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Posted 11 January 2016 - 01:03 PM

- Skull Of Plums likes this
Posted 11 January 2016 - 03:09 PM

@Skull blackpowder don't need fire to explode, only a good "hit" (tested by myself with powder made by me, in my "young years" )
- Aeneu and Omen like this
Posted 11 January 2016 - 03:18 PM

Then you've had a very interesting life indeed.
- Aeneu likes this
Posted 11 January 2016 - 03:36 PM

Posted 11 January 2016 - 03:41 PM

but only a few punched them till they exploded
- ZeArcher likes this
Posted 11 January 2016 - 03:50 PM

but only a few punched them till they exploded
well i was one of them too
#TheBiteOfViper -
Posted 11 January 2016 - 04:26 PM

do you still have all of your fingers intact?
Posted 11 January 2016 - 05:51 PM

do you still have all of your fingers intact?
you would be surprised but i do
#TheBiteOfViper -
Posted 12 January 2016 - 09:53 AM

Second yes
First no. Gimmicky as hell and would confuse random new players. You can't rely on the old playerbase to fill the servers (or at all).
Now this is just horrible.
First,it makes no sense to have barrels of gunpowder lying around a medieval castle if there are no cannons or even no firearms of any kind. Second why the fuck would a barrel full of gunpowder blow up when you repeatedly hit it with a iron sword or even a torch? The only way it would make any sense is if we had flaming swords and axes
Third,it is a horrible,horrible mechanic to put on a large,multiplayer server. Players would need to learn what barrels on what points of the map are going to give them free hp and what are going to smoke their ass (inspired by "I wanna be the guy"?) . Put yourself in a skin of a new,fresh player who just installed neo gk. That wouldn't be very fun now,would it? Or are you going to tell me that its going to be random,but in all barrels? That's even worse because good players can get fucked because of their own shitty luck.
Is it supposed to stop players from being "greedy" or "abusers" or whatever? Well,then you might as well throw the barrel/chest mechanic out of the window alltogether!
I suggest we open up a TG-Gimmick server. Feature list:
A map where hp is constantly drained and players have to destroy barrels to survive,but half of the barrels will blow up.
A platforming map full of hazards where the goal isn't actually to kill everyone,but to get to the flag and raise it (battle mod,low time limit)
A good map for Conquest.
A good map for Search and Destroy.
A map where everyone spawns with admin weapons set on perma ban. The last man standing wins.
A map full of custom stray horses with huge trample damage that cannot be ridden (so players will get killed 50% of the time by being run over by bored horses)
A spell and mana system ripped straight out of Chronicles of Might and Magic
A map that replicates DDR
A map that replicates other maps
A map where barricade construction is boosted so players can actually errect walls and towers.
When a player dies,he has a chance to say "It's only a flesh wound" (we already got Ni which is far less funny that that scene)
Chopping off arms,legs,genitals,breasts and tounges (if the last one is cut off the player can't shout and chat till he's dead)
Special Items! Mandrake blades (gloves that add huge str. to the user - which is easy to code in - and make unarmed attacks very strong and enable unarmed decapitation),Eviscerator (huge chainsaw-sword),Ministorum Priest robes (low armor and weight,but once in every 120 seconds the players can tap F and shout a badass one-liner and gain invincibility to all damage for 10 secounds.),jetpack (high jumps),rideable war boar,throwing pommels,quadruple bitted axes,machine guns,gauss flayers,shuriken cannons,plasma guns,chaos plasma guns,power swords,chainswords,assault cannons,lasguns,laspistols,lascannons,heavy stubbers,heavy flamers,flamers,melta guns,Corvus Power armor,Mark II Powered Combat armor,a spyglass,a sewing needle,flak armor (blocks 45% of any incoming damage but has no real armor value,user grows balls of adamantium and is made invulnerable to genital decapitation),a Hellgun,a giant femur mace,"The Sorrows of Young Werther" (read out loud,instakill on male characters,females are not affected),"Only War" rulebook (like The Sorrows of Young Werther but in reverse),the HH novels (only usable by neckbeards,huge stat boost),BBC (usable only by black characters,if somebody else tries to use it he gets self damaged),Dragonbone armor set,Nemesis force halberd,anabolic steroids,hatchable cockroach egg,rideable giant wolves,pet wardogs,teleport beacons and many other wonderful random,gimmicky,unnecessary items!
Best post 2k16
- Aeneu and Amamama like this
Posted 12 January 2016 - 01:09 PM

Don't you two laugh at me! I know a spell that will make you show your true form...cave rat taught it to me.
- Parzival likes this
Posted 21 January 2016 - 12:27 PM

Posted 21 January 2016 - 12:43 PM

ive thinked if it may be possible to add shieldbashing and spearbracing for teams begin to make formations if you defend a door with shielders and want to the 2h behind to kill them the team coordinate a shield bash and kill the stunned opponent or a spearbracing for the cavalry to die in spot
Shield bashing would be super OP.... and everyone would just spam bashes
- Skull Of Plums likes this
#TheBiteOfViper -
Posted 21 January 2016 - 12:51 PM

Posted 21 January 2016 - 03:09 PM

ive thinked if it may be possible to add shieldbashing and spearbracing for teams begin to make formations if you defend a door with shielders and want to the 2h behind to kill them the team coordinate a shield bash and kill the stunned opponent or a spearbracing for the cavalry to die in spot
I know that is possible (c-rpg has it) but i dont know if it is hard to code or that it is possible in native, i dont think it add alot to game experience
Posted 21 January 2016 - 06:07 PM

Shield bashing is easy asf to add,even I had it in some mod fing i was making once. Its a very nice feature,however:
1. It is imba as hell since you can stunlock people by just continuously bashing on them all the fucking time
2. Its slightly bugged and you can bash people even if you don't have a shield. I think it is even possible to do shield bashing while you are unarmed.
3. It probably needs new animations and sounds to work. This brings up compatibility issues with native. I'm not sure about this one,tough...
4. Related to 1,there is no limit on how many times can somebody do shield bashing. It can almost be spammed ad infinitum.
Posted 21 January 2016 - 07:12 PM

how about multi kill?
when u swing a big ass heavy weapon like a great sword or a battle axe to left or to right, it could demage all people in it's range without getting stuck in the armor . low chance for on good armours big chance on low armours or naked. Every faction should have a 2h with these proprieties, it could be helpful in situations where are many opponents vs one or protetecting/conquering the flag in siege.
- Aeneu, Teocles, GANNICUS* and 2 others like this
Posted 21 January 2016 - 08:04 PM

Shield bashing is easy asf to add,even I had it in some mod fing i was making once. Its a very nice feature,however:
1. It is imba as hell since you can stunlock people by just continuously bashing on them all the fucking time
2. Its slightly bugged and you can bash people even if you don't have a shield. I think it is even possible to do shield bashing while you are unarmed.
3. It probably needs new animations and sounds to work. This brings up compatibility issues with native. I'm not sure about this one,tough...
4. Related to 1,there is no limit on how many times can somebody do shield bashing. It can almost be spammed ad infinitum.
1. True. This would be fun to see in siege when attackers climb ladders and defenders just bash them.
2. It is easy asf to add a condition that acts like a switch (bool) to determine if you have an equipped shield or not.
3. Remember the old servers when we had clapping animation in native back in 2012? It is very possible. New sounds? No problem, ez.
4. Again, you can insert a small condition that times your bashes. e.g. You are not allowed to bash for the next 3 seconds after you bashed once.
- Aeneu and Joss like this
Posted 23 January 2016 - 08:55 AM

If animations and effects can be seen by all, it's possible to add them. Otherwise we can't do nothing.
- Skull Of Plums and Merchant like this
Posted 29 January 2016 - 05:17 AM

c-rpg is based on wse just like us
Posted 02 February 2016 - 10:12 PM

I've a small question.
Why did you keep guns for your module? Do you think this item could be remained from the current module ?
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