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Permanent swadia on arena + cav limit

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Poll: Permanent swadia (67 member(s) have cast votes)

Should swadia be a permanent featured faction alongside a random faction on Arena?

  1. 100% yes lol obviously (26 votes [38.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.81%

  2. no (beta) (41 votes [61.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 61.19%

Should there be a cavalry limit to Arena? HINT: yes

  1. Yes, there should be a cavalry limit. Getting steamrolled by 10 beta males with broomsticks on an unbalanced map is the worst (31 votes [46.27%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.27%

  2. No (36 votes [53.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 53.73%

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Are you tired of not being able to clad yourself in the most expensive armour in the game? Tired of not being able to wield the longest and thickest sword on the market every game? Vote yes to permanent swadia and join the SIGMA MALE movement


Are you tired of cavalry? Tired of getting run down by 10 beta males riding a motorcycle with infinite armour and a broomstick on your way to the healing fountain? Tired of having to needlessly use the ½ key to watch your back constantly? Having to change your routes or be forced to go inside seperated from your friends? Press yes to a cav limit



In all seriousness. Arena peaks in players whenever swadia is a faction. I've seen on more than 3 occasions a minimum of 13 players leaving when the map changed from Two Caves to Watch Your Steps because the factions went to Sarranids and Khergits (cancer). People love Swadia. Its the most well rounded faction, as it has STRONG 1h potential, best duelling weapons and arguably the best cavalry in the game. Crossbrows are top tier as they can even get a shield.

The cavalry should change because 50% of the maps are insanely unbalanced. Most of them has an open field where 30 cavalry players will ride you down and spawnrape you before you can even get halfways to the teaming spot.


This is just a suggestion ;D

  • Aura*, Ruf, LA_G_P and 2 others like this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021




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Fucking horse fuckers!! ;) :P

  • Aura*, Kamby and mumbuz like this



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HAHA you made an account just to say that  :D



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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swadia bo0oring

remove khergits tho

and make internet free pls

  • WingedSquirrel, Jozi * and deformedgremlin like this

Very nice



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we have been making these suggestions for the past 3 years or more

they dont give a shit and i stopped playing on this server because of it

  • Kamby likes this



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Cav limit means every1 fights in chat for cav class like it's their bathroom turn.
Arena should remain the casual server without much restrictions.
if it isn't fun getting killed by cavs, so isn't getting killed by 30 ping "pros" who swing their Gaysword much faster.
  • HarryYerAWazak likes this



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id much rather get killed by a pro than gangraped by 7 heavily armored horses carrying great lances that goes through blocks and stuns you as they hit. Problem is the maps are currently inviting a cavalry meta that makes shit impossible to counter more than half the time. Nerf the OP shit and bring some balance into it. Its basically incorporating the same principle of an archer restriction from Siege into Arena. 


good point though

  • (300)Zawisza, Aura*, Ruf and 2 others like this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021




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Silly peasants..


Let me explain the beauty of being on horseback. The wind is in your hair, falcons fly at your command and you hear the lamentation of your enemies when you cut them down. You move like thunder across the map striking at will anyone that dares to oppose you. Even the most hardcore group of teamers feel fear when they hear the sounds of mighty horses coming close. You hear them cry in despair as their friends heads are chopped off by a mighty axe or sword.

It is glorious!

  • WingedSquirrel, scatman, Ayna and 1 other like this



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imagine picking cav and then just play as inf 
with help of some players u can literally exploit and play without cav 

  • Dacket, WingedSquirrel and Poppy like this

Very nice



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Awl pike op 

  • WingedSquirrel, Jozi * and scatman like this



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Horses needed for shit maps where otherwise you have to walk for 1 min to find someone(70% of maps)

Only swads with Great sword is option for low-iq-one-weapon "pros"
  • scatman and will graham like this

Annabella Campbell

Annabella Campbell

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Only when TG_Arena will be a 24/7 match in the Arena with Swadia and Rhodok, in which there will be limits of only 1 player on cavalry for each faction and only 30 players on archers for each faction. Only then TG_Arena will reach its peak and become a trully blessed place

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Kamby for Admin 2022!




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voted YES for both!! Also Anny will be so sad :( 

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Awl pike op 

rhodok pike MUCH BETTER 



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What a novel idea, what could go wrong? 

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This isn't Ludus, there is more to warband than just using 2h sword and 1v1'ing everyone for hours. Different factions = bigger variety, having cavalry = bigger variety, bigger variety = why TG arena has  been active for 10 years 

  • Elary, LizardWizard, Dacket and 6 others like this





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What a novel idea, what could go wrong? 


shush nibba

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Good opinion Joss, you're more than welcome to vote NO if you disagree with the suggestion. As of right now around 50% of the community you are talking about disagrees with you.

Versatility of factions is good, but certain faction matchups are absolute garbage (imo) and in many cases it makes people leave the server. Argument is so simple. Cavalries are crazy overpowered with the current map pool, and with half the server teaming at a location cav cant reach, it leaves the remaining 10% of players as fast food. Take Two Caves by Gannicus as an example. You can't even hide anywhere depending on the spawn, you're just gonna get run down. You literally can't do shit half the time. I say nerf the cavalry alongside the 55% other people who voted.


Also no one is saying 2 cavs per map. Either change the map pool to favor infantry and archers or do something about the cavalry problem.

  • Aura* and mumbuz like this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Sidenote: Swadia is the faction with the most versatile selection. Top tier 1h, top tier 2h, top tier cav, top tier crossbows. There is a reason why 90% of the players chooses Swadia when its one of the featured factions. No one wants to be a khergit or a sarranid over a swad.

  • mumbuz likes this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021

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