You spend 1k on this server O.o that is little less than the hours I played on itHello all
My ingamename at the moment is MoB_Ghom_son_of_GamGom. I've been playing on this siegeserver a very long time. I even was "very" active on the old forum (the backupforum or what you call it). and then this forum came up. I didn't like it at all because there was no darktheme. So i asked who design the website. They said aeneu I think. Then I asked her/him to make a dark theme for me. Aeneu said yes and even asked me what theme I want. But the link aeneu send me didnt work and there was no response afterwards. So I stopped visiting this forum. And after some time the server was always very laggy and i went playing duel. After a while I came back. Lots of player I knew stopped playing this game. It wasnt fun anymore so I stopped playing too. And after a year or so of break I decided to play this game one more time and visit this server. Because I spent over +1k on it. And then I saw some very old player i thought have dtopped playing. But they were there. I asked them if they recognize me. They said yes. They even asked where I was and how I was doing. I couldnt believe it. Some tears went down my cheeks and it was one of the best fays of my life. :') This is the best community of all games. <3 and now after playing a month again and joining MoB I decided to look at the forum. And baaam there was dark theme. I couldnt belive it. So I decided to write this hello all thanl you for the dark theme. I try to be active on this forum like I was on the old one. Some of you guys made my days. And just wanted to say thank you all for all this hours of gamefun with you.(sorry for bad english) and here a potato http://community.tro...g?_r=1482512073

Wb mate, hope you remember me under my old name, randomguy.