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Permanent swadia on arena + cav limit

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Poll: Permanent swadia (67 member(s) have cast votes)

Should swadia be a permanent featured faction alongside a random faction on Arena?

  1. 100% yes lol obviously (26 votes [38.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.81%

  2. no (beta) (41 votes [61.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 61.19%

Should there be a cavalry limit to Arena? HINT: yes

  1. Yes, there should be a cavalry limit. Getting steamrolled by 10 beta males with broomsticks on an unbalanced map is the worst (31 votes [46.27%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.27%

  2. No (36 votes [53.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 53.73%

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i've been in this community for a long time no one complained about balance or maps in dm for a simple fact. players used to take care of this by taking counter classes for whatever was too annoying for everyone ( spear walls as anti cav tactic, players with shield and trowing weapong for archers, barricades around the map to stop cav infestation and to hide from both classes, etc)


all this desperate cry started when a hand of players from camelot started joining the server spamming arena polls with swadia always. idk how that server was but judging on what you always ask for you only played one map with infantry and most possible class limits for cav/archer. where is that server now? i don't understand why you try so hard to make camelot out of TG but there are plenty of players that want variety and that's the reason TG arena is popular. there are other servers which have the exact thing you are asking for but i see no one rushing there. why is that?


all i am saying you got all the means to balance the game yourselves, poll another map, take different classes, use different weapons but i guess it's easier to fall down on your butt and demand changes that would fit only 10% of the ones playing there :rolleyes: . and btw, how can we be so certain all the votes are from those playing arena? we got no way to see who voted so what could stop you from getting your friends to make an account just to vote for your poll?


another reason why the poll is biased.


If players have to play a specific way to deal with a imbalance then that's not a good thing, let alone having to team in DM (I know warband is a bit of a different case due to the teaming culture but still).   If the majority of battlefield maps required that people pick engineer to cope with the majority of maps being blank featureless areas dominated by tanks then the maps would of failed to be balanced and the game would get worse reviews, fewer players and so forth.    I do think making balanced maps can allow players of all classes (except horse archers probably since they need blank featureless maps) to enjoy themselves.   It really shouldn't be about restricting classes but that's more of a knee jerk reaction.


Also i don't like Swadia arena for duels personally, i like it when multiple fight each other until a heavy cav health sponge barrels through and backstabs one person and knocks the majority over allowing those still up to get free kills.  

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    Furor Anatolicus

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40 votes is quite enough for representing a majority of players on arena. Make sure to tell others about the poll when they notice the change in Arena. Their participation is important.


Although the change may not much be a necessity since the reasonable limit will be 20%-25% at the minimum anyways. And there are at most 6-10 cav players in a 50 player server afai can see.


Also I would rather the online admins apply the 20% limit when there are more than 40-50 players in the server. For example, limiting 5 players to 1 cav is ridiculous when the server has low pop.


Edit: Permanent Swadia is not gonna happen.

Edited by Aratar, 27 June 2021 - 01:40 PM.

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Thank you, first poll i've seen to show some kind of change. As i mentioned in PM, with this small lead we have right now in the cavalry department, i would like to see it lowered to around 16-17%. I've tried to branch out the vote as much as i could, but 40 players is a crazy amount. So thank you for not ignoring. Now new mapzz  B)  :crazy:



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Imagine limiting Deathmatch, lol


With forum poll win 3% and 40 noname voters. Anyone could make just one new account and change the result, lel



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Hopefully no one does that. When your in-game Watch Your Steps map votes win with 51% or 1 voter you dont complain about the democracy lol. You're happy to change the map as long as it suits what you want. This is a vote on what everyone wants and right now you're not in the lead. Dont be stupid now

  • Aura* and LA_G_P like this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Poll in game for map change is representable and fair, because no one can make multiple false accounts or ask friends to join and vote. 



This is a vote on what everyone wants and right now you're not in the lead. Dont be stupid now


Everyone - is random 40 voters with 3% margin? Doubtful. Learn statistic man.


Main idea of Deathmatch is "no special rules". Many players like play cav and and will do anything else thanks new special rules. Many players like hunting the cav with spears or bows and now no fun with this because Jamby doesn't like cavs and won poll with 3% and 40 voters on forum

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And again, democracy is not about winning of majority, but about hearing every voices. 


But now majority infringe the rights of horseman players.


Btw I hate horses too and never play as horsemen. But limiting the Deathmatch is bullshit. If I accidently want to take the hose for some reason, I will be unable to do it.

Unable. To. Take. Class. You. Want. on. Deathmatch.



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Its also about balance. Its all about having fluid gameplay and not having it ruined by a class which is already overpowered, but also has many maps that gives them even more of an advantage.


Only way to create change is by listening to the community, and as of right now the community has voted. You're acting like a sore loser. And yes you will be unable to pick that class hopefully. Same principle as on the Siege server where you cant have 60 archers on the defenders team. BALANCE. Call of Duty you can use whatever gun you want or specialist, but if a gun is too overpowered it gets fucking nerfed to keep the game balanced and fluid. Same principle here. Also it was a suggestion which people agreed with. No one said this vote would half the community split in half, could of gone either way.


Dont be crying over a lost poll, its not even done yet.

  • Aura*, LA_G_P and mumbuz like this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



    hey u

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siege has goal to achieve during the round, so balance is necessity there
meanwhile, arena has no specific goals, it's all about having fun and limiting people to get it is meh
limited cav and always swad = literally ludus with great sword duelist all the way around
  • Aratar, Elary, yrod and 1 other like this



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Only way to create change is by listening to the community


Listening only to 53% players is loosing another 47%. That is my point.

You and me, we both dislike cavs because we want melee fight, but we get killed like couple of times per round from hated horsemen. But removing that minor inconvenience will totally ruin the game for those who likes cav or cav hunting.


So we cannot do a bit convenient game for 53% sacrificing 47% who would be totally unsatisfied with this.



Its also about balance. 

What balance for Deathmatch you want? I wish admins run two separate servers. One with Arena only and swads with 1% horsemen and another like it is now. First server would be empty after couple of days.



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I think its good to remember that I personally didnt vote for a maximum of 2 cavs in a 50 player lobby. Just not 20. I dont want to eradicate cavalry from the server, but i am looking for a solution. I think 8 cavs are a good number when you have these maps in rotation.



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



    hey u

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as waska said, players will be exploiting this limit by choosing cav class but with no horse setup
  • Aratar, Elary, yrod and 1 other like this



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as waska said, players will be exploiting this limit by choosing cav class but with no horse setup


I often take horse just for fast travel somewhere and then ditch it. So for this some player will be unable to play cav whole round, because focking limits on deathmatch :)

  • Elary, Dacket and Traitor522 like this



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A tweak to stats, removing great lance, making the crouched lance do less dmg, remove stacker dmg, lower horse HP, other maps that doesn't favor cavalry


Limits are the first step to start a discussion. Ya'll are going off as i'm the only person who wants this. Right now you have around half the server who agrees with the fact that something has to be done



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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I would lower Great Sword dmg like in twice, that fun of having long-sword duels will be prolonged twicely



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I would lower Great Sword dmg like twice, that fun of having long-sword duels will be prolonged twicely


Make a poll



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Make a poll


Let's say I will make poll about favorite weapon and then we exclude from the server all weapons except most favorite. That would be most closely to what you want here



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That poll wouldnt go through but you're welcome to try. I'm getting tired of being nice because you're too braindead to see more people are agreeing with me than you.

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"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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 I'm getting tired of being nice because you're too braindead to see more people are agreeing with me than you.


Rather you don't like open discussions with arguments if you prefer to go angry.

I describe valid logical points, but you are trying to hit me in person with "crying, braindead, sore loser" and so on. Now you will bring here screenshot of our ft7, lol?


And most people playing cav are nubs and don't even know about forum or don't want to be it part. So we cannot account their opinion here, which makes this poll even more non-representative

  • Mrakomor likes this



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You're argument is: "boohoo i cant play cav in deathmatch, any1 should be able to play" "if i make a vote to only have great sword in arena its the same"


No its not the same. Arguments are repeated again and again and i've responded to them. You're too keen on wanting to argue and get ur points across that u dont care about the majority who is currently against you. We can account everyones opinion. Spread the word about this if you are so desperate to win it.


Also: 20210616112001_1.jpg



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021

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