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Too many people on siege server

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Well, someone should start this discussion.


200 players is too much!


It is too much for mosts PC.

I have GT755, i5 core and 6GB RAM(middle PC), directX 7 ON, environment effects OFF and all possibles settings to MIN level, but after 100 players on server i have FPS drop to 30-40, so i can`t make chambers or fast blocks, or feint.



It is too much for server.

After some numbers of players above 100 server starts lagging. For example u can make block but enemy strike hit through it, or u make strike right on enemy but its not make any damage to him. Or about barrels: more people above 100 on server - less chance to get food from it.


Or another annoy thing: siege weapons like catapults or trebuchets. In the same map with less players u need for example  2/3 shells of trebuchet for destroying wall and all of them hit it, but when server has more people, u need about 4/3 shells(so u need destroy treb and wait for spawning new after it go empty) for this, because half of shells go through the wall and hit ground. In fisrt case u need 5 minutes for it, in second 5+2(spawn)+2=9-10 minutes where round time is 12, so u brake wall and round end.

All this indicates that the server does not have time to process all that it should.


Some people like dogfight with swing theirs weapons in random direction and they don care about lags, but another want skilled fights with good control of their weapons and this cant be done here.




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After steam sales it will return around 140. This isn't the first steam sale our server sees. ;)




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I am agree with you , Dory, that is why I don't play in Siege..
I always play in Battle, Duel and Arena

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. : | Posted Image | : .



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Dory, on 03 Jan 2016 - 5:20 PM, said:

Well, someone should start this discussion.


200 players is too much!


It is too much for mosts PC.

I have GT755, i5 core and 6GB RAM(middle PC), directX 7 ON, environment effects OFF and all possibles settings to MIN level, but after 100 players on server i have FPS drop to 30-40, so i can`t make chambers or fast blocks, or feint.



It is too much for server.

After some numbers of players above 100 server starts lagging. For example u can make block but enemy strike hit through it, or u make strike right on enemy but its not make any damage to him. Or about barrels: more people above 100 on server - less chance to get food from it.


Or another annoy thing: siege weapons like catapults or trebuchets. In the same map with less players u need for example  2/3 shells of trebuchet for destroying wall and all of them hit it, but when server has more people, u need about 4/3 shells(so u need destroy treb and wait for spawning new after it go empty) for this, because half of shells go through the wall and hit ground. In fisrt case u need 5 minutes for it, in second 5+2(spawn)+2=9-10 minutes where round time is 12, so u brake wall and round end.

All this indicates that the server does not have time to process all that it should.


Some people like dogfight with swing theirs weapons in random direction and they don care about lags, but another want skilled fights with good control of their weapons and this cant be done here.

You might want to get the latest drivers for your gpu it might help here is the link http://www.geforce.c...s/results/96879

Also try directx9 it might work better for you gpu since its not old.And what windows are you using if you're using windows 10 your gpu might not be compatible with it.So you might want to downgrade to 7 or 8.Hope that helps

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Ban 'em all

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Parzival, on 03 Jan 2016 - 6:32 PM, said:

Ban 'em all

And let King Arthur sort them out!

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WingedSquirrel, on 03 Jan 2016 - 6:31 PM, said:

You might want to get the latest drivers for your gpu it might help here is the link http://www.geforce.c...s/results/96879

Also try directx9 it might work better for you gpu since its not old.And what windows are you using if you're using windows 10 your gpu might not be compatible with it.So you might want to downgrade to 7 or 8.Hope that helpshnx, its help for a little(~5fps - think directX9 help).

Thnx, its helped  a little(~5fps - think directX9 helped). But even if i'll buy new PC and have always 60 fps, problem of server lagging is not will be solved. :hammer:



KingArthur, on 03 Jan 2016 - 6:17 PM, said:

After steam sales it will return around 140. This isn't the first steam sale our server sees. ;)


Maybe TG can launch second server? :rolleyes: M&S has had many players before  merge with TG, and now we added to this some of TG siege players and wave of steam sales added too. And i don't really believe that after few weeks server shell have less population, but if this happens, 140 is too much too. It would be great to have a second server with cap of players in 80-100.

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Dory, on 03 Jan 2016 - 5:20 PM, said:

It is too much for mosts PC.

I have GT755, i5 core and 6GB RAM(middle PC), directX 7 ON, environment effects OFF and all possibles settings to MIN level, but after 100 players on server i have FPS drop to 30-40, so i can`t make chambers or fast blocks, or feint.

I have not-too-good/not-too-bad old PC too, but fps are around 50/60... and gameplay not too bad (could be better, but... playable)

Mine PC Specs:


CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 3 Ghz

4 Gb Ram (real only 3,25)

HD 7.200 rpm

Windows 8.1 Enterprise 32 bits

pagefile 3199 Mb

Radeon HD 3870 512 Mb graphics (up x2 by shared system memory)

DirectX 11

10 Mb/s net ADSL (ping ingame 80-100 and few more sometimes)


btw, must check your hardware/software to make some maintaining job if you didn't (defragment HD's, clean register, delete useless files, disable services don't need, disable software running at background, etc...) many things to do in order to have a same/better machine :)


Here you have few more help too: http://community.tro...ormance-ingame/



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Dory, on 03 Jan 2016 - 10:29 PM, said:

Thnx, its helped  a little(~5fps - think directX9 helped). But even if i'll buy new PC and have always 60 fps, problem of server lagging is not will be solved. :hammer:


maybe you have set max framerate 60?
check by going warband launcher - configure - video - max frame rate ....
but be aware with higher fps pc will boil up faster which might damage it in long term

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Just sayin that M&S wasn't officialy a part of us, we basically joined them, and you guys already complain about YOUR problems. You can be happy in my opinion that we are trying to do our best to make u feel good, but seriously, nobody tells you to play there if u got lower pc, second, get a better pc most likely, third, I don't think that many ppl will agree on u just because u think it's to much, how about I say I am enjoying it because I've got a high end pc and I can run even 500pl without any problems. This is in my opinion a wasted spam topic for nothing. I don't tink we can seriously reduce ammount of people just because ur playing on a toaster. Seriously Idk what should we do about it, to tell ppl to not play there because some random guy called Dory can't run on this server because she/he has got bad pc??? Come on guys seriously?..

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EpicFail8221, on 04 Jan 2016 - 11:08 AM, said:

Just sayin that M&S wasn't officialy a part of us, we basically joined them, and you guys already complain about YOUR problems. You can be happy in my opinion that we are trying to do our best to make u feel good, but seriously, nobody tells you to play there if u got lower pc, second, get a better pc most likely, third, I don't think that many ppl will agree on u just because u think it's to much, how about I say I am enjoying it because I've got a high end pc and I can run even 500pl without any problems. This is in my opinion a wasted spam topic for nothing. I don't tink we can seriously reduce ammount of people just because ur playing on a toaster. Seriously Idk what should we do about it, to tell ppl to not play there because some random guy called Dory can't run on this server because she/he has got bad pc??? Come on guys seriously?..

As Epic said. I mean 200 people on siege server is awesome :D Esspecially on maps like Helms Deep and The Wall. I get some lag but still I simply thins it is Epic and there is no need for change. :)

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get a better pc? :D i am having 30 fps on siege with 150+ player and pls, i am playing with fx-8300 cpu and fury x gpu. change of settings doenst help, there is no difference. so don't tell me that these performance drops and lags are problem of my rig. it's much more because of the warband cant use server sources effectively

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My laptop info:

1gb RAM
Processor: Intel Atom Z3735G 1,33GHz
Video card: Intel® HD graphics

My laptop after 30 minutes playin in a siege server with 150 players or more even with minimal graphics, directx 7, 0 corpses and 30 fps or less:



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Nigga please...



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My perfect Mount&Blade Warband game for my fool laptop:


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Nigga please...

Skull Of Plums

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Bubba, on 04 Jan 2016 - 1:13 PM, said:

My perfect Mount&Blade Warband game for my fool laptop:


That story tough...

"Thieves have placed 1 black and 1 white flag in a random deserted fort...GET TO IT BEFORE THE MONGOLS DO OR WE ARE DOOOOOOMEEEEEEEDDDDD"

At least Alexander the Great is portrayed accurately (flamboyant pink shield)

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EpicFail8221, on 04 Jan 2016 - 11:08 AM, said:

Just sayin that M&S wasn't officialy a part of us, we basically joined them, and you guys already complain about YOUR problems. You can be happy in my opinion that we are trying to do our best to make u feel good, but seriously, nobody tells you to play there if u got lower pc, second, get a better pc most likely, third, I don't think that many ppl will agree on u just because u think it's to much, how about I say I am enjoying it because I've got a high end pc and I can run even 500pl without any problems. This is in my opinion a wasted spam topic for nothing. I don't tink we can seriously reduce ammount of people just because ur playing on a toaster. Seriously Idk what should we do about it, to tell ppl to not play there because some random guy called Dory can't run on this server because she/he has got bad pc??? Come on guys seriously?..

First, i repeat: my PC is only half of problem. Another half is server's PC,  witch lagging too.


Second: i have had old PC two years ago, that was one core PC with graphic card from 2007 and i have seriously lags on normal servers and knew that it is my own problem. Now i have average PC, and for game from 2010 it is a good PC. And many others players have same PC closer to my, so it is not only my problem.


Third, it is not my personal complaint. I saw conversation about this in game chat more than once and u can see that in this topic. So there is a group of people that not satisfied with current situation. I do not point what to do to admins, i just say that this group and this problem are exist, and explain this problem. Thats all. In my opinion good solution will be create a second server. Cant i sound this?


Fourthly, "nobody tells you to play there", "a wasted spam topic for nothing", "because some random guy called Dory" this all sounds very aggressive. I explained a problem and u say "u are nobody here, go away", very nice. :(


Joss, BlackDeath

Thank you guys for advices, but i already do all of this solutions befor.

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As Ama said, is a problem of warband engine. But, after the steam sales and holidays, the server wont reach 200 again. The average players are 140-150 in late afternoom.

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EpicFail8221, on 04 Jan 2016 - 11:08 AM, said:

a wasted spam topic for nothing. I don't tink we can seriously reduce ammount of people just because ur playing on a toaster. Seriously Idk what should we do about it, to tell ppl to not play there because some random guy called Dory can't run on this server because she/he has got bad pc??? Come on guys seriously?..

:not:  pls a little bit of respect would be better...

Probably he is not guilty of having this "toaster" if not accessible to something better, and he is only asking for help... 
and for that we are...  to help with better words, trying not to offend anyone, ok?

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Dory, on 04 Jan 2016 - 1:36 PM, said:


Fourthly, "nobody tells you to play there", "a wasted spam topic for nothing", "because some random guy called Dory" this all sounds very aggressive. I explained a problem and u say "u are nobody here, go away", very nice. :(

never mind this phrases and hope you can solve the problems, because we can't do any more by now... maybe in future (personally I would like server have 250 players running full populated, and game is fast and stable for all, but warband haven't so good engine, you know)

btw, I think that your machine maybe have some other causes (maybe net provider-cause of lag-, maybe HD too full, maybe wrong config of system...

Here we can't check your PC, but maybe you can do it yourself in some place near you (proffesional system's repair and so)




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Yeah alright I guess I've jumped way to much, apologies, was my point of view on this cause, sorry  :blush: .

Edited by BlackDeath, 04 January 2016 - 03:58 PM.
try be neutral... remember, always ;)

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