i've been in this community for a long time no one complained about balance or maps in dm for a simple fact. players used to take care of this by taking counter classes for whatever was too annoying for everyone ( spear walls as anti cav tactic, players with shield and trowing weapong for archers, barricades around the map to stop cav infestation and to hide from both classes, etc)
all this desperate cry started when a hand of players from camelot started joining the server spamming arena polls with swadia always. idk how that server was but judging on what you always ask for you only played one map with infantry and most possible class limits for cav/archer. where is that server now? i don't understand why you try so hard to make camelot out of TG but there are plenty of players that want variety and that's the reason TG arena is popular. there are other servers which have the exact thing you are asking for but i see no one rushing there. why is that?
all i am saying you got all the means to balance the game yourselves, poll another map, take different classes, use different weapons but i guess it's easier to fall down on your butt and demand changes that would fit only 10% of the ones playing there
. and btw, how can we be so certain all the votes are from those playing arena? we got no way to see who voted so what could stop you from getting your friends to make an account just to vote for your poll?
another reason why the poll is biased.
If players have to play a specific way to deal with a imbalance then that's not a good thing, let alone having to team in DM (I know warband is a bit of a different case due to the teaming culture but still). If the majority of battlefield maps required that people pick engineer to cope with the majority of maps being blank featureless areas dominated by tanks then the maps would of failed to be balanced and the game would get worse reviews, fewer players and so forth. I do think making balanced maps can allow players of all classes (except horse archers probably since they need blank featureless maps) to enjoy themselves. It really shouldn't be about restricting classes but that's more of a knee jerk reaction.
Also i don't like Swadia arena for duels personally, i like it when multiple fight each other until a heavy cav health sponge barrels through and backstabs one person and knocks the majority over allowing those still up to get free kills.