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Inactive Battle

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All this discussion leads to nowhere, atleast it seems like that for me. We need somebody who will take the lead on battle server, like Arthur leads the M&S.
Im ready to make the file operations and take care about server files. But im not a battle player, so i will not say what maps will we need or what changes should be made.

So please, if you wanna make our battle server alive, start collecting ideas together and make some list of changes which will helps. I will really appretiate this.


Its on you!


  • BlackDeath, Skull Of Plums, Elary and 2 others like this

Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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For starters change Arena to your modified version of it. Same on Arena server. We already had a word on this Aeneu,and you agreed with me if I recall.

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Joss, M&B has a lot of players, it's great but...It's not a battle! ;)

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. : | Posted Image | : .




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Maybe, we should make nice evenement i every saturdays like S_Day ?

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. : | Posted Image | : .




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All this discussion leads to nowhere, atleast it seems like that for me. We need somebody who will take the lead on battle server, like Arthur leads the M&S.
Im ready to make the file operations and take care about server files. But im not a battle player, so i will not say what maps will we need or what changes should be made.

So please, if you wanna make our battle server alive, start collecting ideas together and make some list of changes which will helps. I will really appretiate this.


Its on you!


well i propose:
- clear maplist and bring map native maps because i noticed most people don't like our maps or just dont want to download all time to play :/  (we could add more maps later.....)
- ping is good but also many people are unhappy that some fellows use neoGK features like stronger weapons or balloons or launchers etc - disable or change some of that
- change round time limit and/or round numbers to make action go alot faster 
- less gold 

All that to just raise number of regular players from other servers since trollgame battle got good ping but everything else pretty much not for battle players ;)
now before anyone wants to say that it would ruin trollgame's idea or trollgame's battle for trollgame people... i say to you, this is the answer for the very first question = why is battle empty most of times, right now trollgame battle feels like a private server for friends or trolls who know each other not a server for everyone to have fun.

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i think using default maps is not good idea. those maps works, but its too overplayed. we need something special.


i think we need fast and simple maps like:

  • Desert Duels by KingArthur
  • Arena by Romanii
  • Watch your steps by Otreum
  • Wine House by Andrei III&Elary
  • Bad Banquet by JBJ
  • Hardy Outskirt by Joss

but everybody whos not using our patch will be still able to vote for default maps, so question is if replace default maps with our custom maps or not.


but maybe im wrong...

  • Elary and The_Knight_Who_Says_NI like this



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No not if you Delete the default and replace with custom.

Same at MS




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i think using default maps is not good idea. those maps works, but its too overplayed. we need something special.


i think we need fast and simple maps like:

  • Desert Duels by KingArthur
  • Arena by Romanii
  • Watch your steps by Otreum
  • Wine House by Andrei III&Elary
  • Bad Banquet by JBJ
  • Hardy Outskirt by Joss

but everybody whos not using our patch will be still able to vote for default maps, so question is if replace default maps with our custom maps or not.


but maybe im wrong...

yes but there were more active players when there were more native maps except then we had respawn problems, maybe we add all native maps + few top voted trollgame maps ?
btw i've been in many different popular battle servers and each have own edited maps but they also dont have neoGK features for trolls, but i got feeling like with native maps we could get base popularity to evolve server further




    TG's BannerLady

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yes but there were more active players when there were more native maps except then we had respawn problems, maybe we add all native maps + few top voted trollgame maps ?
btw i've been in many different popular battle servers and each have own edited maps but they also dont have neoGK features for trolls, but i got feeling like with native maps we could get base popularity to evolve server further


Why would they join us if there are already other servers using default maps? what we need is a solid list of good maps(fps, looks,idk traps, tactics and uniqueness) and few players to keep the server alive, 2-3 so they grab courage and start joining. There is nothing more than this, if we keep trowing blames and do nothing, nothing will happen. So, if players agree, let's do this together without trowing the responsability from a side to another, if you got ideas of maps or something you would like to see on a map , share it with us and we will try to apply into maps, the rest depends on who want's to keep the battle alive by joining the server from time to time.

  • Skull Of Plums, Parzival and The_Knight_Who_Says_NI like this



Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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She gets it.

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Why would they join us if there are already other servers using default maps? what we need is a solid list of good maps(fps, looks,idk traps, tactics and uniqueness) and few players to keep the server alive, 2-3 so they grab courage and start joining. There is nothing more than this, if we keep trowing blames and do nothing, nothing will happen. So, if players agree, let's do this together without trowing the responsability from a side to another, if you got ideas of maps or something you would like to see on a map , share it with us and we will try to apply into maps, the rest depends on who want's to keep the battle alive by joining the server from time to time.

i told you trollgame battle got good ping for many people so they join because of that not because of the maps they dont know about.
if you havent noticed we have already changed maplist which changed server population from 5-15 to 0 considering the previous maplist had few native maps i assume those are the key




    TG's BannerLady

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well where are the players then? everytime i watch the server from website is either arena/nord town or other default maps, if they would come only for ping they wouldn't care if was just default maps or new maps, we have few maps and we can't really say they are breath taking





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Good morning everyone once again, the maplist is something I would consider an issue we should not forget but generally a minor one. In the olden days practically only Desert Duels and Arena was enough to entertain a server population of up to 20-30 people daily. I dropped by on Battle in the last days a couple of times and it was literally consistently deserted. Updating maps leads nowhere if nobody actually joins the servers - keeping them alive should be the top priority. Generally all the classic TrollGame maps players used to enter for are still available and I doubt that this can be the reason for the weakness of TG Battle. Much rather the general interest at this point in time seems on a low level. In such case of course the only thing we can really do is wait for better times.

  • ZeArcher, Elary and The_Knight_Who_Says_NI like this



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I agree with Parzi, map list is ok, we still have classic 'vintage' Arena and Desert Duels alongside other newer maps. The problem here is that most battle players go to IG, rest of them spread around other battle servers including TG. I would say this could have been expected ever since a move on legit was proposed. TG battle was pretty much the only good, if not the only , battle server on c*****d thus the large amount of players. Best we can do is keep the server constantly alive by having 3-4 players on it (which is at this point a hard task by itself), and then maybe other players who are new to TG will see the prospect to join.

  • Aeneu, Elary and Saddoveanu like this

Skull Of Plums

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IG imba pls nerf



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Gonna Play Death match Go to - **********

Gonna Play Seige Go to            - MOUNT&SEIGE

( Well idk about battle and TeamDm )

******* and MountSeige Are Only 2 Server I Play When I am in native



                                                                                                                  FUNK U  B) 





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i wanna PLAAAY!




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What we need in battle room is a correct Map list im pretty shure i have newest version of troll game mod TG neo gk 1.03 but when i choose map like desert duels  some other arena map comes. Also damned many maps have bugged spawn points  i can check the current list and send you a list which ones have bugged spawn points if you want.  Remove em from map list please until they have been reworked. As to standart maps well i do like Nord town very much and i dont think there will be any damage in keeping them in the map list.

Edited by Elary, 28 March 2016 - 04:28 PM.
Not just battle, duel too, i will send a message to High Admins

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Maps with bugged spawnpoints:

-Espagna battle grounds

  • Skull Of Plums, GANNICUS* and Aatina* like this



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Now, still problems !



Member of RS Clan - Alwine 



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