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Too many people on siege server

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    TG's Video Producer

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For me siege has always been an ideal type of game where u just can get some relax and release some tensions... it's hard to not experience some littles game "yanks" at any moment when there's so much people respawnin over and over again...and it's annoyin when u just die because one of these game "yanks" fucked up the duel... but even if that ain't an excuse to avoid any kind of strategic patterns at Siege mode...for more serious and concentrated gameplay i think the answer it's obvious: Battle server. If u die there because u are foolin around there u will pay the consequence of waitin until one team it's defeated, that ain't a very pleasant thing for those fidgety-ass impatient folks or for those who hasn't too much free time to play. Why to complain about these unavoidable game "yanks" caused by so many players respawnin over and over again? My thought about this is: Understand that admins aren't gods, take it easy and enjoy the funny chaos that siege mode offers even if that means some annoyin "game pulls".

Chill yoself before u stress yoself

  • DaRedViper likes this

Nigga please...



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You might want to get the latest drivers for your gpu it might help here is the link http://www.geforce.c...s/results/96879

Also try directx9 it might work better for you gpu since its not old.And what windows are you using if you're using windows 10 your gpu might not be compatible with it.So you might want to downgrade to 7 or 8.Hope that helps

I can't downgrade my love for you

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I can't downgrade my love for you

Then lets upgrade baby cakes.

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Then lets upgrade baby cakes.


Waiting you, im already wet


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    TG's Video Producer

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I can't downgrade my love for you


Then lets upgrade baby cakes.


Waiting you, im already wet




  • Strawberry, Joss, Teocles and 2 others like this

Nigga please...



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You can't expect play with full dual strategy in Mount&Siege. Better server are made for that like IG_battlegrounds or ZHG etc..

Just switch according with your choice of what you would like to play at this time. For my part Mount&Siege is a good way to play with a lot of fun by the amount of players which make the game more interesting.


Eheh! Keep going!

  • Skull Of Plums and Aatina* like this



    Old Shrubber

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Been playing on a daily basis on this Siege server for 7 months now, with average pop, say:  120 /170 (i don't play at night) and i rarely witnessed such situation.

I got 50/60 fps with a i5core, 8 gig ram, Geforce 450 gts.


Sometimes Server gets 15 secs to load a new map and only  at rare times i experienced real lag as you described it. But that is all.


And to speak frankly even when server lags a bit i've never seen pple complaining about it to an extent they would leave the server.

look: pple keep on coming back and play day after day.


Now, I 'm good enough at blocking but i ain't a good chamber/feint fighter, and ican understand that for those who are technically very good and rely on pinpoint skill it can be a pain in the arse. If you still want to enjoy siege check ZHG server max 64, but you will not enjoy thse Neogk mod or the custom maps made by K.A ;)

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Tis but a scratch



    The Mongol

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at night, I saw server reach 200 players easy, maybe holidays, but it have a stable feeling about lag and so, agree with Knight_Ni said above, from 200 players only few % complains, so for what you can get in legit, TG's are BEST, (modesty aside :P )



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I think if we move to bannerlord this problem wont occur at the better pc's, cuz it isnt the server it is the damn warband engine but honestly i cant play with 180-200 i have 8 fps but i just have a potato :P

Skull Of Plums

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I think if we move to bannerlord this problem wont occur at the better pc's, cuz it isnt the server it is the damn warband engine but honestly i cant play with 180-200 i have 8 fps but i just have a potato :P

I think it's a bit of both.



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GeForce GTX 970
8 gb ram 
50k kbs

It gets bad at like 180+ depending on the map for me. But yeah, steam sale was doing work but it will cool off.



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GeForce GTX 970
8 gb ram 
50k kbs

It gets bad at like 180+ depending on the map for me. But yeah, steam sale was doing work but it will cool off.

I have 2Gb ram -_-


I think if you lower your options when we reach 180+ everything should run as normal with full i think maybe some lags and ofc with less graphics

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Skull Of Plums

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I have 2Gb ram -_-


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I have 60 fps at 200 players, just packetloss.



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I have 60 fps at 200 players, just packetloss.


when you are with other 50 players near the flag?

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The framelag is one issue, but the server lags is another. My ping spikes from 20s(50/200) to 80s(200/200) and there is also unexpected lag spikes that makes the game unplayable if u want a decent experience. That i doN't mind, i find a way to enjoy it usually anyways, but it makes me "unlearn" my hardly acquired skillz, cuz i have to adapt. That, i can't tolerate. 

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i always played warband at desktop pc where i had each 20-40 seconds lag for 0,2-5,0 seconds (pc&net) {somtimes even up to 25secs total freeze} if there was more then 10 people at server or same in map editor. it was first 4 years in warband, when i learned the game and made almost all my maps. then i played at notebook which was fine first half year, after that it starts crashing (by overheat probably), so i got crash of system every 5-25 minutes and i played with this for another half-year. now i have another notebook and its all kinda ok (except internet disconnects sometimes) anyway, now im not complaing about anything, i just cant complain anymore at anything..... xD




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,,life is hard and unfair''

Edited by Aeneu, 10 January 2016 - 08:07 PM.
actualy its all total fair consequence of ballance and reflection of ancestral, nothing else ^_^

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    TG's Video Producer

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"Aeneu: actualy its all total fair consequence of ballance and reflection of ancestral, nothing else ^_^"

Im sorry Mr Admin but i disagree with this... for me life is just a free will, there's no rules and karma, maybe there's a karma after life but not in this life. In this world millions of innocents suffers and millions of cruel and bad people are happy and have good fortune.

We should trust in law to avoid that the criminals steals and kills the innocent ones, but even the police often beats, jails and kills the innocent, what can we do about it???

Anyway i'd like to know more about what u said and develop it in a longer text.

  • Parzival and Amamama like this

Nigga please...



    The Mongol

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The framelag is one issue, but the server lags is another. My ping spikes from 20s(50/200) to 80s(200/200) and there is also unexpected lag spikes that makes the game unplayable if u want a decent experience.

I had same troubles time ago, but then I changed this settings, and now is little bit better than before, so maybe help you too:


before: VSync disabled (options in first window of game)

now: VSync enabled


before: Triple buffering disabled (in graphics settings - for your hardware, mine is Catalist Control Center for AMD)

now: Triple buffering enabled


before: max fps +200 (options in first window of game)

now: 70 / 100


...also, almost all options are near lowest parameters, but now is ok with DX9 (with Windows 8.1, but before only could play with DX7 at windowsXP SP3)

all my hardware is same than before, but now I feel game little bit better (ofc you won't have best graphics ingame, but at least playgame feeling is near to ok)


I'm not saying that will work in your PC, but maybe... btw, try different graphic options until see if troubles dissapear or improve.

good luck!

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