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Too many people on siege server

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    Ancient Member

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I had same troubles time ago, but then I changed this settings, and now is little bit better than before, so maybe help you too:


before: VSync disabled (options in first window of game)

now: VSync enabled


before: Triple buffering disabled (in graphics settings - for your hardware, mine is Catalist Control Center for AMD)

now: Triple buffering enabled


before: max fps +200 (options in first window of game)

now: 70 / 100


...also, almost all options are near lowest parameters, but now is ok with DX9 (with Windows 8.1, but before only could play with DX7 at windowsXP SP3)

all my hardware is same than before, but now I feel game little bit better (ofc you won't have best graphics ingame, but at least playgame feeling is near to ok)


I'm not saying that will work in your PC, but maybe... btw, try different graphic options until see if troubles dissapear or improve.

good luck!


vertical synchronization is supposed to drop your fps down if it's higher than refresh rate of your monitor in case to save gpu power and energy. 60 hz refresh rate = 60 fps with vertical sync. if your gpu has enough power to render more. with vsync disabled your framerate is higher than refresh rate of your monitor which leads to the effect when there are lines on your monitor and above the line is different frame than under it. on the other hand it reduces input lag of mouse and increase the game speed


tripple buffering is supposed to raise your fps if it's lower than refresh rate of your monitor. so again 60 hz monitor = 60 fps. but every maybe 6th or 7th frame is the same like frame or two before it. so - if enabled, you have constant fps and smooth video without tearing, but the gameplay aint smooth, with 40 fps before you have 60 now, but 20 frames are mostly duplicates so the game feels slower


fps limit has no sence if you are using one of these tools


as we are talking about low fps, vsync and lower fps limit have no effect. trilinear buffering may help in the way that your video is not tearing, but the game feels slower, it may feel like you have double or triple ping ;)

Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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"Aeneu: actualy its all total fair consequence of ballance and reflection of ancestral, nothing else ^_^"

Im sorry Mr Admin but i disagree with this... for me life is just a free will, there's no rules and karma, maybe there's a karma after life but not in this life. In this world millions of innocents suffers and millions of cruel and bad people are happy and have good fortune.

We should trust in law to avoid that the criminals steals and kills the innocent ones, but even the police often beats, jails and kills the innocent, what can we do about it???

Anyway i'd like to know more about what u said and develop it in a longer text.

To me it looks like you are overthinking what he said.

also that's funny.



    TG's Video Producer

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To me it looks like you are overthinking what he said.

also that's funny.


Not really, in fact i was overthinkin about the last text that Amamama wrote, cause i have a shitty laptop and i find it a practical and useful info.

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Nigga please...



    The Mongol

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60 hz monitor = 60 fps. but every maybe 6th or 7th frame is the same like frame or two before it. so - if enabled, you have constant fps and smooth video without tearing, but the gameplay aint smooth, with 40 fps before you have 60 now, but 20 frames are mostly duplicates so the game feels slower

this is what I mean, if you get 60 fps (40 real + 20 duplicate) at least (even lightly slower) you don't have "jumps" in fps, which for me is worse, btw I'm not saying that will work for all user's configurations

A Jesus

A Jesus

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it's the time to purchase a new PC then. and stop bullshiting "you can't" because i am an IDF soldier with 100$ month salary and a university student at the same time, means i lose 200$ a month.
if i somehow manage to find money for a PC which i use a lot less than you, you surely can.

sorry but in 2016, you can't complain about such a hardware. why don't you play warband on tetris gameboy?

  • Amamama and Aspasia like this
xXxChirstxXx 1:19-95rus, Yolo.

Brothers guna miss; Haters guna jell; Yolo guna swag; Ginger gon to hell;

For I am, Juses, #twice a life having yo mama and lay egg; pray, a peasant, as hear you I, warm is tea in an tea partea yet,

Thus living a core of justice in our hearts and she-pussy's, and living thay spirit of teen hood 360 noscope, and blessing 24/7 our being

With great sweg, as with great sweg, comes great portion of seamen right up your eye; and nay it only; #hadmom.

You may take me away to thay army, may I but take away your mother and had sex.

© Jesis Chirst, king of peoples, and Jews. 22/8/14

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