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Maps statistics

mountandsiege maps statistics

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    Ancient Member

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Quick summary of the data (only 26-06 to 02-07):



Defenders won: 440 rounds

Attackers won: 596 rounds

(ratio 1.35 for attackers.  42% for def, 58% for atk)


Vaegirs won: 239        (23.1% of the rounds)

Swadia won: 202        (19.5% of the rounds)

Rhodoks won: 196      (18.9% of the rounds)

Nords won: 187          (18.1% of the rounds)

Sarranids won: 159     (15.3% of the rounds)

Khergits won: 53         (5.1% of the rounds)



Top 10 most frequent maps played:


  • Dara Castle - 28 rounds,
  • Hadrian's Wall - 27 rounds,
  • Sebun Castle - 27 rounds,
  • Hill Village - 27 rounds,
  • Nomad Camp - 26 rounds,
  • Viking Fjord - 26 rounds,
  • Roasted Pig - 26 rounds,
  • Landeck Castle - 26 rounds,
  • Howlstone - 26 rounds,
  • Turin - 26 rounds.


Most imbalanced maps (atk/ def ratio in order):



  • BlackDeath, Belligerent_Drunk, Remono and 1 other like this



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All data together:


Defenders won: 1265 rounds

Attackers won: 2145 rounds

(ratio 1.70 for attackers.  37% for def, 63% for atk)


Nords won: 745          (21.8% of the rounds)

Rhodoks won: 709      (20.8% of the rounds)

Swadia won: 670        (19.6% of the rounds)

Vaegirs won: 641        (18.8% of the rounds)

Sarranids won: 472     (13.8% of the rounds)

Khergits won: 173         (5.1% of the rounds)


Sorted by most imbalanced Atk/Def ratio







Most frequent maps since begining of this topic :



  • KingArthur, BlackDeath and Remono like this



    M&S police guard

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Thanks alot for all this work you guys are doing here. I love these statistics. Damn the mathematician in me...  :D

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Obviously vaegirs are op. In my opinion they are so strong because of their masterarchers, so a good way to nerf them is to set the archer class limit lower than it is yet ;)




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Obviously vaegirs are op. In my opinion they are so strong because of their masterarchers, so a good way to nerf them is to set the archer class limit lower than it is yet ;)

vaegir archers are already nerfed in past, in patches they got their scimitars removed, also power of draw reduced by1




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vaegir archers are already nerfed in past, in patches they got their scimitars removed, also power of draw reduced by1

Even if they have already been nerfed, they are till to strong as you can see in the statistics.



    The Mongol

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Even if they have already been nerfed, they are till to strong as you can see in the statistics.

Only strong that archers have is BOW (others are really bad in comparison and don't have even a poor weak shield), so if this weapon is good+ok and they are archers... where is the problem?

against them use shields and tell to your ranged team that aim them instead others :D :archery: :crossbow 2:



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Only strong that archers have is BOW (others are really bad), so if this weapon is good+ok and they are archers... where is the problem?

against them use shields and tell to your ranged team that aim them instead others :D :archery: :crossbow 2:


Yes, but you cant fight them when there are fifty of them shooting from all the sides. So it would be good to set the archerclasslimit lower. There are just to many of them.



    The Mongol

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Yes, but you cant fight them when there are fifty of them shooting from all the sides. There are just to many of them.

This is same that say: There are many infantry "shielding" gate and is impossible to pass them...

This is the meaning of "teamwork" in siege (and battle too), and for this happens must be more than 5... 10... 15...  20...  25... ??

(Most of times there are no more than 25 ranged in each team)


The difference is: that 25 troop (whatever is) doing a good strategy (teamwork) instead of running alone around map thinking that are heroes, make it (win round/s) possible :rolleyes:


Then why attackers win more rounds?... (I mean for balanced maps ofc)

Maybe because they only focuse in get flag as final option and all their teamwork is focused around this target too, but defenders need make a "fast" strategy for each casttle, then they go scattered around map to cover all possible entrys and time runs against them always?

They (defenders) should go OUT casttle to fight (as first option), because doing this, they get more time to respawn after die (the time that attackers need to reach flag), to reach/defend the flag in next respawn if necessary.

When this happened in many rounds that I saw, defender's strategy was better than in others where they was almost "stucked" near flag from beginning or round...

They should have a "mixed-options" in mind between this 2 things: outdoor and flag.



ps: I know that this is off-topic now, but if (any of) you think that these ideas can improve for defenders, move or copy-paste post here: http://community.tro...-fight-academy/

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    M&S police guard

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A long lost but never forgotten thread...

Would it be possible to get some statistics of the recent weekends or any time period close to today?

If there's any help needed in processing the data I'd gladly help you guys.


Have a nice day!


  • Marek likes this

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