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WIN a Free Warband Copy!!!

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Howdy friends;


Sorry for not being very active in the last months, little time is available. Anyways, I have 3 copies of Warband I bought during the sale and will gift one of them to the each of the first three good answers to either one of the following question:

  1. Please say to me in a few words (less than 100) why you want/need one of my free copys of game?
  2. What makes Warband the best game ever made ?

Looking forward to the answers :)

Edited by BlackDeath, 09 December 2015 - 05:20 PM.
Thanks for offer it, and good luck all!!!

  • Aeneu, Celeste, ZeArcher and 14 others like this

Skull Of Plums

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What makes Warband the best game ever made ?


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nice saddo :)

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Howdy friends;


Sorry for not being very active in the last months, little time is available. Anyways, I have 3 copies of Warband I bought during the sale and will gift one of them to the each of the first three good answers to either one of the following question:

  1. Please say to me in a few words (less than 100) why you want/need one of my free copys of game?
  2. What makes Warband the best game ever made ?

Looking forward to the answers :)



1- I want/need one of ur free copies of the game cause the doctors diagnosed me lung cancer in advanced phase two weeks ago for smokin too much marijuana... and before i die i wanna have all the fun i can get with this game.

2- Warband it's the best game ever made cause u can choose a black character and because the female characters have a very realistic body with very accurate proportions, and its nice that u can play with them without armor and clothes.

  • BlackDeath, Mister Majcher, Parzival and 6 others like this

Nigga please...



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can someone unload a truck-full of warband copies into bubba's steam account ?

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1. Fap.

2. Can create female characters and fap to them.

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1. I bought a copy during the sale too, but i'd like another one to give away. If only a few people reply to this topic my chances should be good, right?


2. Warband is the best game ever made because its based on skill and has a unique gameplay. Its a great feeling when you slaugther your way to the flag in siege. Siege is probably the best gamemode because it rewards teamplay more than any other game i know. The mods and custom maps that this game allows make it even better. I should also mention napoleonic wars because it has fucking musicians in it which is the best feature in any multiplayer game ever. The other best thing about warband though is that even though its about violence and killing, you don't have to do this and can give each other hugs in the center of a deatmatch map instead. Interactions with other players like these are beautiful and i cri evrytim


The fapping is good too though, i'll admit.

  • BlackDeath, Parzival, Highly_Adv_Nob and 2 others like this



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Good job guys, especially Archibald :) Let's wait until Friday evening to make the decisions.



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Interactions with other players like these are beautiful and i cri evrytim



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1- Because i couldn't buy the game on sale ( no credit cart) and am too old to ask my father to pay for a game  :lol: . And want the game badly, or i will be late in this transition of TG to legit :(
2- Probably it's not the best game ever. But it's hell of a good game, simple, and yet i still learn things about it every day. And yea, i can't quit it even if i have to :)



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2. What makes Warband the best game ever made ?

I found Warband best game ever made yet, mostly because its based on players skills. I mean true skills of person whos sitting infront of the computer. Most of released games are "sick" because they are based on time spend ingame and some imaginary numbers called "skills" or "stats" which represents differnce between players, but its all fake values. Here in warband its all based on perception of player, how focused he is, how clever he is, how fast can he learn and adapt to new situations. How good and precisly can he count time and distances. How can he expect acting of unknown players or how can he expect/remeber behaviour of known players. All these are real-world player skills and i think this is the most valuable thing in multiplayer games - to let all differences between players on human possibilities, not on ingame mechanics. Also interaction between players, although still very limited, is huge part of game. I like how community developed custom interaction like upper block = hello or in old times when there wasnt duel mode the meaning was also invitation to duel. Very known is also hug which is actualy no hug in game mechanics. Well, i just wasnt able to find better game then this one, but im sure that future will give us better game, which will be based on this very good and proper Warband base.

1. Why you want/need one of my free copys of game?

When you bought Warband, you kinda said: "Thank you TaleWorlds for making such a unique game, here take my money as my thanks!"
So I want one of your serials to join you in this thanksgiving. Anyway, i have my own serial so if i win one of yours, i will give it back to you so you can give it to someone else, or i will give it directly to someone else who belongs to this community or who doesnt have money to get it himself :)

  • Celeste, Strawberry, ZeArcher and 9 others like this



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I found Warband best game ever made yet, mostly because its based on players skills. I mean true skills of person whos sitting infront of the computer. Most of released games are "sick" because they are based on time spend ingame and some imaginary numbers called "skills" or "stats" which represents differnce between players, but its all fake values. Here in warband its all based on perception of player, how focused he is, how clever he is, how fast can he learn and adapt to new situations. How good and precisly can he count time and distances. How can he expect acting of unknown players or how can he expect/remeber behaviour of known players. All these are real-world player skills and i think this is the most valuable thing in multiplayer games - to let all differences between players on human possibilities, not on ingame mechanics. Also interaction between players, although still very limited, is huge part of game. I like how community developed custom interaction like upper block = hello or in old times when there wasnt duel mode the meaning was also invitation to duel. Very known is also hug which is actualy no hug in game mechanics. Well, i just wasnt able to find better game then this one, but im sure that future will give us better game, which will be based on this very good and proper Warband base.


Very true words.

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1. I need one of the copys because I only have a key that isnt compatible with steam. And also I spend a lot of time in this game, both ***** and legit, but since my key isnt compatible with steam I cant acces some of the cool features.
2. What makes warband the best game? Well for me warband is most realistic meadevil game out there. Also what makes it great are the people, esspecially here in TG. This community makes this great game even greater. As I said I spend a lot of time in this game, which is unusual for a girl, and I simply love this game. So I hope you give me this copy so I can finally feel whole expirience of legit esspecally now that TG is going on legit.

  • BlackDeath, Saddoveanu, Athelard and 2 others like this

. : | Posted Image | : .




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1. I really want a copy of this game to continue playing with all of you  :) ! Actually I could buy a copy myself but since I should be working on my studies I'd have a very bad conscience if I spend some of the little money I have for computer games that distract me from working (and NO game distracts better than this one!!).


2. This is the only game for a real farmer! Also I don't know any other games where you can cheer or say NI etc (which I love)... If Bannerlords will use the same mechanics for the close combat as warband and rely on the cheering it will replace Warband as the best game ever. Until then there is no competitor. Everything else that makes this game unique has already been said by the other applicants.

  • BlackDeath, Skull Of Plums and Saddoveanu like this



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1-  I'm poor after spending one night with Bubba's mom so i can't even afford a 19'99euro game. Still not bad, ¡¡ that w**** sucked me very well !!


2- Warband is the most realistic game online, you can aproach to people and if you bend your arm, they will bend their arm too, and it's considerer kissing. Like in real life, if you kick the air after you kill someone it's considered disrespectful. And there is a lot of naked screaming fellas specially womend and black people (these ones can't even afford clothes) and you can shake your head (similar movements than Stage 3 Parkinson) if you hold a bow in your had, just like real life. Also bald ugly women or turkish teenagers are attracted/hate me, which is also very realistic feature, also i've mastered the ways of sucking someone dick holding a spear, just like real life and finally , just like in real world, everyone respect farmers.


11/10 would suck dick holding a spear again.

  • ZeArcher, Hal_Toad, BlackDeath and 8 others like this




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1-  I'm poor after spending one night with Bubba's mom so i can't even afford a 19'99euro game. Still not bad, ¡¡ that w**** sucked me very well !!


Yeah fool we all remember that night... now I eat sandwichs filled with money bills as breakfast thanks to u...and now u can't even afford a spanish chorizo or a paella plate... deal with it hahah

U are gone, used to be the Don Juan... now ur name it's just Twan hahaha


  • Parzival and Omen like this

Nigga please...



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 used to be the Don Juan... now ur name it's just Twan hahaha

u better check yo'self before u wreck yo'self

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u better check yo'self before u wreck yo'self


"Cause big D's in yo mouth are bad for yo health"

Nigga please...



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1-  I'm poor after spending one night with Bubba's mom so i can't even afford a 19'99euro game. Still not bad, ¡¡ that w**** sucked me very well !!


2- Warband is the most realistic game online, you can aproach to people and if you bend your arm, they will bend their arm too, and it's considerer kissing. Like in real life, if you kick the air after you kill someone it's considered disrespectful. And there is a lot of naked screaming fellas specially womend and black people (these ones can't even afford clothes) and you can shake your head (similar movements than Stage 3 Parkinson) if you hold a bow in your had, just like real life. Also bald ugly women or turkish teenagers are attracted/hate me, which is also very realistic feature, also i've mastered the ways of sucking someone dick holding a spear, just like real life and finally , just like in real world, everyone respect farmers.


11/10 would suck dick holding a spear again.


Pls I support this emotional and poetic nomination.

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It wasn't easy, I was hoping only 3 people would participate so I don't have to make difficult decisions :)


Anyways - UMIT, Aatina, Teocles - drop me a line with your email or Steam id to receive the game as a Steam gift. I might get my greasy fingers on a couple more copies in the coming days so not all hope is lost; I would really like to see all of us on "the other side", especially characters like the lord of all peasants, Luemmel or Bubba, and I hope you're not mad at me :)

  • ZeArcher, BlackDeath, LizardWizard and 3 others like this

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