Hello, in name of all people...
Welcome to this Community!!!
Let us to know something about you, or simply let your greeting by posting your first words here.

and remember... read, read, read...
Hello, in name of all people...
Welcome to this Community!!!
Let us to know something about you, or simply let your greeting by posting your first words here.
Edited by BlackDeath, 30 December 2015 - 11:42 AM.
hi... but better would be Ni! :D
Hi, been playing warband for many years. Most notably cRPG where I first admin'd and now the awesome mount and siege server. I don't think I'll ever get bored of playing warband I just need to take breaks now and then
Hehehehe you needed to deinstall to stop, so addicted
Hehehehe you needed to deinstall to stop, so addicted
doesnt help, mate
Bonjour all,
Been here and there around for some years; mostly Wolfpack servers (Den and siege), ZHG and Full Inv 2 mod servers.
Thank you for keeping up the great job despite those lame DDos attacks.
See you in-game
Bonjour all,
Been here and there around for some years; mostly Wolfpack servers (Den and siege), ZHG and Full Inv 2 mod servers.
Thank you for keeping up the great job despite those lame DDos attacks.
See you in-game
Your nickname is very fitting for this particular community, welcome
ahah ty Black, I didn't noticed reintroduction patch
i enjoy breaking mouses after ragequits
I mostly break my keyboard
For some reason I thought you were a girl lol. I'm too old to vandalise my computer equipment now. I can only play pm for a week or so straight before it angers me though.i break my fingers trying to smash that tiny mouse
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