@Bence sry last posts mine were wrong, now I see many Bence names in global statistics, and should show only one?,
or then seems that there are some other player/s using your nick ingame
@Bence sry last posts mine were wrong, now I see many Bence names in global statistics, and should show only one?,
or then seems that there are some other player/s using your nick ingame
@Bence: you say you play on arena with same name? Its strange bcs there are rly no data http://troll-game.or...ce&server=arena " Nothing found."
I can see statistics for Bence in this link above
Damn BD,your resolution is huge.
Damn BD,your resolution is huge.
yeah, it helps me too much when I shoot my arrows
ps: btw it is 1280x1024 ppp in a 17" old monitor screen
yeah, it helps me too much when I shoot my arrows
ps: btw it is 1280x1024 ppp in a 17" old monitor screen
After one year of 16:9 1366 x 768 resolution, returning to my old desktop PC monitor 5:4 1280 x 1024 felt like
its seems to be working now, thanks for the help
i have download neo gk 2.21 version for hosting and i saw Fire Arrow problem in Factions
any one can give me a fixed bug of neo gk that solve this problem ?
I have a problem that before i was able to see the barriers before placement now i cant and i dont know why
Have you altered the game files in any way?
I have a problem that before i was able to see the barriers before placement now i cant and i dont know why
sometimes strange bugs happens (me too), maybe because memory/graphics/etc., what i do is restart game (not only leave/re-join server, sometimes help)
game engine is like hell
But i turn down pc and even when i say its time to work he doesnt show me the barriers
Forget turning the PC off lel. That's for nabs.
Activate the particle system in game settings.
did you try this?
why i cant talk in tavern?and how can i play napoleonic wars online i can play warband but not napoleonic wars
why i cant talk in tavern?and how can i play napoleonic wars online i can play warband but not napoleonic wars
I've answered you in PM
When I join the server, I get DC after like..1 min maybe? This is a problem starting yesterday. Any suggestions?
I have played plenty on the server without problems before..
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