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WIN a Free Warband Copy!!!

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You gathering worshipers or something??? Gathering all this people with free MB games :P


Aye; one human soul harvested for each Warband copy, in the unstoppable path to world domination  :viking2:

  • BlackDeath, Parzival, Omen and 2 others like this



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I got 3 warband Copys , i also can give away show your selfs guys , and good luck !! :)

Edited by BlackDeath, 23 December 2015 - 06:57 PM.
thanks for nice soul ;)

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Skull Of Plums

Skull Of Plums

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I got 3 warband Copys , i also can give away show your selfs guys , and good luck !! :)

Palman apperently doesnt have one and cannot buy it. And he stated that is the reason he cant go legit. Think about giving him one :)

  • BlackDeath likes this



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Palman apperently doesnt have one and cannot buy it. And he stated that is the reason he cant go legit. Think about giving him one :)

Okay then , One copy for Palman , Congratulation :)

Add me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lockdogx

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1.Well at 1st hello everyone here who is reading this, i really (i mean really, really) would like to have a copy of warband becouse im pretty poor and i cant afford this game and it would be fun to continue playing with all of you guys in legit warband, since im playing troll-game from 2012:D i would just love that.

and anyways that can be good present for xmas if i get that, thanks.


2. What makes warband the best game ever? becouse its fun especially in multi,player, playing with awesome ppl, having clanwars with [RS] its just best game, i have lots of memories from it with, annoying ppl and awesome guys, i want to bring that back.


PS: Merry Christmas :)

  • BlackDeath and Aatina* like this



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1. I need your free copy of Warband so I can continue to play on TG servers, where (borderly) abnormal behaviour is a major part of overall experience. That kind of fun does not exist in anywhere else. Who will count how many javelins I jabbed in Giorgi's head? Who can count how many times I ran naked, trolling newbies and archers and chambering lances? Or how many times I risked my life and limb to prevent some vile beggar to backstab honest folk like Capture the Lag, Tecles or DoN? And know this, sir, cause here truly lies my honor! Countless times I died defending Farmer with only my short sword and my bare hairless chest!

2. Warband is a best game ever because success is based solely on personal skill, not mathematical calculations of stats provided by something unrelated to skill, like armor/trinkets/other crap. Thats why WoW sucks, and Warband does not.   


Kind regards,
old TG addict.

  • Aeneu, BlackDeath and Omen like this




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1. I need your free copy of Warband so I can continue to play on TG servers, where (borderly) abnormal behaviour is a major part of overall experience. That kind of fun does not exist in anywhere else. Who will count how many javelins I jabbed in Giorgi's head? Who can count how many times I ran naked, trolling newbies and archers and chambering lances? Or how many times I risked my life and limb to prevent some vile beggar to backstab honest folk like Capture the Lag, Tecles or DoN? And know this, sir, cause here truly lies my honor! Countless times I died defending Farmer with only my short sword and my bare hairless chest!

2. Warband is a best game ever because success is based solely on personal skill, not mathematical calculations of stats provided by something unrelated to skill, like armor/trinkets/other crap. Thats why WoW sucks, and Warband does not.   


Kind regards,
old TG addict.

why your name hints me bad player history ?
how many times you got and/or avoided bans in cracked servers ? ;)




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why your name hints me bad player history ?
how many times you got and/or avoided bans in cracked servers ? ;)

Did he Joss? Cuz i am up to give , if you have something tell so we know for who i can give.



    TG's BannerLady

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Somone bring a truck full of cookies for these warm hearted people. You guys have my respect! :applause:

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Joss, I never got banned and I dont even know what is antiban or how to use it. Can't you just check my IP?

Edit: @ Joss
You should have done that (checked) before slandering me with only your unbased suspicion. Who will now clear my good name?



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Who will now clear my good name?


Ahah give a key to this man :D

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1. I need your free copy of Warband so I can continue to play on TG servers, where (borderly) abnormal behaviour is a major part of overall experience. That kind of fun does not exist in anywhere else. Who will count how many javelins I jabbed in Giorgi's head? Who can count how many times I ran naked, trolling newbies and archers and chambering lances? Or how many times I risked my life and limb to prevent some vile beggar to backstab honest folk like Capture the Lag, Tecles or DoN? And know this, sir, cause here truly lies my honor! Countless times I died defending Farmer with only my short sword and my bare hairless chest!

2. Warband is a best game ever because success is based solely on personal skill, not mathematical calculations of stats provided by something unrelated to skill, like armor/trinkets/other crap. Thats why WoW sucks, and Warband does not.   


Kind regards,
old TG addict.

add me on steam, Congratulation  ;)


  • BlackDeath and Pilip like this



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@ LockDog.
Thank you, my good sir!

A Jesus

A Jesus

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Okay then , One copy for Palman , Congratulation :)

Add me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lockdogx

truly he would be the last person here i would give a copy to

  • Joss, Skull Of Plums, LockDog and 1 other like this
xXxChirstxXx 1:19-95rus, Yolo.

Brothers guna miss; Haters guna jell; Yolo guna swag; Ginger gon to hell;

For I am, Juses, #twice a life having yo mama and lay egg; pray, a peasant, as hear you I, warm is tea in an tea partea yet,

Thus living a core of justice in our hearts and she-pussy's, and living thay spirit of teen hood 360 noscope, and blessing 24/7 our being

With great sweg, as with great sweg, comes great portion of seamen right up your eye; and nay it only; #hadmom.

You may take me away to thay army, may I but take away your mother and had sex.

© Jesis Chirst, king of peoples, and Jews. 22/8/14



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truly he would be the last person here i would give a copy to

A Jesus you wanna copy ? :D :P 



    The Mongol

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truly he would be the last person here i would give a copy to

is ok no problem, if he/whoever has same behaviour in new servers, maybe get perm ban in legit, and there aren't antiban possible, so... :child:

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since im playing troll-game from 2012:D

Troll-game dose not exist in 2012  :rolleyes:

And you have 1 post on record , so please  :unsure:



    TG's BannerLady

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is ok no problem, if he/whoever has same behaviour in new servers, maybe get perm ban in legit, and there aren't antiban possible, so... :child:

BD is just an opinion, but couldn't we give them a chance in legit? maybe now they will learn to behave , if they don't it will be their waste, not ours, we got nothing to loose

  • LockDog, Parzival, Omen and 1 other like this





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I agree with Elary. It is Christmas time give all a new chance :D

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