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Last updated in Servers

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  • Senior Ex Staff
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Siege server



  • gatehouse have now reinforced basement


Peaks of Interest

  • main building slightly improved

  • KingArthur, Celeste, Strawberry and 5 others like this




  • Senior Ex Staff
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  • LocationMoraviæ

new Ak0v5SD.png:

Battle of the Titans by JBJ
Sandi Boush
Amphiteatrum by JBJ
The Arena
Arena by Romanii
Snow by Aratar
Island Arena by Dwarf
The Grove (day version) by Andrei III
Desert Duels by KingArthur
Duel Games by KingArthur
Skodja Clearing by Direct
Nord Town
Espada Training Lair by Omen
Orro Mine (duel version) by Andrei III&Elary
Ludus by Andrei III&Elary
Colosseum by Omen
Snowy Village
Desert Ruins by RKD
The Arena
Looter's Lute by Andrei III&Elary
Desert Duels by KingArthur
Duel Games by KingArthur
The Arena's Underground edited by Aeneu
Sandi Boush
Arena by Romanii
Watch Your Steps by Otreum
Bad Banquet by JBJ
Sunny Town by Joss
The Arena by Kilimanjaro
Orro Mine (arena version) by Andrei III&Elary
Nord Town
Desert Town
Desert Duels by KingArthur
Frosty Battle
Sandi Boush
Snowy Hamlet
Farmer's Garden (battle version)by Aeneu
Arena by Romanii
Watch your steps by Otreum
Dry as a Bone by Otreum
Beach Defence by KingArthur
Hill Village (battle version) by JBJ
Wine House by Andrei III&Elary
Espada Battleground by Omen
Bad Banquet by JBJ
Tharu's Training Ground by Elary
Sunny Town by Joss
Hardy Outskirt by Joss

Names of authors of maps are now displayed in server chat.
To display map names correctly ingame you need latest TrollGame NeoGK patch.

  • BlackDeath, Elary, LizardWizard and 1 other like this




  • Senior Ex Staff
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  • LocationMoraviæ

Siege server


  • Fixed walls HP
  • Removed AI mesh to reduce file size
  • Moved defenders spawns in gatehouse to avoid spawnkilling possibility when destroyed, players will spawn only here when destroyed
  • Few other minor changes

Peaks of Interest

  • Updated version with rooftops above balcons of main building

Mud Gate

  • added second spawnship for attackers
  • added trebuchet at static ship (for Annie B) ). When both spawnships are destroyed, players will spawn on this ship until spawnships arent respawned after 15 seconds
  • removed gate mechanisms inside city and gates are opened permanently (there was problem with defenders anti-opening system)
  • few more minor changes
And map added to rotation.


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  • Senior Ex Staff
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Siege server


  • modified ballista place
  • slightly improved visual look of round tower
  • destroy one of those pillars with siege weapon to bring down roundtower's roof
  • walls, gatehouse and round tower have now more HP

Mud Gate

First of attackers who steps at flag platform gets 3000 gold and activates checkpoint - then attackers starts spawn along shore

Lakeside Redoubt

Motte and Bailey 2

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  • Senior Ex Staff
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Siege server

Turin Castle

  • fixed slowdown on all floors in main building and gatehouse
  • added one easter egg - escape way (which was already on old TG server)

Mud Gate

  • less defenders spawns near flag, more spawns far from flag

Jammadi Castle

  • fixed two stuck-bugs near flag area

Desert Foothold

  • fixed camera position at map start


  • fixed camera position at map start

Eileen Donan

  • removed barrier which disallowed access to roof from tower

Motte and Bailey 2

Battle / Duel / Arena server

  • The Arena replaced with The Arena's Underground edit by Aeneu
  • Ruins replaced with New Ruins edit by Dwarf & Aeneu
  • Field by The River replaced with New Riverside edit by Dwarf & Aeneu
  • Village replaced by Besieges Village edit by BlackDeath

  • Celeste, BlackDeath, Skull Of Plums and 1 other like this



    The Mongol

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King, I've edited Roasted Pig map:

  • fix a bug in ladder near flag,
  • and changed position of gate-mechanism to avoid get bugged by arrows (defenders shoting over winch, and then this can't be controlled), now is fixed too.

Here is map uploaded, check it if wish and update it in host when you can, thx in advance.

Attached Files

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    The Mongol

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Siege server



Updated with these re-edited maps, and server was restarted so all are running now:


Roasted Pig:

  • fix a bug in ladder near flag,
  • and changed position of gate-mechanism to avoid get bugged by arrows (defenders shoting over winch, and then this can't be controlled), now is fixed too.

Hill Village:

  • balanced a little for attackers, with some stones and fallen trees to add some more ways to enter.

Praven (Town6center):

  • the city is more closed after add two gates with machines
  • there are one easy way for horsemen can go out without open gates (out way only)
  • added elevator to have acces to roofs by back from city,
  • added one ladder for attackers
  • added one hidden door for explorers
  • some minor fixes to avoid slow places

Enjoy!!! :)

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    The Mongol

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Re-uploaded at SIEGE:

Praven (Town6center):

  • the city is more closed after add one gate with machine
  • there are one easy way for horsemen can go out without open gates (out way only)
  • added elevator to have acces to roofs by back from city
  • added one ladder for attackers deleted
  • added two hidden doors for explorers
  • some minor fixes to avoid slow places



    The Mongol

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Siege server




  • fixed bugs in objects when destroy high tower into middle of castle

Tonbridge Castle

  • added some objects to reinforce places near doors for defenders


  • balanced hp in frontal walls a little bit

Motte n Bailey

  • fixed bugs in objects when destroy gate

Lakeside Redoubt

  • fixed bugs in some stones into back tunnel to avoid cross these to go up over flag's place

Motten n Bailey 2

  • fixed bugs + balanced hp in gates


  • fixed some bugs in walls like duplicated walls with very high hp into same place, now deleted and balanced hp for these, also deleted some lost/useless objects in map

all maps uploaded in server :)

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    The Mongol

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Siege server



Praven is improved:

  • improved way out near flag for horsemen can go to outer place, and door added to return into (near flag) again (through/using ladder)
  • improved back elevators and added new door to go back near of new barricade to attack/defend in the harbours, moving the fight at backside also
  • added waterwell for heal (10%/sec.)
  • added some few things to (try) balance little bit more for attackers



    High Admin Emeritius

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Siege server


  • added new siege engine: siege ram
  • removed all triggers used only client side


About siege ram:

  • to move stay near it, it'll reach the gate automatically. More are the players near it, faster is the movement (max speed = 3+ players).
  • to load it you need our updated neogk (coming soon).
  • once the gate is destroyed it will move back of 5 meters automatically.
  • it can be destroyed by weapons and other siege engines.

  • Aeneu, BlackDeath, White_Potato and 6 others like this



    High Admin Emeritius

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Siege server


  • added siege ram on hailes castle.
  • now there's a little possibility to trigger an explosion when you destroy food barrels/boxes.
  • changed stats of rhodoks mail coif, now is worth to buy.

  • Aeneu, BlackDeath and Annie like this



    The Mongol

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Siege server


changed rotation in maps to refresh a little bit, and also



  • improved few more things for easy play


  • balanced little bit hp in walls

Lakeside Redoubt

  • fixed some bugs in stones at tunnel

Eilean Donan

  • fixed troubles in catapults place



    The Mongol

  • Senior Ex Staff
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  • LocationFlying around in space

Siege server



Peak of Interest

  • fixed bug to avoid get into tunnel through mountains (where objects of tunel are)


  • minor changes for easy way out of cavalry defender



    The Mongol

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Siege server




  • fixed some bad respawn for defenders

also added 3 new maps in rotation:


Castle of Manzanares (only for events)

  • new re-edited version of mine old map

Nairut Patrol

  • old map by Aeneu re-edited

Nomad Camp

  • map from WF&S

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    The Mongol

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Arena server

  • new rotation in maps and top players increased to 80



    The Mongol

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Siege server


I have fixed a bug in Vesin map that was reported by a player online.


Bug: in ladder just back of flag (stone ladder in build with 2 doors, one up and other down at back of flag), players can go through object inside walls.

  • I've added 2 barriers down at floor, near ladder, to avoid this.

Edited by BlackDeath, 27 October 2016 - 10:37 PM.
map just updated at host

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    The Mongol

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Siege server


Helm's Deep

  • fixed all barriers around castle to avoid players (attackers firstly) can go through mountains too near and hidden for sniper

The Wall

  • fixed a bug avoiding a player can go through walls (and hide) when doors open

Peaks of Interest

  • same that for Helm's Deep


  • fixed a bug in a little door up in tower


ps: also fixed colours for Dark theme in this topic ;)

  • Aeneu, KingArthur, Falcon and 1 other like this



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oh no...the legend of the snipers hiding in the rock in helms deep is over now :/

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Once the Merchnat, Always the Merchnat !



    High Admin Emeritius

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  • LocationItaly

Siege server


  • enabled lifes system for nairuut patrol map
  • increased siege ram respawn time
  • added a gold malus system for swadia, nords and vaegirs if they fight against sarranids, khergits or rhodoks
  • added an automatic settings system for reflective damage and poll vote ratio (to avoid easy polls with few players)
  • edited maps: Brunwud Castle, Vesin

  • Aeneu, BlackDeath, White_Potato and 1 other like this

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