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"Don't"...Fuck this community (title "edited" by BD)

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I can't be silent anymore. Just an another day on the siege server, playing fair as I do always. And suddenly poll to kick me. After some times to find out what for i received this. "because u r gay" they said. Nice opinion without any proofs to think like this. "Because u r friend of JekaApache" they said. Nice, they call me his friend, after I reported that kid directly to one of admins and ask everyone to help me collect screenshots of his toxic behavior. "Because u r stupid russian kid" they said. I'm 19yo guy from Ukraine (i can prove it to anyone who wants). And as most of my ppl, we don't like russia, cause u know, we are at war with them. Even then, i wasn't kicked, because some ppl know I'm not one anothers call me. And on all my tries to defend myself, i got called "hysterical boy". Now tell me, does anyone in this world, and in this community deserves to be blame for the place he was born in? I did things to make the server better place for everyone, i fought against toxic cunts, adapt to the community by learning english and using it, I was going to make some maps for the server, as I'm experienced mapmaker. I'm feeling fucking broken just like Tyrion was in GoT on his trial, blamed for nothing after helping everyone. You can call me further "russian mad kid" and send me to fuck myself. All I'll do - I'll leave this place truly saying that i't's the most toxic community I've ever met. And you should know, I could make this better for you all for nothing as a reward, and all you did - bullied me just for my nationality, you even mistake.

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Drama queen, you can mute them or just dont take that serious. Dumb gay from rus .
  • Annabella Campbell likes this
Только лютый хардбасс

Annabella Campbell

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Yeah, that to much drama.

And do not talk like that about the whole community.



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rare footage of jake apache :D https://gfycat.com/v...tunluckyantbear



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James, maybe i'm too old and senile, but 800x400 S.Shots are unreadable for me.

Especialy when it comes to read warband chat lines. Coud you tell us time and date of the incident plz?

  • BlackDeath and Umbuz like this
Tis but a scratch




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So somebody made a poll to kick you and your reaction is fuck you all, well at least you are not toxic at all. 

  • BlackDeath likes this



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James, maybe i'm too old and senile, but 800x400 S.Shots are unreadable for me.

Especialy when it comes to read warband chat lines. Coud you tell us time and date of the incident plz?

It was yesterday, after 11:00 pm as far as I remember. To make it easier for you, I made one of these polls to kick him, so search for this specific line.

  • The_Knight_Who_Says_NI likes this



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I can't be silent anymore. Just an another day on the siege server, playing fair as I do always. And suddenly poll to kick me. After some times to find out what for i received this. "because u r gay" they said. Nice opinion without any proofs to think like this. "Because u r friend of JekaApache" they said. Nice, they call me his friend, after I reported that kid directly to one of admins and ask everyone to help me collect screenshots of his toxic behavior. "Because u r stupid russian kid" they said. I'm 19yo guy from Ukraine (i can prove it to anyone who wants). And as most of my ppl, we don't like russia, cause u know, we are at war with them. Even then, i wasn't kicked, because some ppl know I'm not one anothers call me. And on all my tries to defend myself, i got called "hysterical boy". Now tell me, does anyone in this world, and in this community deserves to be blame for the place he was born in? I did things to make the server better place for everyone, i fought against toxic cunts, adapt to the community by learning english and using it, I was going to make some maps for the server, as I'm experienced mapmaker. I'm feeling fucking broken just like Tyrion was in GoT on his trial, blamed for nothing after helping everyone. You can call me further "russian mad kid" and send me to fuck myself. All I'll do - I'll leave this place truly saying that i't's the most toxic community I've ever met. And you should know, I could make this better for you all for nothing as a reward, and all you did - bullied me just for my nationality, you even mistake.


Can you prove it to me please?

  • HuJ_New_Sleyer_Paria and whore like this

Mister Majcher

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Don't blame whole community because of some mentally challenged fags, it's not nice D:

And don't take it too serious, I know it's hard, but try to ignore them.

You know, it's only a gaem, wai u hef to be mad?


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These are some very tame remarks honestly.


Not to mention that if it was me getting kick polled, which has happened several times, i just laugh because ive annoyed someone by just being better than them. Id suggest just treating a kick poll like a medal and be proud of that shit. As for the remarks honestly, as i said earlier, these are quite tame compared to some of the IQ lowering comments i've seen in chat before. Some of which have been directed at me and the other lads in the community i play with. Best way to deal with it is just to assume they are spastics that need their mothers to wipe their own arse and get on with your day. 

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Drama queen, you can mute them or just dont take that serious. Dumb gay from rus .

i see you are a strong one. It took only 2 of them to share the hate enough for getting 30% of accepting the poll to kick me. What happens in a few days? I'm going to be kicked instantly every time i enter the server. And that's for nothing.



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It was yesterday, after 11:00 pm as far as I remember. To make it easier for you, I made one of these polls to kick him, so search for this specific line.

oh what line? when i called whore a mother of some cunt who was ruining the whole game? i didn't even know his name. you have Tyrion on your profile pic, but now i see you learnt nothing from the show. You are just like those, who were charging him on his trial, not a one with his personality



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Don't blame whole community because of some mentally challenged fags, it's not nice D:

And don't take it too serious, I know it's hard, but try to ignore them.

You know, it's only a gaem, wai u hef to be mad?


Thing is not about offenses I suffered. It's about to prevent being an outcast, to not let me kick every time i enter the server. I say for this community, because i have like 2200 hrs in the game. I know what this community is.



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These are some very tame remarks honestly.


Not to mention that if it was me getting kick polled, which has happened several times, i just laugh because ive annoyed someone by just being better than them. Id suggest just treating a kick poll like a medal and be proud of that shit. As for the remarks honestly, as i said earlier, these are quite tame compared to some of the IQ lowering comments i've seen in chat before. Some of which have been directed at me and the other lads in the community i play with. Best way to deal with it is just to assume they are spastics that need their mothers to wipe their own arse and get on with your day. 

thx for support, with ppl like you we'll enter bannerlord with the better community shape

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Can you prove it to me please?


my personal page in a social network. there's my real face. I have nothing to hide



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So somebody made a poll to kick you and your reaction is fuck you all, well at least you are not toxic at all. 

What your reaction would be, when you being innocent are blamed by a half of the server? 



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my personal page in a social network. there's my real face. I have nothing to hide


These are you?












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Dude, u really take it too serious.

  • BlackDeath and Annabella Campbell like this

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