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Maps needing balance/fix

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    The Mongol

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since there is no neogk guide for non mod users in ESC menu. That's why I think it's safe to give the controls only for mod users.

Even without mod, all players at join to server have on screen some info about control-keys to use with mod:
Attached File  Welcome menu.jpg   60.34KB   0 downloads


The problem is that some people don't read!!! and also some players are scared about use of mod/s, so showing this info, helps them can be more calmed after see that is a common (needed) thing in server, and want to get it to play/enjoy.

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As far as the keys needed to use the siege engines, in theory, you should be able to change them by yourself since module system uses predefined and unified IDs for every key available and they are basically hard-coded in every particular scripts Warband uses and can be found in your native folder in form of decimal code. This also applies to the NeoGK mod. You basically only need to replace one short decimal string for another in order to e.g. change a color of a text or whatever. I could test this and provide some code for everyone who would be interested in this in near future since I don't have much personal time right now, but I would say that although it may be confusing at the beginning, you can get into the controls pretty quickly so this whole thing might not be necessary at all… It's also much easier to maintain your NeoGK files up-to-date without the custom changes since you would need to modify the scripts with every new NeoGK release available and this might be kinda annoying. Just improving through playing; speaking from my own experience :).

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Nairut patrol, access to the rocks behind the castle was given access to defenders. This was a bad design choice since now it's not possible anymore for attackers to use a sneak attack, which were always not so frequent.


I get the feeling more and more maps get their weaknesses fixed to make them impossible to capture unless a majority of your team knows what they are doing, which unfortunately is almost never the case. Save for a few occassions.

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    The Mongol

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Right, maps are improving defences, because attackers are (were) winning +75% of times generally in all maps.

This new access to rocks was the last update to apply this.


Easy win is not the target in siege...   Teamwork "is" :rolleyes:

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    The Mongol

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Just now... Nairut Patrol playing...  vaegirs vs swadians - factions score = 1 / 1  ...so its balanced :)



edit: map ended vaegirs 1 swadians 2... don't cry no more :P

Edited by BlackDeath, 28 August 2017 - 06:57 PM.

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 BlackDeath say:

Easy win is not the target in siege...   Teamwork "is"


- for it need more clans, but many players play solo and think - best statistic=best skill. So, teamwork be, when same "old players of server" can group and do 1 actions



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BlackDeath say:
Easy win is not the target in siege... Teamwork "is"

- for it need more clans, but many players play solo and think - best statistic=best skill. So, teamwork be, when same "old players of server" can group and do 1 actions

When I'm defending I mostly go for a good spot and go for the best k.d ratio because I'm too annoyed by teammates to fight with them, I rather fight alone. Tho sometimes I find a few good players and we hold a spot together or me and lee just go on a kill streak :D.
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    The Mongol

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 BlackDeath say:

Easy win is not the target in siege...   Teamwork "is"


- for it need more clans, but many players play solo and think - best statistic=best skill. So, teamwork be, when same "old players of server" can group and do 1 actions

It is not necessary to be in a clan, just have this way of acting or behavior in your game, and others thinking the same will join you.


http://community.tro...-and-defending/ <<<  :)

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    Night's Guardian

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Hey there :D prepare for that good ol' Davis's map-descripting, because i never know how they are called :D

Map: The icy one (i guess it is called vikings-something or so)...with the lake, ship and ballon and a big ass mountain etc...viking fjord?!! 


When you reach the main house, where the flag is located, you have this (archer) spot on that. This is the spot on the roofs, where the ballista is also located. The balloon tries often to land there, because you can go there to the flag very easy. But here is the thing. Today i saw a player "mulu" glitch as a defender from the roof into the room above. That means, if you go a bit up on theroof, at the place where the ballista is located on the roof, and walk inside the room above. it is really tricky to explain. just tell me if you got it, otherwise i will try to make a screenshot, when this map is played again.


cheers my peepz.



    The Mongol

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Hey there :D prepare for that good ol' Davis's map-descripting, because i never know how they are called :D

Map: The icy one (i guess it is called vikings-something or so)...with the lake, ship and ballon and a big ass mountain etc...viking fjord?!! 


When you reach the main house, where the flag is located, you have this (archer) spot on that. This is the spot on the roofs, where the ballista is also located. The balloon tries often to land there, because you can go there to the flag very easy. But here is the thing. Today i saw a player "mulu" glitch as a defender from the roof into the room above. That means, if you go a bit up on theroof, at the place where the ballista is located on the roof, and walk inside the room above. it is really tricky to explain. just tell me if you got it, otherwise i will try to make a screenshot, when this map is played again.


cheers my peepz.

I will try to fix that roof to avoid glitches, thanks.

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You can get on that roof also by jumping out of the back windows, easier than glitching at the ballista tbh.



    Night's Guardian

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nah, mate. i made a little typo. he was playing as an attacker. He landed with the balloon at the ballista on the roof and glitched from the roof into the room above. Sometimes he just hid on the roof and killed eg LHrory through the floor, who was in the room above, while standing on the roof.

+ he was naked. Extra fucktart-points for that. Those are fucktards in 90% :D wether ultimate progamers or fucktards :D

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    The Mongol

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Bug in roof for Viking Fjord map is fixed. Map will be updated in next restart of server.

Edited by BlackDeath, 01 September 2017 - 07:05 PM.
map updated already

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Wine Castle needs the tunnel back, far too difficult to win on it as an attacker besides a round 1 back ladder rush.

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Also loved the tunnel, if we don't want tunnels anymore maybe add a ram?



    High Admin Emeritius

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I prefer to remove the map than adding the tunnel. What siege is with a tunnel that brings directly to flag making all castle useless ?

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I prefer to remove the map than adding the tunnel. What siege is with a tunnel that brings directly to flag making all castle useless ?

I really like the map, so rather don't have the tunnel and having it in the rotation. But a ram would make the first layer quite a bit weaker but won't affect too much because the second layer is quite easy to defend.

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    The Mongol

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Siege maps:

  • * Wine Castle: tunnel brings to flag but still attackers need destroy 2 doors and get into flag's room.
  • * The Wall: tunnel brings to near flag... to less than 10 mts without other defences.
  • * Praven: a back door reached through roofs brings you near flag... to less than 10 mts without other defences.
  • * Eilean Donan: a stone ladder brings you near flag... to less than 5 mts without other defences.
  • * The Rock: a back door brings you near flag...
  • * Ridoma Castle: a back door brings you near flag...
  • * Khirin Castle: 2 back doors brings you near flag...
  • * Turin Castle: a back side door brings you near flag...

maybe forgot some more :rolleyes:


I see all these good maps because having this make the defence more...  dynamic? ^_^

Btw if you think that are easy ways to get flag we can edit to:

  • for these* maps: move the entrances of the tunnels (doors/passageways) to areas inside the castle better defended,
  • for other* maps: put some more defences.

* Khirin already have new defences, and for Turin defenders are building always good barricades, so think don't need any more.



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I prefer to remove the map than adding the tunnel. What siege is with a tunnel that brings directly to flag making all castle useless ?

If you don't want the tunnel add something else, right now, especially when there are a lot of people playing it's very difficult to just get the second gate open. Not to mention if you do manage to do that the flag room is very easy to defend - narrow hallway that can be blocked by a couple of people while defenders are spawning to your left.


Imo the tunnel was fine, if defenders door camp the teleport doors it makes it redundant - bad defending shouldn't mean attackers get punished.



    High Admin Emeritius

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@Black, remove wine castle from rotation. The other maps you mentioned are ok. Thanks.

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