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Unable to connect to server

unable to connect

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Yo guys,


Sometimes on Mount and Blade Warband  i am not able to connect to the servers, the thing that happens is that i click on the server and then it starts donwlaoding the map but straight awy i get the pop up of unable to connect to server. I tried some things to help this like trying to change my use secure connection in the rgl log, but however these where already on 0 by both of them. I am totally lost and have no idea how to fix this. It is kinda annoying and makes the game less fun to play sometimes. So i was hoping someone here could help me out a bit.

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    The Mongol

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Hi, I've moved your topic to this section (FAQ) for better.

About your problem, try this (taken from FAQ):


FAQ Content


Q-1: I see the message "Unable to connect to server" as soon as I join multiplayer, please help!


Try this:

·         check broadband/router settings, also firewall, in your net, to be sure you have good connection

·         install the latest patch made for TrollGame's servers (go to question 4 in this topic)

Sometimes TrollGame's servers have some problems or are simply off. In this case all you can do is wait and try again later.




pd: You can check/read others in FAQ for others possible troubles also, good luck.


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