@KingArthur The edit I made and posted in previous post was just a joke in order to relief the post itself a bit, it never meant to be a serious edit. C'mon, putting six launchers basically into a circle and surround the flag with them completely is totally insane; I thought this was clear from the screenshots themselves without the necessity to add some subsequent smileys. Therefore: "Or rather something else…"
I never said the situation is easy since all my thoughts were rather general, no simple or definite solution was mentioned. We don't have a disagreement on a particular level. I can sign all you wrote about not defending the important targets, not utilizing all the possibilities the maps offer, opening doors resulting in a loss of a team and so on. This isn't what my original post was about.
My thoughts and wishes were rather fundamental. Simply put, do not put everything on a pedestal of a desire to achieve a perfect balance since it's not an automatic guarantee of anything, please. Some people from staff have said it themselves in previous topics, your server isn't a competitive one. Obeying rules and having fun are probably two the most important rules, even though they may be dichotomous for some people. I find swapping players to be the most problematic solution to unbalance probably because it may ruin the fun from the game for some players for the reasons I have stated. This stands (to some extent) also for the limited lives solution since some not very skilled players or newcomers are being potentially condemned to wait in idleness for a certain period of time because they spend their lives too fast, thus they (or the skilled one, it doesn't matter in the end) are being punished by some external entity for their disability to survive. I don't have a problem to stand on my feet until the round ends, some players may have. Both solutions may improve the map balance but for a certain price—not a small one, in my opinion. Therefore, I wouldn't vote for them personally; that is what I mentioned in previous post.
Bearing all this in mind, when it comes to fixing the balance, I would vote for more general and traditional way like the map editing and so on since there is always only one and the same map for all the players. Yes, the initial position may vary at the beginning, but the conditions remain the same through all the rounds. All the players are able to play until the round ends, almost everyone is able to choose the preferred side at the beginning of a round. I understand that it is hard/impossible to balance a map for such a wide range of players like 0–200, but you can do this at least approximately. When it comes to differences between factions, this is where the malus system comes in handy.
The different initial amount of players on each side at the beginning of a map solution—like e.g. @White_Potato suggests—could be a good great solution, problem is that the players are not homogeneous entities, their skills differ, the rosters vary from map to map—deploying some long-term data and updating the conditions according to them on a regular basis would seem to be an obligatory option for this solution. This isn't a thing you do with Python within a hour.
As I stated, it's your server, hence the decision is yours. Just, please, do not put everything on a pedestal of a desire to achieve a perfect balance.
Why on Earth are all my posts that long…
Cheers, Lenna.