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The problem with Draws

Gameplay suggestion

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Captains battle is a unique and entertaining gamemode that plays to many of the best aspects of both multiplayer and singleplayer. 


However, battles are frequently ending in draws. Neither side has much incentive to attack the other, with the dynamic usually playing out with one team holding the open field and the other a highly defensible location. Furthermore, some players are deliberately running away from hopeless battles in order to force draws (Drawkiting)


The "Master of the Field" (MotF) mechanic is a good way to reduce the frequency of draws and provides incentive for battlefield control. As far as I can see, it works by spawning captureable flags that one team can seize in order to win. However the trigger for them spawning seems to be determined by a standstill in the fighting, which almost never happens as people on the internet are impatient and want to fight all the time. 


There are two ways to fix the problem as far as I can see: 


1) Change the MotF to trigger at a set amount of minutes every round. 

This is the way it works in competitive multiplayer. Every time the timer hits the two minutes left mark, the MotF ALWAYS spawns. This ensures that no matter how much individual players are fighting, the flags will still spawn and allow one side with a clear advantage in numbers or position to win. This would remove all incentive to drawkite as the winning team can simply ignore any runners and take the flag. It would also make combat more dynamic and faster, as teams would jockey for battlefield control and not just stare at each other for minutes on end. Draws would almost never happen, which is good because nobody likes draws :D


2) Appoint a few more admins for Captains Battle and clarify the rules. 

Currently, many players seem to think drawkiting is completely acceptable. Captains battle suffers from chronically having less admins as it is a less populated server and so enforcing the rules comes down to kickpolls. Appointing a few more would reduce the frequency of drawkiting, however it would do nothing to solve the problem of standstill in the fighting. 


Please do something about this problem as it is a great gamemode and these small improvements would vastly enhance the gameplay. 



  • BlackDeath, Aratar, Remono and 3 others like this



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i dont understand why the team with more soilder/player win when the time is up. it is the only logical way imo



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Well, I concede that sometimes draws are undeserved, and sometimes runners are annoying.

As cavalry player disliking suicide charges, I quite often stay last in losing team, and i can say, that problem is not simple.


I agree that when u stay 1 vs 50 or even 20 enemies, it is polite to go spectator mode, but let's view other situations.

What if last player was fighting on other side of map than 'winners'? Why should he even find enemies and run to them especially there is less than 1 minute?

Some playes hurry with kicking poll, making it just after there is 1 enemy lost. But this player can be fighting. It would be polite to make sure enemy is not fighting before u make poll and press 1.

What if last player has horse and 'winners'  have no? Isn't it their strategical mistake that they haven't saved cavalry for endgame?


For exaple, lets see the case, discussed in that topic: https://community.tr...nt-really-work/

 Rhodoks vs Khergits on a map with ruined castle in center.

Rhodok team was camping behind fences near mill. (shame on them)

Khergit team (my) had a plan to wait either flag or rhodoks attack.

I was standing in open field according to plan, but teammates one by one attacked and died, and spent my squad.

(when i say cavalry is standing, it means it also can move there and back in some area, because if u order them to stand ground, some can dismount)

In endgame i kept defending in center of map alone. Rhodoks runned to me, but they failed to reach me in time:D

That was fair draw, where both sides were defending all round, but some rhodoks players demanded me to suicide, called me with rude words and made like 5 kicking polls after i rejoined in next maps.



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Captain Battle server has admins also Ayna... for your info (I know that you know it, after being punished there too...) :lancer1:

Play and let play, don't delay end of rounds when is clear that you will lost, and follow the rules to avoid troubles.


ps: you can be fighting until end of round's time but info other players before do it.

  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and deformedkepohan like this




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sp are you guys serious withj the no player kicks setup..... its like we play delaying mainly THANKS FFS

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