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Permanent swadia on arena + cav limit

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Poll: Permanent swadia (67 member(s) have cast votes)

Should swadia be a permanent featured faction alongside a random faction on Arena?

  1. 100% yes lol obviously (26 votes [38.81%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.81%

  2. no (beta) (41 votes [61.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 61.19%

Should there be a cavalry limit to Arena? HINT: yes

  1. Yes, there should be a cavalry limit. Getting steamrolled by 10 beta males with broomsticks on an unbalanced map is the worst (31 votes [46.27%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.27%

  2. No (36 votes [53.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 53.73%

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Lie about my arguments. You just push your personal desires, without trying to think about whole community.


For screenshot thanks. Now your points became stronger



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Literally done the exact opposite by creating a poll. You're trying to push down the opinion of more than half the participants.



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Literally done the exact opposite by creating a poll. You're trying to push down the opinion of more than half the participants.

I don't see more than half. There is 50% now. But learn statistics pls. Even 60% with only 40 unproven voters may be considered as 50/50. You have to get either more voters or bigger difference to say about majority  

  • WingedSquirrel and BamBam like this



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Aratar said 40 voters was enough. So no i dont.

  • (300)Zawisza likes this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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It's really interesting how Aratar makes such heavy decisions, changing 10 year experience, with only one vote above 50/50



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Hes the one owners have trusted to carry out that role in the community. You're really really upset over this arent you :(

I'm happy we could get a change, and so is the rest who voted yes



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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So many new members with this vote, hmmm...




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Doesnt matter, poll passed. Also new accs are IP checked as far as i know and you cant vote before verification :)



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021

Annabella Campbell

Annabella Campbell

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Sorry for bad English. This post is  too complex for my vocabulary.Also, I hope this post doesn't seem too chaotic or rude.


If the admins introduced the cavalry limit, then it was a mistake. For the first time in years, you are literally limiting the desires of the players. I really didn't want to write a giant text, but it's just ridiculous.


This change will not affect the balance in any way. It's just that now the beginning of each match will turn into a race to see who will take the cavalry first because you made it special now. Now, if some 10-15 people are playing on the server, they will not be able to arrange a cavalry  battle mix, as before and that's just simple example. Also you still can see match full of archers, but its not point of post.


Maybe you think that players who play poorly and are forced to take cavalry to even the odds against experienced players, going to the server and seeing that they will not be able to take their favorite class, will take something else and quietly enjoy the game, then no; this will simply force the player to leave the match and go somewhere else. Admins made a spontaneous  decision, following the lead of trolls and most loud players that, for some reason, expect a fair duel at a deadmatch and are indignant why they are killed by cavalry when they are standing in an open position in the middle of the field after what typing "FuCkInG cAvS Wreeeee".


I'm just one player out of many; My skill is clearly below average, and my ping literally does not allow me to  fight in close combat and shootfrom bow or xbow because of the too long delay between the swing and the actual hit, as well as the pulling of the arrow and the shot And now I have to quiet from the match, because someone took the class that I play in before me. And I can only hope that I am not the only one in this position. By the way, the person who took the cavalry before me will not even be to blame. The cavalry is just a class, with its own strengths and weaknesses, just as others, but some of the most loud players have made its the most guilty. Cavalry is not taken to infuriate other players and break the balance! Archers are exist for this. But everyone actively ignores them and throws all the accusations at the cavalry players.


Most players who play on the server do not worry about cavalry and even archers. They don't care about this class and they don't pay much attention to it. They are a quiet majority who does not write anything in the chat and does not give any signs of attention about themselves. But because of the most active haters, it seemed that this class interferes with the rest.


That's it, fucked up. These changes did not correct the balance, but potentially ruined the fun and variability of the players  choice. Good job.





P.S For some reason, I and many other players who absolutely can't fight against archers, instead of constantly whining on the forum (complaining in this post is exeption, you know it) and asking to nerf, ban or just limited    them - trying to outplay them and "git gud". Even I, a complete zero in a fight, behave more courageously than those who are too lazy to teach not to make stupid mistakes against a cavalry player, like jumping on lance, obvious dodge or just f...ng fight someone else on open position in middle of field.

  • Aratar, Elary, Dacket and 5 others like this



    Furor Anatolicus

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Changes are not set in stone, if the outcome of the poll changes, or there are complaints about it inside the server, or people start to abuse it as Dacket said then the admin online will revert it.


This won't be a server setting, it will be manual and will depend on the player count and an online admin. It is certainly not a heavy change as I said there are usually at most 10 cavalry players among 50.

And limit will only apply after 50 players.


And if we are to keep 10 year old settings without questioning it and don't try out new things, then this server would be an ordinary native server.


We will observe the outcome, think of it as a test.

  • (300)Zawisza, Dacket, Aura* and 2 others like this



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You have that opinion because you're cavalry main. I geniuinely understand where you come from, but your opinion is just 1 of many. And i dont want to hear the limiting the desires of the players, because the vote is clearly a 50/50. If this change becomes too much of an issue, i guarantee admins are gonna readjust the limit.


Right now we're on our way to find a balance. There is a reason you go 101-5 in some games, and its not because of your superior skill. Its because of ur tanky horse that outranges anything else the game throws at you. Also i dont think the cavalry limit is introduced before server caps 50 players? I'm not sure, maybe @Aratar can clear up the final verdict

  • LordChromosom likes this



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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Aratar, I am afraid you may not receive proper feedback from this decision. Horsemen representation in community members is very low (as they usually nubs or kids, not interested in community). They will just silently leave the server.


And what the reason to have horse limit if it rarely exceeded?


And what would happen if with 49 players we have 30% horses and then one more player joined to the server? Random 10% will be forced to change the class? Brilliant idea...



    Furor Anatolicus

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It doesn't work retrospectively, it only makes you not be able to choose cavalry once 20% is reached. Doesn't do anything when there are 30%. People can voice their opinions on the server, a few admin inquiries won't hurt as well.

Also admins will be the judge of when to apply and test it. If there is no need for the cap at that moment then no point of applying it.

  • (300)Zawisza, Elary, yrod and 1 other like this



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Admins not approving pernament swadia and cav limit is a conspiracy to keep the forum from dying

its the only thing thats actually being disscused on here other then ban appeals



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What i think is most important is that the admins who have shown they do not support this at all still listens to Aratar and implements the limits, and doesnt blatantly ignore what has been discussed and agreed upon here.


Personally i don't think its going to be implemented unless its put as a server setting, but i'm looking forward to see how admins will look at it.



"This ain't over" - WizardLizard, 2021



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How can there even be any balance on arena? I mean on siege and cb its balance between teams, and if enemy is stronger, u have to deal with it. On arena if u run for highscore, u just backstab noobs as fast as possible, dont u? :lol:

  • Aratar, Joss, Elary and 5 others like this



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very bad idea very very bad

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Given last discussions or if you simply realized that only gays make votes if some friend asked you about it, whereas you even don't play arena - you can change your mind and click "Delete My Vote" button or even revote for another option.

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