05:06 AM

Its the players playing the faction that makes the biggest difference really. Aye some factions are statistically better than others and some are complete dog shit like Khergits but having better players is all that is needed.
- BlackDeath, Pepper, Mikhail and 2 others like this
Posted 20 March 2019 - 01:54 PM

I agree with 1st post! U need to be better to win any 1on1. The fast 2hand sword has short range( relative to all other 2hands).
strong sarranids defeated swedia 0 3 today attacking
That is no point. If u have all (or almost all) skillfull players at one side u can win even in bad balance.
I stopped playing as sarranid a couple of weeks ago So i mainly fight em now.
And if i get killed by melee 1vs1 my oponent had or invested at least 150% skill and won close enough. However it seldom happend
"Good" sarranid teams simply gang u everytime or avoid melee completly.
Here is my proposal: Give sarranids scimitars both |>remove em from vaegirs they shall use nordic swords
And better shields for sarranids>reduce price for that steel shield in their cavlary selection and make it available for infantry aswell.
Armor helm and price should be altered aswell. Sarranids die by everything in 1hit.
Or it is possible too to take em out of automatical team-map selection...
Posted 20 March 2019 - 07:50 PM

"Good" sarranid teams simply gang u everytime or avoid melee completly.
Its not the faction that is running away from you its the players playing it. As i said in my post on this thread its the players that make the faction really. Not to mention saying that only good teams gang you makes me ask why are you in a position to get ganged up on anyway? Where is your team to help you not get ganged up on? If you are paying the enemy a visit in their spawn then yes, you will get ganged on by that one annoying player that will dedicate their life to killing you. Even so, all it takes is a decent enough player to turn what you consider being ganged up on into easy free kills.
Here is my proposal: Give sarranids scimitars both |>remove em from vaegirs they shall use nordic swords
And better shields for sarranids>reduce price for that steel shield in their cavlary selection and make it available for infantry aswell.
Armor helm and price should be altered aswell. Sarranids die by everything in 1hit.
Sarranids have access to the best one handed axe in the game at 38 cut so going by your suggestion you want to give them an elite scimitar which is the best one handed sword in warband. Jarrids are almost broken because of the amount of damage they can do to where its common place to get close to one hit by them. Sarranids have good body armour called guard armour, where sarranids seem to neglect taking armour is their head. If you dont bother taking head armour you are just begging to get one hit by everything.
There is an even simpler solution to the dilemma, if you dont get hit then you dont need to worry about getting one hit by everything.
Take the iron axe, a good shield, good armour and swing that lovely 38 cut axe at peoples head and see how many swings people sponge (Note, nords with that 38 cut axe is really funny). Thats all you need, they have the tools to do very well and thats not even talking about the bs two handed sabre they get with the neoGK mod.
If you want a faction to complain about Khergits would be a better one as you would have some ground to stand on, as even the competitive community recognises how poor that faction is and thus in most tournaments (but not all) dont use them and people have been experimenting with stat alterations over the years to try and make them less shit.
- MapMaker likes this
Posted 23 March 2019 - 03:21 PM

Its not the faction that is running away from you its the players playing it. As i said in my post on this thread its the players that make the faction really. Not to mention saying that only good teams gang you makes me ask why are you in a position to get ganged up on anyway? Where is your team to help you not get ganged up on? If you are paying the enemy a visit in their spawn then yes, you will get ganged on by that one annoying player that will dedicate their life to killing you. Even so, all it takes is a decent enough player to turn what you consider being ganged up on into easy free kills.
from ICA_Gazz
1) true and runaways are everywhere! BUT Sarranid equipment is encouraging ppl to run away from melee. If u dont believe it--- i somehow got nothing left to tell you, but:
watch out while playing with or vs sarranids ingame.
2)Wrong the equipment of a factions decides a big deal of the players combat style (having no long rech 2hand will exclude ya from 2-hand spam -is this true? Are u gonna doubt this? Plz dont let me know there is a twohand for every faction now. I know that but: This was not the case in earlier times of that game.
3) Yes ganging is a good tactical behaviour. Realy is this your argument OMG! BALANCE is about compare a single players chances 1vs1 and 1 vs an enemy group. AND i still say with sarranid equipment u got lower chances in both NO matter what the exact number is.
4) so all your questions about why i am alone, was i trying to flank or what is my team doing, and so far do not yet rly matter sorry.
5) Sarranids got some good armor for both body and head i agree. BUT please compare prices for BOTH with prices of aquivalent items of nord, swadia or vaegir faction. Wait i tell u the prices for sarranid armor and helmets are relative high.
6) so the 38er onehand- axe is the is the one hand weapon with the highest damage
... but if one cant effort armor and not even select a proper shield it stay s difficult to get that close to your enemy.
----reach is a specific melee problem sarranids suffer aswell. Compared to all other factions weapon selections 2hands as much as one hands ----
ANd yes i still sugest to pimp Sarranids onehand selection (including realy strong shields like nords got em and the neogk added to swadia aswell) because they would have a positive melee-perk:
One hand melee! with swords, axes they already got and spamitar and stell shield they cant coose as infnatry by now.
Swadia : Knights and a good cross over everything
Nords: All you need in close-melee
Vaegir: hm what could that be again
Khergs: mounted archery
Rohdoks: Tower shields and poleaarms for anti cav
I am done with this in case i have to read further argument s vs very obvious facts
Best regards Mahrwini
Posted 23 March 2019 - 09:52 PM

Difference between factions, between equipment for each faction, is that make this game playable. If you make a balance in all factions, well... where is the challenge?
An example, I mean, if start a sarranid vs nords round, and you go nords because think they are stronger and you will win, is an good option to play the game, but if you choose sarranid thinking that this is the challenge that gives you satisfaction if you get to win, is much better, when you get it, but if you do not win, nothing should happens, because it was expected, agree?
Some players like to play the game thinking to win always, but for others, is this challenge that makes they get more satisfaction playing (even if don't win).
There must be options for all of them in the game.
- The_Knight_Who_Says_NI likes this
Posted 24 March 2019 - 02:35 PM

This all is true. But i keep saying sarranids got no positive faction-specific thing- As all other factions happen to have. The 38 one.hand axe could be one with proper shield and/or armor. Still it would lack reach and speed while vaegir have all the 3: Arrow rain and in melee spamitar+long reach 2hand axes sufficent shields and even better cavalary . That all to lower prices. And any challenge can get oversized in sense of a fun and good game.
Edited 03/29/2019:
Dont say it is possible with all skilled players on their side! I know that. But that casts bad balance aswell.
Your solution is noone, but another problem!
Posted 30 March 2019 - 09:05 AM

I think factions shouldnt have same armors and that it is bigger issue.
Example is Vaegirs with Nords (jacket leather).
Vaegirs already have low athletics, combined with expensive and heavy armors that look like enemies...
I think they could use something unique, like their archers nomad coat for inf or weapons.
Compared to Rhodoks their weapon choice sucks as Rhodoks get cleavers and much better hammer/sickle, not to mention mace or hammers. At least give them unique shields

I will take look at single player items to see if there are some good alternatives.
Posted 31 March 2019 - 09:40 AM

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