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[WV]~ Wolves clan (Disbanded)

WV Wolves clan Joss Floki Elary Watchdog admin

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  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 1518 posts

14102808201936898.png We fight like wolves - if one is threat then pack is death.

  • No duels, no rage nor cry, if we gather we win because we think as team.
  • Prefered factions: Nord,Vaegir,Rhodok
  • To get into clan speak with Joss,Floki,Elary,Watchdog. Skype is required.
  • Every clan member is equal which means we have no elites or newbies.
  • Main spoken languages: English,Russian,Georgian.

MEMBERS - also class type of each member by use and skill


[WV]~Joss~1L★★(first leader) - infantry,cavalry,archer

[WV]~Floki★★(second leader) - inf,arch,cav

[WV]~Elary★★- arch,cav,inf

[WV]~WatchDog★★- inf,cav,arch

[WV]~Monqoloid_TurK★ - cav,inf
[WV]~Hardrus★ - inf - ( quit M&B )
[WV]~Krat★ - inf,cav

[WV]~Parzival★ - cav,inf

[WV]~qwertyberg★ - arch
★- inf

[WV]~Antoni - inf
[WV]~M1nDoozZa - inf,arch
★- inf

[WV]~Coman - inf

[WV]~Marcel - inf, arch

[WV]~Eliez - inf

  • ZeArcher, BlackDeath, WatchDog and 7 others like this





  • Senior Ex Staff
  • 1518 posts
Clan website and clan server are coming soon ...
  • WatchDog, Mister Majcher, LizardWizard and 1 other like this


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: WV, Wolves, clan, Joss, Floki, Elary, Watchdog, admin

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