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Maps needing balance/fix

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    Night's Guardian

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@Black, remove wine castle from rotation. The other maps you mentioned are ok. Thanks.

NOOOOOO, please don't remove Castle Wine! It is a good map. I've played the map many many times with the tunnel removed and attackers have won many times. Keep Castle Wine in the rotation please. Thanks.

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    The Mongol

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I'm thinking...  siege server need something more that changes in rotation to give us fresh news, so I suggest "clean" server of "not so good maps" (move from rotation only) that causes low fps for many players (and are too big also), and let some space for some other maps waiting to be in rotation (we don't want more than 50-55 maps in rotation).

Also doing this, maps won't be deleted from server, so if any want play in some moment any of this maps will be possible too, by asking admins and if players supports idea.


For help, I would like you post some names of maps that you think have this troubles or are too hard to get a good balance, thanks.


ps: Tartstone was moved already, and this Wine Castle will be too (Tartstone causes low fps, and I agree that Wine is a hard+not enough balanced map).

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    Night's Guardian

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Hey guys,

i noticed that in "Khirin Castle" it is impossible to get out as a cav-fag :/ spawning in the court you can't enter the flag-court through the "openable" doors. You can't get out because the main-door must be released and there is no "horse-door".. Is this intended?

cheers my friends :)


PS: No horse-walkable stairs



    High Admin Emeritius

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Do you think in bannerlord all castle wil have an exit door for cavalry ? I don't think siege is a good place for cav.

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    Night's Guardian

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:D ikr...but i was like..ahhh comin...playing cav-fag once and then in such a castle ;) but okay got your point



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In the map hotgates at the entrance on the left (so with the doors) you can jump over the spikes and still walk over the wall, would be appreciated if this could be fixed as the map is already quite hard to defend especially with many players attacking when they all spawn in the same position on the left and not infront of the castle. As people can't seem to go left the second and third round.



    The Mongol

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Hey guys,

i noticed that in "Khirin Castle" it is impossible to get out as a cav-fag :/ spawning in the court you can't enter the flag-court through the "openable" doors. You can't get out because the main-door must be released and there is no "horse-door".. Is this intended?

cheers my friends :)


PS: No horse-walkable stairs

I've edited some/many maps already to add a "horses-door-only" for defenders, but don't want that all maps have it, we need some difference between all maps.

Also I agree that siege is not (shouldn't be) for cavalry, except for attackers (who have more open terrain) to defend their infantry moving ahead from some defender's infantry that could go out to catch them.

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    High Admin Emeritius

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In the map hotgates at the entrance on the left (so with the doors) you can jump over the spikes and still walk over the wall, would be appreciated if this could be fixed as the map is already quite hard to defend especially with many players attacking when they all spawn in the same position on the left and not infront of the castle. As people can't seem to go left the second and third round.


I know is planned to be so, that is why the door can't be opened by attackers on both sides.



    The Mongol

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that siege is not (shouldn't be) for cavalry, except for attackers

Also about this, i want add that many rounds were lost when defenders were playing khergits, and it is because they want use horse all time, and them can't see that are "into" castle, and would be better being simple infantry or ranged to defend it :rolleyes:



    Night's Guardian

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Also about this, i want add that many rounds were lost when defenders were playing khergits, and it is because they want use horse all time, and them can't see that are "into" castle, and would be better being simple infantry or ranged to defend it :rolleyes:

tzz..never use horse with khergit..Jav-bows ftw :D fucking great weapon!



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Map: Hadrian's Wall by KingArthur


Stairs are bugged, you can fall through them. Big thanks to Peachy for showing me this!



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This is in the third or second round only I thought, same thing somewhere on the right wall. Last time I thought KA said he had no idea why it happens, maybe he knows more.



    The Mongol

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Sometimes servers (or maps) have "strange" things happening, like some parts of ram moved in terrain or dissapeared, etc.

I think that lag (hard lag) causes these but really I don't know neither :dunno:

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For Wine Castle...KEEP IT!!! As far as the tunnel.....can u somehow have it partially flooded so when attackers go thru they lose some health??? Say 25% or 50%??? Perhaps do this on another map or 2 that does have an existing tunnel....flood part of it. Will make attackers think twice??!!!

  • Lenna and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this



    Night's Guardian

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For Wine Castle...KEEP IT!!! As far as the tunnel.....can u somehow have it partially flooded so when attackers go thru they lose some health??? Say 25% or 50%??? Perhaps do this on another map or 2 that does have an existing tunnel....flood part of it. Will make attackers think twice??!!!

I think this is a good idea and sensible solution to those who aren't favorable of tunnels in a map. It's a rather logical idea as well, because tunnels are underground and often get flooded over time; the flooded full part should incur damage of some degree and partially full would slow movement of the attackers. I hope it this gets considered...it would be a unique thing to these maps too.

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    The Mongol

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For Wine Castle...KEEP IT!!! As far as the tunnel.....can u somehow have it partially flooded so when attackers go thru they lose some health??? Say 25% or 50%??? Perhaps do this on another map or 2 that does have an existing tunnel....flood part of it. Will make attackers think twice??!!!

The only "little" tunnel where it has some sense that players suffer a damage while they walk crossing it, is in my DeathRow map, because is all underwater (poisonous and infected dirty water :D), and this damage is too low (5~10% if remember well), but here in this tunnel I don't see any to think as a good reason to make a damage.



    Night's Guardian

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The only "little" tunnel where it has some sense that players suffer a damage while they walk crossing it, is in my DeathRow map, because is all underwater (poisonous and infected dirty water :D), and this damage is too low (5~10% if remember well), but here in this tunnel I don't see any to think as a good reason to make a damage.

Well, I was thinking flooded water could be implemented into the maps that have existing tunnels and to where players would be completely submerged in the water therefore incurring damage for a length of time they would be submerged as on some maps if a player is under water they do suffer damage. So, are you saying this can't be done? I just think this would be "interesting" to a map and like DracoTheDragon said, players would reconsider taking the tunnel because of the risk involved in doing it.

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Hrus castle ballista's are placed out of reach from both trebuchets to be hit in return.

I know it's balancing, but the bolt damage ballistas produce in cojunction with the generally long respawn times for a trebuchet make most maps where the same issue is prevalent very annoying to play as siege user.

Either ballistas get moved or their damage lowered to require more hits, since three hits is way too easy to win with a ballista spam.



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Hrus castle ballista's are placed out of reach from both trebuchets to be hit in return.

I know it's balancing, but the bolt damage ballistas produce in cojunction with the generally long respawn times for a trebuchet make most maps where the same issue is prevalent very annoying to play as siege user.

Either ballistas get moved or their damage lowered to require more hits, since three hits is way too easy to win with a ballista spam.


Hi. In a case of the Hrus Castle map, both ballistas (or their operators) can be taken down by at least one of the trebuchets at any moment in a round. They truly are in reach; although it's true that it's way easier to destroy the upper ballista rather than the lower one. If you intend to destroy them, be precise, take the right trebuchet (if you can) and switch to the oil barrel, your shots will be more effective and you will be able to take down the ballista and its operator simultaneously; don't use stone projectiles for this task.

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    Night's Guardian

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Hrus castle ballista's are placed out of reach from both trebuchets to be hit in return.

I know it's balancing, but the bolt damage ballistas produce in cojunction with the generally long respawn times for a trebuchet make most maps where the same issue is prevalent very annoying to play as siege user.

Either ballistas get moved or their damage lowered to require more hits, since three hits is way too easy to win with a ballista spam.

I may be mistaken here, but the lower ballista, I'm pretty sure, can't even hit the treb near the balloon and THIS treb is pretty obscured by the huge Evergreen tree in the path of the ballista and the treb; I've tried many times to hit the treb and it doesn't happen, so I use that ballista to take down the balloon. What I'm talking of, may be of a different map, I don't think so though.

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