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"Don't"...Fuck this community (title "edited" by BD)

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    Old Shrubber

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The pesons you talk to are among the peson in dis video. Goot luck reazoning with them.



That zooming on Vereesa 's face. I was not prepared for That...





What Elary said, and, if i may:

Yes this community can be toxic at times, and as admins we have our hands full with bad guys and toxicos.

Plz report there players who break game rules or if you feel you're on the receiving end of bad name calling, hatred or rascism.


But as this is Troll game, you'll be tested, receive some banter, kickpolls, and all (as long as it doesnt go too far ),

and as Marek pointed out you're fighting an unnecessary war here.

Most of the guys who answered you here are good ppl, and this community can be fun sometimes too :)

You sound like a good bloke and you showed some temper , welcome, and i hope you'll enjoy your stay and bring us a nice winterfell map.


Also no need to provide us real ID, don't feed BamBam ;)

Edited by The_Knight_Who_Says_NI, 11 May 2019 - 12:30 PM.

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Tis but a scratch



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Dude, u really take it too serious.


society nowdays have changed the sense of humour by extreme sensivity for nosense
thank you melweddyn for your wise words

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society nowdays have changed the sense of humour by extreme sensivity for nosense
thank you melweddyn for your wise words


Gotta learn to laugh cause the world aint all sunshine and rainbows. 



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See, you just attack me as I offended you somehow, but I've tried to talk to you in neutral way. I didn't play that drama day at siege, but I clearly see the situation and where problem is(with you).


Why do you think that I am Russian or that I suppor Russia? Your unstable emotion state makes you to do prejudgments.

I can call every shit i do "netural behavior". Whatever you do can't be judjed exaclty by yourself. You offended me, i did you. I don't give a shit about what you wanted to do, I give about what you said. So, try to describe your thought clear, or don't be offended after ppl understood you out of words you said. I don't do prejudgments, I answer as adequate as it possible for any person. 



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That zooming on Vereesa 's face. I was not prepared for That...





What Elary said, and, if i may:

Yes this community can be toxic at times, and as admins we have our hands full with bad guys and toxicos.

Plz report there players who break game rules or if you feel you're on the receiving end of bad name calling, hatred or rascism.


But as this is Troll game, you'll be tested, receive some banter, kickpolls, and all (as long as it doesnt go too far ),

and as Marek pointed out you're fighting an unnecessary war here.

Most of the guys who answered you here are good ppl, and this community can be fun sometimes too :)

You sound like a good bloke and you showed some temper , welcome, and i hope you'll enjoy your stay and bring us a nice winterfell map.


Also no need to provide us real ID, don't feed BamBam ;)

I know this community. In the topic i said about the whole warband. Also, i fight the war for my my name. Maybe not necessary, but i can't just forget offends thrown in me by some ppl without any reasoning. After more will go this way, ppl will think about what they do and say more often. I can admire I'm not right, i proved it. I just don't think others can. That is what I fight for here.



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I know this community. In the topic i said about the whole warband. Also, i fight the war for my my name. Maybe not necessary, but i can't just forget offends thrown in me by some ppl without any reasoning. After more will go this way, ppl will think about what they do and say more often. I can admire I'm not right, i proved it. I just don't think others can. That is what I fight for here.


We all fight for the same thing brother. This whole topic has made me think deeper about a lot of issues. We all owe you here at the TG community.


Моя хата скраю!





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real footage :

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real footage :

Clearly, a Windows 10 update. :crazy:

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My Youtube Channel of TG Warband Content:




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will sell second couple of socks



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I don't do prejudgments, I answer as adequate as it possible for any person. 


You showed yourself as patriot and use hostile sites at the same time - "how can it be possible?" was my question. You asnswered some "невнятную хуйню", after what you blamed me as russian and supporter of Russia. Where do you see here adequate answer? Paranoid russophobic ukrainian seeing russians under the bed?

I think, you just worthless "позер", "вниманиеблядь" and "обиженка".


If you come here and read your posts 10 years later, you will smash your face with facepalms.





You offended me, i did you. 


Nooo! Mom, someone offended me in the internet! 



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You showed yourself as patriot and use hostile sites at the same time - "how can it be possible?" was my question. You asnswered some "невнятную хуйню", after what you blamed me as russian and supporter of Russia. Where do you see here adequate answer? Paranoid russophobic ukrainian seeing russians under the bed?

I think, you just worthless "позер", "вниманиеблядь" and "обиженка".


If you come here and read your posts 10 years later, you will smash your face with facepalms.






Nooo! Mom, someone offended me in the internet! 

You are shame for the community. I never said I'm a patriot, you did this conclusion. Who is prejudging now? I have a lot of good russian friends, who actually don't behave like most of others. Don't even pretend to be mature. I'll clap my fave in 10 years only after reading your posts, showing what ppl live with me in the world. Think whatever you want, I don't give a fuck about that. Now get out of this post, if you have nothing to say but antics and childishness.



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James_Martin's photos with higher kuality:


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Arda- Turk

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1 Question though, how do they know you are Ukrainian ? You should never reveal your nationality in anywhere.

Arda- Turk

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Btw is ''Ni'' an ingame sound or did this server add it as a mod ?



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It's a bit annoying when somebody doubts about your roots, a few people in this community doubted that i'm an andalusian spaniard.

Well this is the proof that i am:



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    Old Shrubber

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Btw is ''Ni'' an ingame sound or did this server add it as a mod ?


Tis but a scratch



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The sooner you start to ignore it, the better for you, I mean, the community is not called " the trollgame community" for nothing. It will stop once they realize it's not worth it anymore since you don't care.  Yet, I'll have a look at it when I'll be ingame





But bro. Chill. Chill.

Edited by EpicFail8221, 12 May 2019 - 06:11 PM.

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Or you can try www.******************.com
Oh be mindful though, russians charge extra for anal

Edited by BlackDeath, 13 May 2019 - 01:31 PM.




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Listen up drama queen, polls are not accepted  because 30% ppl wants to kick you,but simply because they dont want to have this fcking red poll text on their screen,so they press either 1 or 2. Also,if there is 2-3 people insulting you constantly, make that stupid topic about them,not about how hearth broken you are about this community, there is hundreds of players but you judge the community because of 3 people ? For a 19 years old guy i would expect you have learned to deal with such situations and people. But i guess its easier to go cry on a forum and desire an attention.

  • BlackDeath, EpicFail8221 and Chivalrous_Roamin_Knight like this

Arda- Turk

Arda- Turk

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Listen up drama queen, polls are not accepted because 30% ppl wants to kick you,but simply because they dont want to have this fcking red poll text on their screen,so they press either 1 or 2.

This is sooo true.
Though I myself always prefer 2.
  • BlackDeath likes this

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