2. What makes Warband the best game ever made ?
I found Warband best game ever made yet, mostly because its based on players skills. I mean true skills of person whos sitting infront of the computer. Most of released games are "sick" because they are based on time spend ingame and some imaginary numbers called "skills" or "stats" which represents differnce between players, but its all fake values. Here in warband its all based on perception of player, how focused he is, how clever he is, how fast can he learn and adapt to new situations. How good and precisly can he count time and distances. How can he expect acting of unknown players or how can he expect/remeber behaviour of known players. All these are real-world player skills and i think this is the most valuable thing in multiplayer games - to let all differences between players on human possibilities, not on ingame mechanics. Also interaction between players, although still very limited, is huge part of game. I like how community developed custom interaction like upper block = hello or in old times when there wasnt duel mode the meaning was also invitation to duel. Very known is also hug which is actualy no hug in game mechanics. Well, i just wasnt able to find better game then this one, but im sure that future will give us better game, which will be based on this very good and proper Warband base.
1. Why you want/need one of my free copys of game?
When you bought Warband, you kinda said: "Thank you TaleWorlds for making such a unique game, here take my money as my thanks!"
So I want one of your serials to join you in this thanksgiving. Anyway, i have my own serial so if i win one of yours, i will give it back to you so you can give it to someone else, or i will give it directly to someone else who belongs to this community or who doesnt have money to get it himself