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TrollGame Duo Duel Tournament

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Sad thing is most rookies can make you cri, especially now since you're not an admin and cant teleport ppl.



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    Elite Member

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Sad thing is most rookies can make you cri, especially now since you're not an admin and cant teleport ppl.

Angry nasty gay.
Только лютый хардбасс



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Kys you are boring

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  • In-Game Nickname: Pelli

  • Your Teammate Nickname: JuKe

    Team Name: Nordic Peasants

    How long do you play Native? Since 2014

    On what server/s do you play most? Mount&Siege

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We are full!
Any other applications will stay in queue,if any of the registered team did not attend to the Tournament, they will be out and another team will join!


  • Livso likes this

Rc Princesa_Nina

Rc Princesa_Nina

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Lucky I didn't join i would beat u all ;)
  • Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight and RC Lola like this

The Princesa



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apparently "duel" may apply (in english at least) for an opposition of groups, or entities representing those groups (here the team for ex.), eventho. it s mainly used for an opposition of 2 persons (which may be the etymology of the word (from latin "duo"),

some dictionnaries add this extended definition (like here : https://www.collinsd.../english/duel),some dont.


So I think the title seems correct.

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Sad thing is most rookies can make you cri, especially now since you're not an admin and cant teleport ppl.

Best part of it is, i left my mark in servers and community, with my influence there have people promoted and reduced - i can sit back like old grandpa on chair in front of house

I always knew what i was doing, when i got tired of babysitting server, i left in style ;)

  • Saddoveanu and vikoking like this




    The Mongol

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Best part of it is, i left my mark in servers and community, with my influence there have people promoted and reduced - i can sit back like old grandpa on chair in front of house

I always knew what i was doing, when i got tired of babysitting server, i left in style ;)

To have a good rest, keep high the old (good) status achieved, don't waste it with nonsense... :rolleyes:


  • LockDog, Elary and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this



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Lucky I didn't join i would beat u all ;)

you should have joined the tournament, the fun would be guaranteed

  • Rc Princesa_Nina likes this

Rc Princesa_Nina

Rc Princesa_Nina

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I know viko but i missed my chance:(

The Princesa

RC Lola

RC Lola

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you should have joined the tournament, the fun would be guaranteed



I wish you would have joined too.

You would probably go alone as a duo  :lol:

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Yeah but now i just sit back and chill , let these n**bs win
  • RC Lola and Rc Princesa_Nina like this



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List of teams:  


1.Peachus VS KSHMR
2.Sigmar   VS  Shitnick
3.Keregan VS Rejjiebagz
4.Probang VS JuKe

Pay attention ! 

The following matchs will start on 6:15 PM CEST, which is the last chance of entering the server, otherwise it will be locked until the Tournament has ended, please be there on time and don't miss your place! 

Rounds will be (Best of two) means the team that scores 2 round will be qualified to the Semi-final.
The team that scores
3 rounds in the Semi-finals will be qualified to the Finals.



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On which server is the tournament gonna be played ?



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Btw wouldnt it be better if it was ft 10 instead of best of two ? 2v2 tournaments are usually ft10



    The Mongol

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On which server is the tournament gonna be played ?

TrollGame Duo Duel Tournament :rolleyes:


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TrollGame Duo Duel Tournament :rolleyes:


Livso maybe asked so because it was too unknown for anybody if one can lock the server when not being an admin of a server meant to be available to everyone at every time, hence the question. Besides that, is it possible to fill the empty space by registering late?




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Alright KSHMR and me decided to drop out.
I didn't check the date or time when I signed up so that's my bad.
Hope the next one is in a weekend so working people can also join in.
Anyways goodluck to all the teams.

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    Legendary Member

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Alright KSHMR and me decided to drop out.
I didn't check the date or time when I signed up so that's my bad.
Hope the next one is in a weekend so working people can also join in.
Anyways goodluck to all the teams.

I'm sorry to hear that guys... 
Good luck in your life.

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