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Guys, need some help/advice about mapping. I've read the tutorial but still cant seem to not figure out how to solve these problems:
1-Placing teleport doors -> and tunnels ofc
2-Placing moveable/deployable ladders and siege towers
(these 2 ones i tried alot to make, but my attempts always miserably failed xD
3-Starting an empty map- It is easy in napoleonic wars as there are 20 "Custom maps", which are already blank and ready to be edited. However in native i can only edit maps that has been already made, cant start one on my own.
4-Spawns/Entry Points. Though this is not that imporant as others, i still have a few questions about it.
First is that in man maps i see attackers/defenders spawn all at the same point first, then when they die then respawn in different ones. How can i do that?
Also Do i have to put all 32 spawns for each team, or is it ok if i put for example 0-9 for the first team and 32-37 for the 2nd team?
2-Placing moveable/deployable ladders and siege towers
3-Starting an empty map- It is easy in napoleonic wars as there are 20 "Custom maps", which are already blank and ready to be edited. However in native i can only edit maps that has been already made, cant start one on my own.
4-Spawns/Entry Points. Though this is not that imporant as others, i still have a few questions about it.
First is that in man maps i see attackers/defenders spawn all at the same point first, then when they die then respawn in different ones. How can i do that?
Also Do i have to put all 32 spawns for each team, or is it ok if i put for example 0-9 for the first team and 32-37 for the 2nd team?
1) To place teleport doors you need find the destructible_door prop. Each prop has Var no1: and Var no2: as I'm sure you noticed. To link the two doors and enable the teleportation you need to set the same vars (up to your choice which values, it doesn't really matter) for the two doors.
You can actually choose or make any map, no need to use an already made one, unless you want so..
So here is how you make a blank map:
1. Make a copy of warband module and rename it to Map Making for example
2. Delete a map in SceneObj files in the Map Module(For example: scn_multi_scene_2.sco, that is Village)
3. In single player(With edit mode on) while in world map, click on Terrain
4. Make the ground and details of your map to your taste and copy the code
5. In Map Making Module open scenes.txt go to the deleted map before and replace the code you copied
Replace the code that is inside the () and make shure you dont add the () that i just added
Change outer_terrain_plain to 0 for no background map( the map you see after the map boundaries)
In scenes.txt, the last code of each map is for example: outer_terrain_plain
That is what players see after the map's borders, for example in this example will be some little mounts with some green trees.
So far this are the codes that I've found that you can change the outer terrain:
When I put ladders then its entry point, the "Raise Ladder" button comes on it, however the ladder cannot be raised/dropped. I can also walk through the ladder for some reason, which means i cant climb it. Any idea why? (btw it is the moveable ladder not the normal one)
Place all ladders as they'll be once raised, save and enter map again. Not touch an already positioned ladder in editor mode or it gets bugged.
do what KA say, most important is don't touch ladders when all these are good positioned, and before save, click F8 key, to check that all ladders are working without bugs (what this key do is change from initial position --> to final position for all ladders, then you can now see if all these are ok/working), after this, if all is ok, you can save map
Edited by Andrei III, 24 January 2016 - 07:57 PM. i didn't know this pls. good to know :)
I've noticed that the statics page doesn't show my character on any servers. I've checked the arena server statics (where I play most of the time) and it doesn't show my name not even globally.
well it only shows my other character that I only played for like 5 mins called "Tywin_Wife". Also if it shows my stats I believe I have way more kills/deaths.