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Permanent swadia on arena + cav limit

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Poll: Permanent swadia (67 member(s) have cast votes)

Should swadia be a permanent featured faction alongside a random faction on Arena?

  1. 100% yes lol obviously (26 votes [38.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.81%

  2. no (beta) (41 votes [61.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 61.19%

Should there be a cavalry limit to Arena? HINT: yes

  1. Yes, there should be a cavalry limit. Getting steamrolled by 10 beta males with broomsticks on an unbalanced map is the worst (31 votes [46.27%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.27%

  2. No (36 votes [53.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 53.73%

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The solution is simple, make maps based around balanced and player flow, not "it spins and i spawn in water, omg so cool big lul"


Ofc actually making good maps isn't simple but the solution itself is.   Right now its like if the majority of battlefield maps catered almost entirely to tanks, snipers and (by virtue of being flat maps apart from raised areas for snipers) aircraft. 

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expand your game experience guys, find creative ways to defeat the problem that is cav spam, i would recommend Kamby to gather his friends and organize teaming cavalry squad to attack other cavalry until point of defeat :P if you are good with 2h then being cav makes you op, since cavalry is easiest class to master in warband
i've come up with solution of place small block baricades around alley of a map like scattered lego pieces, and they get trapped like flies on spiderweb, or just build huge wall which makes most cav players get very angry, dismount and try destroy your wall like mongolians on china.
if that dont work then theres always a option to play cav yourself and hunt down those less skilled ones, everyone really hates javelins/jarrids/throwing spears
in most fights i get out blocked by other guys even with shield but it is always satisfying to kill 2h players with cavalry lance or nord javelin cav than being annoyed by other horsemen attacking me. in my experience its usually the autoblockers that hate cav or archery most as they cant autoblock projectiles or couched lance attacks and these type of players always hate to loose.

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Or balanced maps could be made to begin with so players could play DM without having to alter their play style just to defeat cav. 




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There are several weapons to easily counter the cavalry, aren't archers more annoying?

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There are several weapons to easily counter the cavalry, aren't archers more annoying?

Usually they are, but horse archers are the absolute worse. 

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expand your game experience guys, find creative ways to defeat the problem that is cav spam, i would recommend Kamby to gather his friends and organize teaming cavalry squad to attack other cavalry until point of defeat :P if you are good with 2h then being cav makes you op, since cavalry is easiest class to master in warband
i've come up with solution of place small block baricades around alley of a map like scattered lego pieces, and they get trapped like flies on spiderweb, or just build huge wall which makes most cav players get very angry, dismount and try destroy your wall like mongolians on china.
if that dont work then theres always a option to play cav yourself and hunt down those less skilled ones, everyone really hates javelins/jarrids/throwing spears
in most fights i get out blocked by other guys even with shield but it is always satisfying to kill 2h players with cavalry lance or nord javelin cav than being annoyed by other horsemen attacking me. in my experience its usually the autoblockers that hate cav or archery most as they cant autoblock projectiles or couched lance attacks and these type of players always hate to loose.

Fully agree. I always find some goals for the map and situation, that what I like in DM: kill annoying horses with ranged or horse, kill archers with melee or ranged, kill faggot teammates and so one.

If you want duels - go to duel server.
But all what low-iq-one-weapon "pros" want is to have long sword, sit at some spot in group and attack with this group single players like hyenas. Otherwise they would go to duel and would not complain about archers and horses.
  • Elary, Mrakomor and HarryYerAWazak like this



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No one is asking for duels, i appreciate the input yrod even though i don't like you.


Joss, i know its not the same principle for Arena but you will NEVER see that armored horses in WBMM or anywhere competitive. Fully armored swadia horse can tank a pike at full throttle. Wall of barricades is gonna do absolute 0 on an open map like Arena, Arena by Ayna, Two Caves or any other open map, as the horses can see them from a mile away and literally just turn around. Also i've literally never seen a horseman dismount to destroy the wall LOL, they ride the other way. There is a 2% chance of you doing anything out in the open against a heavily armored horse and a beta sitting on top of it.


Also i don't have the same experience with autoblockers as you, but if the 16 ppl voting yes for a cav limit are potential autoblockers including people from the admin team, we need an admin to do something ;D



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No one is asking for duels, i appreciate the input yrod even though i don't like you.


Joss, i know its not the same principle for Arena but you will NEVER see that armored horses in WBMM or anywhere competitive.

Arena is suppose to be casual not competitive experience, that doesnt mean casually racist/toxic though


 Wall of barricades is gonna do absolute 0 on an open map like Arena, Arena by Ayna, Two Caves or any other open map, as the horses can see them from a mile away and literally just turn around. Also i've literally never seen a horseman dismount to destroy the wall LOL, they ride the other way. 


i built a wall couple of times in past in arena from wall to first centre, stacking baricades up like tictacs side to side, then there was some dudes who tried to jump over, got stuck, got rekt and respawned as heavily armoured 2h axemen, but mostly some players who build circle around well would come to destroy my wall to reduce that baricade limit


Also i don't have the same experience with autoblockers as you, but if the 16 ppl voting yes for a cav limit are potential autoblockers including people from the admin team, we need an admin to do something ;D

no you got it wrong - didn't say anyone who polls yes is autoblocker, average players dont really care about cav, its the famous special 2h guys who are tired of being run over trying to reach centre of map, but the ones who curse hate cav players are more likely autoblockers ,,in my experience its usually the autoblockers that hate cav or archery most,,

  • Elary and HarryYerAWazak like this




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Alot of these votes are biased. Alot (not all) players vote for what Kamby wants just because he's popular and/or made the vote he wants more obvious and more likely to be chosen.

People need actaully THINK and look deep inside for the option they really desire, whether it's each of those.

I've always had the perk of my opinion being based on facts ONLY & not affected at all about what the majority of society thought or followed or regarded as right or wrong.
Having the perk of being an independent thinker is actually a curse when you see everyday how broken the world is and you're unable to fix it.

If a high-profile like a governor states that stray dogs need to be killed, you'll see so many zombies doing exactly that without even questioning the reason and if there's an alternative. Same as when  u see a video of more zombies seeing a guy being beaten to death in street by so many degenerates, and you see these zombies joining the beating just because everyone else is doing it and cuz they won't be punished.
You may think this is irrelevant but it SURE is relevant and I don't want to turn this into a long article.

Everyone has a class to hate cuz they are vulnerable against. If we decide based on classes we hate there will be no classes cause each has vulnerabilities (even cavs).
There are players with 100+ ping. Can they play inf aganst 40 ping 144+ hz inf players?? So they choose cav or archer so they don't become a free meal. Not everyone's hardware/internet is suitable against Ludus veterans. It's only fair that every1's vulnerable to something instead of a specific group of players.
Plus it's so ez to assassinate cavs with the Gaysword. I can do it for a living.

As Joss said, bigger variety's what making Arena so popular over the years. Arena = freedom.
Won't discuss this anymore whether anyone agrees with it or not, cause I'm bored of writing and there will always be a variety of opinions.

This is all to make u think independently & thoroughly whether there should be cav limit or not. Everything I said is relevant.

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You get muted for far less than racism from what i hear, so casual is kind of meh. This wasnt supposed to turn into such a big debate. I respect ur opinion but you don't seem to respect mine nor of the fellow players. I will let the vote stand, and hopefully we can get a Senior or Aratar to look at this and voice a hopefully unbiased opinion as they are the ones who in the end makes the decision.


I feel like i expressed myself well and the issues that i see going on with Arena. By the looks of the votes there are also a majority of people agreeing with me currently, so i think we should let the vote speak for itself.

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Polls on the forum are not representational, and results close to 50/50 makes them even more doubtful.

No one would risk to make these big changes with that.
  • Mrakomor and HarryYerAWazak like this



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You get muted for far less than racism from what i hear, so casual is kind of meh. This wasnt supposed to turn into such a big debate. I respect ur opinion but you don't seem to respect mine nor of the fellow players. I will let the vote stand, and hopefully we can get a Senior or Aratar to look at this and voice a hopefully unbiased opinion as they are the ones who in the end makes the decision.


I feel like i expressed myself well and the issues that i see going on with Arena. By the looks of the votes there are also a majority of people agreeing with me currently, so i think we should let the vote speak for itself.

if that's directed at me (idk), I do respect your opinion, even if we sometimes trashtalk in server. Anything I said wasn't to make them not vote for what u wanted. It was to make them vote for what they REALLY wanted, not because they're friends with u or because u made what u wanted a more obvious choice. You did express uself well & so did I. I don't want cav limit, but anything I said was only to make them think from both sides without letting anyone affect their choice. I don't mind at all playing inf, but having more options is always a plus. We'll see what happens.



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if that's directed at me (idk), I've never got muted, and I do respect your opinion, even if we sometimes trashtalk in server. Anything I said wasn't to make them not vote for what u wanted. It was to make them vote for what they REALLY wanted, not because they're friends with u or because u made what u wanted a more obvious choice. You did express uself well & so did I. I don't want cav limit, but anything I said was relevant & was to make them vote independently and think from both sides without letting anyone affect their choice. I don't mind at all playing inf, but having more options is always a plus. We'll see what happens.


Wasnt directed towards you mate. You made some good points.

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learn from Jozi, n00bs



swadia is overrated. cav's preferred faction choice but you poll arena underground swadia vs rhodok and then you wonder why there is a big amount of cav ramming you all the time. not to mention the fact that swadia has  the worst skill in the game when it comes to ranged. you rarely see players getting xbows/ trowing weapons in this faction which are most effective means deal with cavs. also, most people that want swadia will play only 2h great sword and little to no armor. anyone would pick a target with little armor and no shield to attack as it's fast kill. but yeah sure, blame class balance or maps and enjoy cav fest.


this poll is sponsored by people who want to have duel in dm. i call it biased poll. 

not even worth voting.

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Poll isnt new, its been up before. Even if the poll was "sponsored" by poeple who want to have duels in dm which isnt the case, right now thats around 50% and their votes count just as much

Also if people want to run 2h swagsword with no armor let them? If its what the people want then it will reflect in the voting which it is atm.

Also maps are unbalanced af. Appreciate the people who made them, but that doesnt change the fact they are insanely biased. People don't want to get raped by archers on a wall hence they added a limit, people dont want to get raped by 200HP horses with great lances on an open field with 1km to the nearest person and therefor i'm making a suggestion.


Get the whole versatility argument and i agree to some extent. Idk who far the TG scripting goes or how good they are with codes. Maybe upping the chances of Swadia as a faction could be a solution. The thing i'm most passionate about is balancing those fucking broomsticks



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Just make balanced maps thenk 

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this poll is sponsored by people who want to have duel in dm.

no duel or kick

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i've been in this community for a long time no one complained about balance or maps in dm for a simple fact. players used to take care of this by taking counter classes for whatever was too annoying for everyone ( spear walls as anti cav tactic, players with shield and trowing weapong for archers, barricades around the map to stop cav infestation and to hide from both classes, etc)


all this desperate cry started when a hand of players from camelot started joining the server spamming arena polls with swadia always. idk how that server was but judging on what you always ask for you only played one map with infantry and most possible class limits for cav/archer. where is that server now? i don't understand why you try so hard to make camelot out of TG but there are plenty of players that want variety and that's the reason TG arena is popular. there are other servers which have the exact thing you are asking for but i see no one rushing there. why is that?


all i am saying you got all the means to balance the game yourselves, poll another map, take different classes, use different weapons but i guess it's easier to fall down on your butt and demand changes that would fit only 10% of the ones playing there :rolleyes: . and btw, how can we be so certain all the votes are from those playing arena? we got no way to see who voted so what could stop you from getting your friends to make an account just to vote for your poll?


another reason why the poll is biased.

  • Joss, LizardWizard, yrod and 3 others like this





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Siege players might aswell vote no. I'm not sure how it works but maybe Aratar has a bypass to see the list of voters. I can give you a long list of people whome i know voted; Martino, Brownie, Busbyy, PSP, Ninja, keloks, CJ, Nikko, Berry, Poppy (who is my friend and voted no), your_mums and even people from the admin team.


Dont dispute you being in the community for a looong time. I didnt ask for a mockery of this thread and i've written as nicely as i could phrase my things. Its an active suggestion in the trollgame COMMUNITY which we all share the love for. If you disagree with the poll just say no, its that simple. Right now its a 50/50 vote with legit voters, if it doesnt go through so be it.

Also i didnt really play on Camelot so i can't compare the two as i joined the community late. There are limits to balancing the game yourself. Why not remove the class limit on siege if we're meant to balance things ourselves?

Maps are making these things seem far more OP than they maybe are. Either the maps should change or a nerf to cav. Wether that be class limits, stats tweak or remove great lance from the server.


Glad u voice ur opinion, maybe gives ppl more knowledge before casting a vote. I know what i would prefere as a player

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"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Taking into account that Arena-Swads poll wins like once per 10 map, multiplying it on at least 3 votes per map we will get 1/30 poll passes. Good luck to make Arena-Swads 24/7

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