Are you tired of not being able to clad yourself in the most expensive armour in the game? Tired of not being able to wield the longest and thickest sword on the market every game? Vote yes to permanent swadia and join the SIGMA MALE movement
Are you tired of cavalry? Tired of getting run down by 10 beta males riding a motorcycle with infinite armour and a broomstick on your way to the healing fountain? Tired of having to needlessly use the ½ key to watch your back constantly? Having to change your routes or be forced to go inside seperated from your friends? Press yes to a cav limit
In all seriousness. Arena peaks in players whenever swadia is a faction. I've seen on more than 3 occasions a minimum of 13 players leaving when the map changed from Two Caves to Watch Your Steps because the factions went to Sarranids and Khergits (cancer). People love Swadia. Its the most well rounded faction, as it has STRONG 1h potential, best duelling weapons and arguably the best cavalry in the game. Crossbrows are top tier as they can even get a shield.
The cavalry should change because 50% of the maps are insanely unbalanced. Most of them has an open field where 30 cavalry players will ride you down and spawnrape you before you can even get halfways to the teaming spot.
This is just a suggestion ;D